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I. Contact Information: Teacher Name: Ms. Katherine Fly E-mail: kfly@okmulgeeps.com Phone: 918-758-2075 Ext. 3149 Course Name: English IV
I. Contact Information: • Teacher Name: Ms. Katherine Fly • E-mail:kfly@okmulgeeps.com • Phone: 918-758-2075 Ext. 3149 • Course Name: English IV • II. Course Description: This class will provide you with a thorough exposure to various genres of literature, such as short stories, novels, Shakespearean drama, and various forms of poetry, essays and informational texts. You will build your vocabulary through reading selections from a variety of world literature. You will respond to literature and express yourselves through various modes of writing, such as descriptive, expository, reflective and persuasive. • III. Classroom Expectations: LEARN • L- Listen to Instructions • E- Enter and Exit Prepared • A-Always Try your Best • R- Respect yourself and others • N- No Excuses, Find Solutions • III. Materials Needed: • Pencils and blue or black ink pens • 1 inch or 1 ½ inch three ring binder or folder to keep work in • Notebook paper • Kleenex is always appreciated • IV. Grading Policy: Grades are based upon a calculation of Daily Work/Homework, Quizzes/Tests, Essays and Writings, and the Semester Test. • Daily Work/Homework: 40% A=90-100 • Test/Quizzes: 20% B=89-80 • Essays/Writing: 25% C=79-70 • Semester Test:15% D=69-60 • F= 59 and below • V. Late Work: Late work is defined in my classroom by any work that is not turned in BY 3:30 on the day it was due. If you turn work in after 3:30 on the day it was due you will be penalized by having the grade you earned divided by two. • For example: you did NOT turn in the work by 3:30 on the day it was due. So you would’ve made a 18/20 on the assignment…but because you turned it in late, you will now receive a 9/20. Remember: some points on an assignment are better than a 0.
VI. Make-Up Work: My make-up work policy corresponds to the OHS make-up policy which reads: “All work missed during the period of absence may be made up with the exception of absence due to truancy and suspension of less than five days. For each day of absence, a student shall have one day to make up the work missed unless granted additional time by the teacher.” If extenuating circumstances arise, I will work with you to accommodate these needs and grant you extra time, but you must let me know. ***When you return from an absence, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check the folders(s) for work you missed. After you have checked the folder, confirm with me that you have everything you need. I can also answer any questions you may have at that time. VII. Classroom Disciplinary Plan: My classroom disciplinary plan correlates with the one stated in the OHS Student Handbook. Consequences for Violation of Classroom Rules (during the same class period): First Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Warning Second Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Detention Third Violation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher Detention (teacher calls the parent, in addition to the classroom detention) Fourth (and any additional violations). . . Referral to the principal SEVERE CLAUSE . . . . . . . . . immediate referral to principal : (used for severe disruption of class) The Reason I’m Here: My job and mission is to help every single student in my class be successful. My job is to challenge you and help you meet each challenge. I am always here ready and willing to help in any way I can. I am available before and after school every day. I’m on your side. If you give me a chance, you will see that I truly care about you. I promise that if you come to class, do you best on all of your assignments and aren’t a discipline problem in my class, you WILL pass my class! I’m so glad you’re here!
I, __________________________________________ have read this syllabus and agree that I will respect, myself, my peers, and Ms. Fly. I will follow the rules, procedures , and expectations so that my peers and I can learn to the best of our ability. Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Dear Parents/Guardians, My name is Ms. Katherine Fly and I will be your child’s English IV instructor for the school year. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter as I find it extremely important for you and I to work together in order to create the best learning environment for your child. I graduated from Oklahoma State University and majored in English Education and am certified in Special Education and have been readily prepared to teach at Okmulgee High School. This year, we will be learning various genres of literature, poetry, informational texts and various forms of writing. In order for all students to fully understand the material, I have created innovative and hands-on lesson plans that will reach the needs of each student’s learning style. In addition, they will have produced a variety of different course work that meets the new Common Core State Standards. These standards help teachers make sure students are not only college ready, but also career ready. I find it important to help prepare your child for the real world by instilling them with the proper skills they will need to read, write, and communicate effectively. I am absolutely thrilled to teach your child and cannot wait to see the improvement of their language arts skills throughout the school year. Also, I would enjoy meeting you at our parent/teacher conferences this school year to talk about the strengths of your child in the English classroom. To learn more about what we will be learning, please feel free to visit my classroom website at: www.okmulgeeps.com. On this website, you will find documents that you can download and other tools that will be beneficial for your child’s success. Thank you, Katherine Fly E-mail: kfly@okmulgeeps.com Phone: 918-758-2075 Ext. 3149 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name: __________________________________________________________ Phone number: __________________________________________________________ E-mail address: __________________________________________________________ Which is the best way to contact you? ________________________________________ What time of day works best for you? _________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________