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Voice over IP and Unified Capabilities

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Voice over IP and Unified Capabilities

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    1. Voice over IP and Unified Capabilities Presented By: Mr. Art Olson PM NSC, Technical Management Division 18 August 2008

    2. 2 Agenda DoD Voice over IP (VoIP) Army Enterprise VoIP Unified Capabilities

    3. 3 DoD Telephony Becomes Real Time Services

    4. 4 Communications Serving the Army

    5. 5 JITC-Approved Line-side VoIP Equipment VoIP Call Processors MFS Nortel (3) SMEO Avaya (1) Nortel (1) PBX1 Avaya (2) Cisco (2) Nortel (1) Siemens (1) Spherecomm (1) PBX2 Cisco (1) ASLANs Alcatel-Lucent (1) 3Com (1) Cisco (2) Enterasys (1) Extreme (1) Foundry (2) Nortel (1)

    6. 6 DISA Real Time Services Pilot

    7. 7 Enterprise VoIP

    8. 8 Taking Action on Army VoIP Needed for Enterprise VoIP: Equipment VoIP Call Processor or IP-enabled TDM switch ASLAN VoIP end instruments Connectivity from outlying location to hub CONOPS / NetOps Monitoring and Administrative tools PM NSC Actions: Proposed VoIP appendix for I3MP Master Plan (Jun 2008) PdM Theater Enterprise VoIP Plans (Mar 2008) – Version 1 CONOPS/NetOps (Requested from Army Voice Telecommunications Working Group) NSC PdMs are making initial investments to enable VoIP at Forts Drum, Bliss, and Echertdingen Germany (none regional)

    9. 9

    10. 10 Unified Capabilities in the DoD DISA Definition: “The seamless integration of voice, video and data applications services delivered ubiquitously across a secure and highly available IP infrastructure to provide increased mission effectiveness to the warfighter and business communities.” ASD(NII) is advocating rapid introduction into DoD DISA is including UC in the VoIP Pilot; plans to add UC requirements to UCR 2010 Army (PM NSC) is coordinating proof of concept testing

    11. 11 Unified Capabilities Project - Purpose Gain early understanding of UC capabilities Examine various integration methodologies and techniques Two vendors: Microsoft and Cisco Gather user feedback – ease of use, productivity, likes/dislikes Capture data input for business case Drive development of Army CONOPS, NetOps, Security Architecture, and integration with LandWarNet Assess information assurance risks and develop mitigation techniques Shape development of DoD policies and technical specifications Support DoD Global Information Grid Architectural Vision, 2008-2015 Army CIO/G-6 Campaign Plan, Army CIO/G-6 500-Day Plan

    12. 12 Unified Capabilities - Features Idealized – MS OC can do this; I’m not sure about CiscoIdealized – MS OC can do this; I’m not sure about Cisco

    13. 13 Unified Capabilities Proof of Concept

    14. 14 Summary Transition to VoIP is inevitable. Army needs a migration plan VoIP is a stepping stone to Unified Capabilities Unified Capabilities has potential to be a significant productivity-enhancing tool Unified Capabilities Pilot is well underway Instantiations in CONUS and Germany (Microsoft) and Pacific (Cisco) Expect initial service to users by end of calendar 2008 Expect analysis and recommendations in 12-18 months

    15. 15 Discussion

    16. 16 Acronyms AMC: Army Materiel Command APL: Approved Products List ASD(NII): Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration) ASLAN: Assured Service Local Area Network ASVALAN: Assured Service Voice Application Local Area Network ATEC: Army Test and Evaluation Command CoE: Corps of Engineers CONOPS: Concept of Operations CONUS: Continental United States DIACAP: DOD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process DISA: Defense Information Systems Agency DISN: Defense Information Systems Network DoD: Department of Defense DSN: Defense Switched Network IA: Information Assurance IM: Instant Messaging IMCEN: Information Management Center IO: Interoperability IP: Internet Protocol ISEC: Information Systems Engineering Command JITC: Joint Interoperability Test Command LSC : Local Session Controller MFS: Multifunction Switch MFSS: Multifunction Soft Switch NetOps: Network Operations NSC: Network Service Center PBX1: Private Branch Exchange with Multi-level precedence and preemption PBX2: Private Branch Exchange without Multi-level precedence and preemption PdM: Product Manager PM: Project Manager PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network SMEO: Small End Office TDM: Time Division Multiplex UC: Unified Capabilities UCR: Unified Capabilities Requirements VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol VTC: Video Teleconference

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