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THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The Solar System :. Our Solar System is made up of one star; the sun, and eight planets because Pluto was the number nine but actually it isn’t because is considerate very small. The Solar System was born about 4.6 billion years ago .
The Solar System: • Our Solar System is made up of one star; the sun, and eight planets because Pluto was the number nine but actually it isn’t because is considerate very small. • The Solar System was born about 4.6 billion years ago. • The four smaller planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also called the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of rock and metal. • The four other planets, the gas giants, are bigger than the terrestrials. • The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium; the two other, Uranus and Neptune, are composed of ices
TheSun: • Everything in the Solar System orbits around the Sun, and it is the star at the center of the Solar System • The Sun provides all of the light for the Solar System. • The Sun contains around 98% of all the material in the Solar System. • The Sun is so large, its powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar System towards it. • The mean distance of the Sun from the Earth is approximately 149.6 million kilometers
Mercury: • It´sthefirstplanetneartothesun. • Temperatures on Mercury get up to 460 degrees Celsius. • It's a whopping 640 degree temperature change from the hottest to the coldest part of the planet. • Mercury has almost no atmosphere. • Mercury, like the Moon, is covered with craters. Because the planet has no atmosphere, the asteroids never burn off
Venus: • The second planet away from the Sun. • Venus is one of the harshest planets in the Solar System. It's over 460 degrees Celsius. • It has clouds of sulfuric acid in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. • Lava is found across the surface after being spewed from volcanoes.
Earth: • The third planet from the Sun is your home. • The Earth is the only known planet where life can survive. • We have a very narrow temperature range that allows water to remain a liquid. • Most of our atmosphere is made of nitrogen (N), a relatively inert gas.
Mars: • Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. • It is a very active planet like the Earth. • It only has 40% of our gravity because the mass of the planet is so much smaller. • It even has polar ice caps like the Earth, with water in the north and solid carbon dioxide in the south.
Jupiter: • Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. • Its mass is over 300 times the mass of the Earth. • Jupiter is classified as a Jovian planet. The Jovian planets are gas giants that orbit the Sun. • Its atmosphere have over 20 moons.
Saturn: • Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System. • A day on Saturn is only about 10.7 hours. • It is amazing that a planet that has a diameter almost 10 times that of the Earth spins more than two times as fast. • That speed also gives Saturn a bulge at its equator.
Uranus: • The seventh planet from the Sun is Uranus. • Uranus is a planet largely composed of gases. • It has a light blue color because of the methane in its atmosphere. • William Hershel discovered it in 1781. • It is one of the four gas giants in our Solar System.
Neptune: • Neptune is huge in size • Neptune's atmosphereis made up of hydrogen and helium. • Neptune has large stormswirling in its atmosphere. • The storm was moving at more than 500 miles per hour. compared to Earth
ASTEROID BELT • The asteroid belt is a 'belt' of rocky bodies between Mars and Jupiter that is centered around 2.7AU. The total mass of the Main Asteroid Belt may be less than 1/1000 of the mass of Earth. If all the asteroids were combined together, their diameter would be about 1,300-1,500 kilometers across, less than 1/2 the diameter of the Moon. • Most asteroids in the Main Belt are composed of three materials. 92.9% are composed of silicates (stone), 5.7% metals (mainly iron and nickel) and the rest as a mix of those materials and carbon-rich substances.The largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt is Ceres.
Pluto: • We didn't even know that Pluto existed until the 1930's. • Its size is one of the big reasons that astronomers stated that it is no longer considered a true planet. • passes in an out of the orbit of Neptune and doesn't orbit in the same plane as the other planets.
THE SOLAR SYSTEMThe Solar SystemOur planet, Earth, is part of the SOLAR SYSTEM.The Solar System contains the Sun and 9 planets.Several of the planets have moons.
Themoon When Galileo Galilei turned his telescope toward the moon in 1610 was able to distinguish two different surface regions. A dark regions called them "seas", which of course have no water and have names such as Sea of Serenity and Sea of Fertility, are plains with few craters. The rest of the lunar surface is brighter, and represents higher regions with a high density of craters, such as Tycho and Clavius. In the lunar surface there are mountain ranges that have names like Alps and Apennines, like on Earth.
Howmanystars are in tehe solar system ? The answer to ‘how many stars are in the Solar System’ is pretty straightforward, or is it? There is only one star that has ever been observed in our solar system, but some scientists have theorized that there is a second star out beyond the Oort Cloud that only comes close enough to be observed every 32 million years. That length of time between observational periods would explain why a human has never proven its existence.Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/15580/how-many-stars-are-in-the-solar-system/#ixzz2BfLbSkRP
Meteors Meteors are streaks of light, usually lasting just a few seconds, which people occasionally see in the night sky. They are sometimes called "shooting stars" or "falling stars", though they are not stars at all. Meteors are caused by the entry of small pieces of rock, dust, or metal from space into theatmosphere at extremely high speeds. These particles, called "meteoroids" when they are floating around in space (think of very small asteroids), are traveling at incredible speeds of tens of kilometers per second (tens of thousands of miles per hour) when they streak into the atmosphere. The incredible pressure meteoroids experience when they collide with Earth's atmosphere shatters them, transferring energy to atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, which then release the energy by glowing. This glow produces the bright trails of lightin the sky we see as meteors.
Eclipse A total lunar eclipse takes place this Wednesday night and Spain, particularly the eastern Mediterranean coast and Baleares, will be one of the best vantage points in the world to observe the complete cycle.The eclipse itself will last for one hour and 41 minutes, although the entire process will last for more than five hours. EFE reports that maximum eclipse will be at 10.41 pm, when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon and covers the moon with its shadow.The second total lunar eclipse of the year will be on December 10. There are no total eclipses of the sun this year, but there have been two partials, with another two due on July 1 and November 25.
NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. Since February 2006, NASA's mission statement has been to "pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research."[5] On September 14, 2011, NASA announced that it had selected the design of a new Space Launch System that it said would take the agency's astronauts farther into space than ever before and provide the cornerstone for future human space exploration efforts by the U.S.[6][7][8]
THE YEARS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM Almost all the recent attention in space policy has been devoted to the contentious debate about the future of human space flight. Robotic space flight is much less of an issue, unlike several years ago when Earth and space science programs were being cut back. The administration and Congress have been nearly unanimous in their support of science and robotic missions. No doubt this is because the money involved is much less, and the purposes of the missions much clearer, all well vetted in the science community and the public.
THE STAR PLUTON 1. The Solar System only has 8 planets That’s right, only 8 planets. Not the 9 planets you grew up with. That’s because the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006. Why is Pluto not a planet? To qualify as a planet, an object needs to orbit the Sun, have enough mass to pull itself into a spherical shape, and have cleared out its orbit of other material. It’s this third requirement that Pluto hasn’t fulfilled; it’s just a fraction of the mass in its orbit, while the other planets are millions of times more massive than everything else in their orbits. You may want to read more about the 10 facts about Pluto.
METORS ACCIDENT An ancient meteorite reveals the solar system is 4.5682 billion years old, 1.9 million years older than we thought. The difference seems insignificant, but it could mean our solar system was actually born in the blast furnace of a supernova. In order to determine the age of the solar system, scientists look for meteorites that date back to the beginnings of the solar system. Some of these meteorites have tiny mineral deposits known as calcium-aluminum-rich...