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The Rise of Christianity. Chapter 6 Unit 3 Notes. The Rise of Christianity. Main Idea RELIGIOUS AND ETHICAL SYSTEMS: Christianity rose in Rome occupied Judea and spread through the Empire Why Now? Christianity has over a billion followers TERMS:
The Rise of Christianity Chapter 6 Unit 3 Notes
The Rise of Christianity • Main Idea • RELIGIOUS AND ETHICAL SYSTEMS: Christianity rose in Rome occupied Judea and spread through the Empire • Why Now? • Christianity has over a billion followers • TERMS: • Jesus, Apostle, Paul, Diaspora, Constantine, bishop, Peter, and pope
The Rise of Christianity • Setting the Stage: • Roman gods were worshipped in an impersonal way and without emotion • Christianity developed out of a movement in Judaism, emphasized personal relationships with God and people • Attracted Romans
The Life and Teaching of Jesus • 63 BC Judea under Roman control, maintained independence till AD 6 = province of the empire • Jews believed that a Messiah (savior) would arrive and restore the Kingdom of the Jews
The Life and Teachings of Jesus Jesus of Nazareth • Between 6-4 BC a Jew names Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea • Raised in Nazareth (N. of Palestine) • Baptized by John the Baptist and became a carpenter • 30 began public ministry • 3 years taught, did good deeds, and performed miracles • Monotheism • 10 Commandments • Emphasized personal relationship with God • Love (for ALL, even enemies) • Reward of eternal kingdom after death for those who repent
The Life and Teachings of Jesus A Growing Movement • Main source of information is from the Gospels • Apostles: Jesus’ disciples (pupils) wrote the Gospels • Message appealed to poor (Jesus ignored wealth and social status)
The Life and Teachings of Jesus Jesus’ Death • His popularity concerned Roman leaders • AD 29 he was greeted as a King (Messiah) in Jerusalem • Chief Jewish priests denied he was the Messiah and said his teachings were blasphemy • Roman Governor Pontius Pilate accused him of defying the authority of Rome • Arrested and crucified
The Life and Teachings of Jesus Jesus’ Death con’t…. • Placed body in tomb - according to Gospels his body was gone after 3 days and he started appearing to his followers • Then he ascended into heaven • Ascension made his followers believe he was the Messiah • Jesus Christ (Christos, Greek for “messiah” and “savior”) derives Christianity
Christianity Spreads Through the Empire • Followers continued to spread beliefs about Jesus • Teachings were based on Jewish traditions BUT soon began to create a new religion • Christianity spread slowly but steadily
Christianity Spreads Through the Empire Paul’s Mission • Apostle, didn’t follow Jesus, but had a vision of Christ and then devoted his life to Christ’s teachings • Pax Romana allowed ideas to spread safely • Common language - Latin and Greek • Paul wrote Epistles (Letters) to believers • Stressed Jesus as son of God who died for our sins • Welcomed converts Jews or Gentiles (non-Jews)
Christianity Spreads Through the Empire Jewish Rebellion • In 66 a group of Jews revolted against Rome • In 70 Rome stormed and destroyed the temple • All that is left is the western wall (today the holy shrine of the Jews) • 1/2 million Jews were killed in the rebellion • 132 tried again to break free from Rome • 1/2 million died again • Religion survived but Jews were driven from homeland in what is known as the Diaspora.
Christianity Spreads Through the Empire Persecution of the Christians • Christians refused to worship Roman Gods\ • Rome saw as an opposition • Also used to scapegoat political and economic problems • Conclusion of the Pax Romana persecution intensified • Made martyrs (person who sacrifices life for beliefs) for Christianity
A World Religion • Late 3rd c. million Christians in Roman Empire • Christianity grew because: • Embraced all people • Hope to powerless • Appealed to people who didn’t like extravagance of Rome • Personal relationship with God • Promised eternal life after death
A World Religion Constantine Accepts Christianity • 312 emperor Constantine was fighting in a battle and he prayed for divine help • Saw a cross in the sky (symbol of Christianity) • Ordered his men to put crosses on their shields and they WON • Credited his success to the Christian God • 313 ended the persecution of the Christians • Edict of Milan: declared Christianity to be one of the approved religions of the empire • 380 Theodosius made it the official religion
A World Religion Early Christian Church • Hierarchy: organized in ranks in an order where the levels are subject to authority of levels above • Local level: priests • Bishops: supervise priests and local churches • Peter was the 1st bishop “rock” on which to build the church • Pope: father (head) of church, is the bishop of Rome = should be the leader of the entire church
A World Religion A Single Voice • As Christianity grew disagreements grew • New Testament: official standard beliefs • Added Hebrew bible, Christians call it the Old Testament • 325 Constantine called a meeting in Nicaea, Anatolia = Nicene Creed or basic beliefs of the Church
A World Religion The Fathers of the Church • Augustine, bishop in Hippo, N. Africa • People needed the grace of God to be saved • Had to received Sacraments to belong to the Church and achieve grace (salvation) • The City of God written after the fall of Rome, fate of Rome not important because God’s city could never be destroyed • Meanwhile Rome was crumbling….
Christianity • belief that Jesus is Messiah • Acceptance of Gentiles and Jews alike • BOTH • Belief in one God • 10 Commandments • Jewish • Belief that Jews are the chosen people • Adherence to Jewish laws
What is Judaism • First religion to teach the existence of one god • The Torah (5 books of Hebrew Bible) • 3 sects of Judaism: (split happened in 19th c. over intepretation of the Torah) • Reform: Tried to adapt to western world • Orthodox: Follow dietary (kosher) laws and follow Torah literally • Kosher Laws: • “beast of earth” that chew cub and have cloven hooves • Fish must have fins and scales • All fruits and vegetables are kosher (excluding grapes) unless there is a bug on it • Conservative: Tries to balance the Reform and the Orthodox Jews
What is Christianity? • Belief that Jesus is the son of God • It is based on the life and teaching of Jesus • Largest world religion - 2 billion followers • Christianity can be broken into 3 groups: • Roman Catholic • Protestant (Lutheran, Episcopal, Mormon, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist) • Eastern Orthodox