1. Investigation in hematology Chittima Sirijerachai
2. Investigation in hematology Anemia
3. Investigation in patient with anemia Initial
CBC, blood smear
Red cell indicies
Reticulocyte count Specific
Inclusion body
Osmotic fragility
Saline agglutination
Coombs’ test
Hb typing
Ham’s test
BM aspiration
4. CBC
6. Criteria for diagnosis polycythemia Male 18 60
Female 17.5 55
7. CBC
15. CBC
17. CBC and RBC indices
18. Reticulocyte count
20. Osmotic fragility (OF) Red cell + 0.33 % NSS
One tube OF – screening for thalassemia
Hereditary spherocytosis
21. Bone marrow aspiration Indication :-
Myelophthisis anemia
Lymphoma staging
Myeloproliferative disorders
Fever of unknown origin
22. Thalassemia - a thalassemia
- b thalassemia
- hemoglobinopathy
25. Normal hemoglobin
26. a thalassemia
27. b thalassemia
28. Heterozygote hemoglobin E
29. b thalassemia/Hb E
32. Investigation in patient with bleeding disorders
33. Investigation CBC, platelet count
Bleeding time
Platelet function test
Venous clotting time
Prothrombin time (PT)
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
34. CBC and platelet
36. CBC and platelet
39. Bleeding time
44. Venous clotting time
45. Prothrombin time (PT)
46. Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
47. Mixing test