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4 - 6 BC Jesus born - Mary and Joseph Bethlehem Herod the Great age 30 began preaching/teaching ” Lord, Liar, Lunatic” used parables short stories with simple moral lessons. RISE OF CHRISTIANITY. TEACHINGS OF JESUS.
4 - 6 BC Jesus born - Mary and Joseph • Bethlehem • Herod the Great • age 30 began preaching/teaching • ”Lord, Liar, Lunatic” • used parables • short stories with simple moral lessons RISE OF CHRISTIANITY
TEACHINGS OF JESUS Life and teachings of Jesus Christ becomes the New Testament Teachings found in the Gospels • Matthew, Mark, Luke, John • Teaching based on Jewish Law, but taught followers to live “Ethically” not just to observe the laws • Monotheism • Jesus was God’s son • Jesus taught of God’s Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness • “Golden Rule” • Jesus taught of eternal life in Heaven for those that repent of their sins
TEACHINGS OF JESUS “Sermon on the Mount” • Moral and ethical teachings of Christianity • “Beatitudes” • Lord’s Prayer • Became the value system for western civilization
ROMANS DISLIKE OF JESUS 1) Did not worship Roman Emperor as a god 2) Did not worship Roman gods 3) Secret meetings Roman gods were punishing the empire for Christian impiety
CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS Judas Iscariot Garden of Gethsemane Pontius Pilate Roman Governor allowed Jesus to be crucified 1)BLASPHEMY 2)PLOTTING TO BECOME KING 3)FEAR OF INCITING REVOLT
RESURRECTION OF JESUS • Jesus arose 3 days later • Easter • Christians believe in • Jesus’ resurrection • Jesus = Messiah
MARTYRDOM OF PETER Peter traveled to Rome and was crucified upside down by Nero • Believed to be the first “Bishop” or Pope of the Christian Church • Today all Popes are believed to be descendants of St. Peter • Apostolic Succession • Petrine Doctrine • Today this church is called the “Catholic” Church • Catholic = “Universal”
PAUL -- “HATER” to “LOVER” • Paul was originally known as Saul • Used to persecute followers of Jesus • Blinded by God on road to Damascus – Jesus asked why are you persecuting me • Becomes known as Paul and follows teachings of Jesus • Paul was a Roman citizen which meant he could travel freely throughout the empire • Spread to Gentiles
REASONS FOR GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE • Security of the Roman Empire allowed citizens (and ideas) to freely move around • Common Language of Greek throughout Empire (Alexander the Great) • Road System throughout the empire • Fatalism of Roman Religion • When you die there is nothing else • Hope of Christianity • Belief in an afterlife • Persecution of Christians • “blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christianity”
APPEAL OF CHRISTIANITY REASONS FOR SPREAD OF CHRISTIANITY: • Passion of spreading Christianity • The idea that man was a sinner and could gain eternal life through faith was revolutionary • Christianity’s Visible Love • Julian the Apostate • Pagan emperor – wanted to end Christianity • “Christianity has been specifically advanced thru the loving treatment rendered to strangers…there is not a single Jew who is a beggar…they care not only for their poor, but ours as well.”
APPEAL OF CHRISTIANITY 3.Universal offer of Salvation Anyone could believe Taught a simple message “God’s Son became a man and died on the cross and rose and by faith you could trust him and be forgiven” 4.Offered answers to a crumbling Empire Rome’s gods were too little – could not answer questions • Dignity of man • How to get rid of sin • Could not show you a moral base of righteousness – gave no absolute sense of right and wrong – Christianity did 5.Persecution / Martyrs • 10 emperors – illegal to be Christian or own Bible
APPEAL OF CHRISTIANITY 5.Persecution/Martyrs cont. • Would not worship Roman gods • Considered atheists • Famine, pestilence, natural disaster • Not worship Roman Emperor • During “PaxRomana” – to keep blessing on Rome you would provide sacrifice to Goddess of Rome, Roma – a pinch of incense and proclaim “curia caesar” – “CAESAR IS LORD” • Not attend gladiator games • Not go to hospitals – dedicated to Roman god of healing, Aesculapius
APPEAL OF CHRISTIANITY 5.Persecution/Martyrs cont. • Conspiracy – early morning meetings • Cannibalism – Communion • Equality • paganism supported upper classes served by lower • Economy – hurt sellers of idols, etc… Christians were not persecuted because they worshipped Christ, they were punished because they worshipped ONLY Christ
64 Nero • Fire • Peter / Paul • 98 Trajan • made it policy to not seek out Christians, but if someone was reported to be a Christian, they could recant, be punished, or on 3rd denial, killed CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION
CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION 117 Hadrian // 139 Antoninus Pius upheld policy towards Christians, but did not consent to persecution 161 Marcus Aurelius spy system against Christians accuser would receive Christian property persecution spread
CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION 253-303 – General drop in persecutions 303 DIOCLETIAN re-instituted persecutions stabilize government by getting rid of faiths opposed to Roman state religion attempted to end Christianity 311 GALERIUS realized persecutions were only making Christianity stronger issued Edict of Toleration 312 30k Christians in Rome
CHRISTIANITY BECOMES ONLY RELIGION • Constantine becomes 1st Christian Emperor • Battle of Milvian Bridge • “in this sign conquer” • Edict of Milan • 380 Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion • 476 Western Roman Empire falls • Christian Church will become the main uniting and stabilizing force in W. Europe