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COALITION THEATER LOGISTICS ACTD. "A Little Technology Goes A Long Way". “…Technical interoperability is a mandate for the joint force of 2015 - In terms of communication, common logistics items and information sharing.…” Defense Planning Guidance 2002-2007 (Draft).
COALITION THEATER LOGISTICS ACTD "A Little Technology Goes A Long Way" “…Technical interoperability is a mandate for the joint force of 2015 - In terms of communication, common logistics items and information sharing.…”Defense Planning Guidance 2002-2007 (Draft)
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD Agenda • Purpose • CTL ACTD • Problem • Background • CTLACTD • Summary
Coalition Theater Logistics Purpose Purpose: Solicit USTRANSCOM’s active support for CTL ACTD
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD What do we seek from USTRANSCOM ? • Serve as a keyparticipant throughout the life of CTL ACTD • Support CTL ACTDin the JROC “rack and stack” • Close coordination during and after the JROC approval process • Have active role in the development of a Coalition transportation requirement generation and asset visibility capability
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD USTRANSCOM’s Benefit CTL: • Provides a coalition transportation coordination capability to complement AT 2000 • Reduces the planning and processing time involved in moving coalition nation’s assets into operations • Standardizes coalition transportation management between all CINCs
“… the key issue will become whether we are willing to trust our allies in technology transition so they can be interoperable with us…”Dr. Jacques S. Gansler, USD(AT&L) From a meeting w/ CINCPAC Directors, Jan 00 Coalition Theater Logistics ACTDSupportive Quotes “...The USD(AT&L) will open participation in ACTDs to allied nations to the maximum extent possible.…” Defense Planning Guidance 2002-2007 (Draft) “Coalition Logistics is an area that a little technology can go a long way.” D.C. Blair Admiral, U.S. Navy From the USPACOM ACTD Conference, March 00
Asset Visibility COALITION DATA Decision Support Tools Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD The Bottom-line Upfront • Value Added: • Coordinated Multinational logisticsfor deployment, sustainment, and support adjustment managementfor coalition forces operations • Logistics C2 interoperabilitywith coalition partners • Coalition basedcollaborative logistics analysis • Improved theater engagement opportunities Country A JCS Country B CINC-Sponsor Country C CTF Co-Sponsor Milestones: FY01 - Identify multinational participants & requirements FY02 - Assess & select applications; award contracts FY03 - Incorporate tools from JTL-ACTD; integrate asset visibility FY04 - Integrate capabilities to support CINC & Staff FY05 - Maintenance and initial transition to GCSS FY06 - Transition to GCSS $ 30 Million Key Participants: USCINCPAC-Operational Manager (OM) Co-User/Sponsor Australia- Co-User/Sponsor AITS/JPO- Technical Manager (TM) and Transition Manager (XM) Additional Participants: Other Countries, CINCS, NGOs, PVOs
Coalition Theater Logistics Background Service Logistics Systems Stove-piped systems Global Combat Support System (GCSS) Joint Asset Visibility Joint Logistics (JL) ACTD Joint Log Planning Tools Joint Theater Logistics (JTL) ACTD Log Operations C2 Tools Coalition Theater Logistics (CTL) ACTD Coalition Asset Visibility
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD The Problem • The inability to share accurate logistics information with the coalition warfighter for: • - Requirements • - Deployment • - Sustainment
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTDPut Simply……... 1 - They have to know where to put the Porta-Potty! How do you segregate the information so it gets to the folks who have a need to know? Director 2 - They have to know when and where the ship will arrive! - Operation Stabilise - Movement of Forces from Thailand AOs
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD The Mission To provide the coalition warfighter with a fused and integrated asset visibility and decision support tools capability to enhance combat support for the coalition force.
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD Responds to Validated Requirements • Four of the six tenets within JV 2010’s Focused Logistics. • All of the capabilities identified in the Joint Staff validated statement of the CINC’s 129 Combat Support Information Requirements (CSIR) that deal with coalition operations. • Enhances more than 25% of the CINC’s 129 CSIRs. • Solves shortfalls identified in the Joint Monthly Readiness Reports (JMRR) dealing with Coalition Operations.
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD JV2010 Relationship JV 2010 Focused Logistics Information Fusion Multinational Logistics Joint Theater Log Mgt Joint Deploy/Rapid Dist Force Med Protection Agile Infrastructure CTL-ACTD Evolution Meets the same objectives for the coalition warfighter that GCSS does for the joint warfighter JTL-ACTD • Builds Upon JDSTs • Provides GCSS Software to JTF • Tailorable Presentation Fed by Shared Data JL-ACTD Joint Decision Support Tools GCSS IS THE FOUNDATION
xxxx xxxx MAINTENANCE xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx SUPPLY xxxx GCSS-Maritime Asset Visibility COALITION DATA Decision Support Tools GCSS-AF MEDICAL GTN TAV GCSS-MC TRANSPORTATION DJAS GCSS-Army FINANCE JDST TMIP CTLACTD PERSONNEL DIMHRS SAMMS ENGINEER Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD Relationship to GCSS & CINC 21 Global Combat Support System (GCSS) CINC 21 Situation Legal Med Ops Logistics Outputs / Effects Pol / Mil Visualization Wall Logistics Weather CTL ACTD Situation Intel Country A JCS Country B Pol-Mil CINC-Sponsor CINC Country C C/JTF Co-Sponsor
Asset Visibility COALITION DATA Decision Support Tools Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD Concept “Drill Down” Global Information GTN & JTAV Battlespace Situational Awareness (BSA) COP-CSE (JDSTs) Mission Applications GATES, WPS TC AIMS II, Service Supply, and Trans Systems Source Data Collection Smart Cards, Bar Codes, RF, SATCOM, & OMC DATA DATA CTF U.S. JTF CTF HQ COALITION DATA DATA TF DATA Australia’s Logistics Automation Information Pipeline Australia Country A Logistics Automation Information Pipeline Country B Logistics Automation Information Pipeline
Asset Visibility COALITION DATA Decision Support Tools Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD CONOPS Example 1 Airliftrequest for strategic airlift of troops from Country A to Country B. Australia is CTF Commander 1. Country A identify lifts requirements through CTL TRANSCOM Country A 2. CINC and TRANSCOM work collaboratively to develop TPFDD for Country A CTF CINC Troop Movement Current Automated Information Transfer 3. The TPFDD is made available for coordination between CINC, Country A, Country B, CTF, and JTF. Country B Future Automated Information Transfer
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD Proposed Participants U.S. Integrated Product Team Australian Integrated Product Team USCINCPAC OM DISA (AITS-JPO) TM & XM CTL Integrated Product Team SME Participants TRANSCOM JFCOM Others Country C Country B Country A
Coalition Theater LogisticsWhere We Have Been • Concept Briefs to JSJ4, CINC J4s, Australia … • Working group sessions with key players (Mar 00) • Soliciting of advocacy and funds • Breakfast Club Brief (19 May 00) • Initial coordination (working level) with Australia 7-12 Jul 00
Coalition Theater LogisticsWhere Do We Go Next • CINC “rack and stack”. • 2nd Working Group Session 21-25 August--Focus: • Solicit advocacy from Services and CINCs for the JROC review and prioritization • Coordinate with TRANSCOM rep on AT 2000 • Address Australia’s “Marketing Strategy” and offer assistance. • Develop Implementation Directive (ID) • Start Coordination of Management Plan (MP) with Australia and other key players.
Coalition Theater Logistics ACTD Summary • CTL ACTD success requires close collaboration • Mutually beneficial to TRANSCOM and PACOM • We seek USTRANSCOM support during the CINC “rack and stack”
COALITION THEATER LOGISTICS ACTD "A Little Technology Goes A Long Way" Questions?