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Creating Audience Engagement

Creating Audience Engagement. Welcome! Audio Check Instructions:. Raise your hand to get in queue to check your audio. When called on -- Press Talk or Hold CTRL key while speaking Check Options > Filters < Auto Gain Control . Click to deselect. After completing audio check.

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Creating Audience Engagement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creating Audience Engagement Welcome! Audio Check Instructions: • Raise your hand to get in queue to check your audio. • When called on -- • Press Talk orHold CTRL key while speaking • Check Options > Filters< Auto Gain Control. Click to deselect. After completing audio check.

  2. Welcome to Creating Audience Engagement Week 2 in InSynch Training

  3. Where Are You? Place Your Arrow.

  4. Do you know anyone from this class? • Give us a check or X

  5. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to…. • Describe job description of online facilitator • Identify steps necessary to prepare to be an online facilitator • Identify key techniques for engaging participants without benefit of eye contact or body language

  6. Designing & Facilitating Learning in the Synchronous Medium • What do participants need to know or do by the end of the learning event? • How will the slides involve the learner & transmit the content? • Will the learning involve a participant guide? • How will the facilitator/producer support?

  7. Designing & Facilitating Learning in the Synchronous Medium cont… • Cannot rely on body language, eye contact • Think “participant centered” • Exercises need to be designed to maximize engagement & facilitate transfer of knowledge • Attend other online programs to understand experience of online participant • Learn about and practice with your platform

  8. Designing & Facilitating Learning in the Synchronous Medium cont… • Focus on Need to Know information during Synchronous session • Use a producer to help you, especially with more than 5 participants • Include technical instructions, screen shots, & notes for your producer/co-facilitator • Consider a pre online class exercise or reading and recognize it during the live class • Include an Asynchronous interaction to increase effectiveness

  9. What Asynchronous interaction have you participated in for previous Synchronous Online sessions?

  10. How might you improve the previous slide?

  11. Designing Slides • Create with minimum of words & bullets (3-4) • Bullets = highlighted points • Stick to two fonts (style & color) • Consistent look/colors/font to all slides • White background / lots of white space to allow for writing and annotating

  12. Designing Slides cont… • Include concepts, questions or graphics that encourage communication sharing • Use visuals related to the content-preferably photos • Build in activities-use screen for exercises, not content, whenever possible.

  13. Choosing tools/activities • Consider objectives of each exercise • Incorporate the tools to support the content & objectives • Plan to have participants doing something every 3-5 minutes

  14. Emoticons • Some presenters will basically read their powerpoint slides, if you think that is a good way to engage the participants, give a virtual thumbs up, if not, give a thumbs down. • If you enjoy having small group activities or watching videos as part of a learning experience, clap your virtual hands.

  15. Break Slide • Knee Squeeze – relaxes lower back, improves digestion and respiration. • Breathe out completely then breathe in with both hands around the front of your knee pull your knee to your chest, while holding the in breath. Lower your head to your knee hold for a few seconds and release slowly while breathing out. Repeat with your right side.

  16. Whiteboard • Be clear about instructions first • Establish ground rules • Use for: • Brainstorming • Capturing chat discussion • Polling-graphically vote • Activities (ex. Map, reactions to photos, pros/cons)

  17. Which of these do you think you would use for Synchronous Online Facilitating?

  18. Chat Feature • Conduct Brainstorming • Pair up for private chat activity • Send private message to alert of technical difficulties • Contribute to the verbal discussion without interrupting • Can save as text files to refer to later • More reserved participants may be encouraged to interact more

  19. Chat Exercise • Laura Allen & Amanda Bena • Elizabeth Bowen and June Brittingham • Tracy Carroll & Richard Dix • Sam Eddington & Glennor Shirley • Rebecca Hass & Scott Mahler • Linda Parry & Rachel Pekar • Darrell Robertson & Emily Sachs • Sam Zline – Facilitator Work in pairs in private chat for 3 minutes. Discuss audience engagement in previous synchronous training sessions you’ve attended. Agree on 1 positive & 1 negative example of the use of audience engagement that you’d like to share with the entire group.

  20. Audience Engagement in Synchronous Online Learning

  21. Audio Feature • Short Lecture • Group Discussion • Q & A session • Demonstration (such as app share)

  22. Application/Web Share Highly recommend: • Having a producer • Second computer to view the participant environment • Have a backup plan (ex. pp slides with screen shots ) • Practice

  23. Application Sharing Demo Time http://www.dailypuppy.com

  24. Helping your Participants with their comfort level

  25. Final Words…. • Synchronous classroom is a very visual medium • What you show in content window needs to be relevant & engaging • Adding a new technology (multimedia) = adding a potential technical obstacle • It is fun and you will enjoy it and learn new skills yourself each time

  26. Sources used in this session • Live & Online: Tips, Techniques, and Ready-to-Use Activities for the Virtual Classroom (Jennifer Hofmann) • The Synchronous Trainer’s Survival Guide: Facilitating Successful Live & Online Courses, Meetings, & Events (Jennifer Hofmann) • ASTD webinar-ISD for the Synchronous Environment presented by Nanette Miner • ASTD webinar-VirtualTraining via Web Conferencing with Darlene Christopher • 2010 ALA preconference-Beyond Face to Face: New Methods for Staff Training (ALA Learning Round Table) • Google Images & personal photos to illustrate concepts

  27. Resources for you to consider • http://www.insynctraining.com/ (experts in Synchronous Learning ) • Webjunction http://www.webjunction.org/1 (specific to libraries) • American Society for Training & Development webinars & texts http://www.astd.org/ • E-Learning Guild: a Community of practice for eLearning professionals, http://www.elearningguild.com/ ebooks on E-learning. • Blog -www.webconferenceguru.com

  28. Questions? Raise your hand or type them in chat.

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