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5.1 version. New Features. List of new features. The new features introduced with the DigiEye software version 5.1 are : DUAL-LAN 802.1x VIDEO PROCESSING MULTIBRAND IP CAMERAS CONFIGURATION ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAGE ADVANCED STREAMFLEX. DUAL-LAN Dual network interface.
5.1 version New Features
Listofnewfeatures The new features introduced with the DigiEyesoftware version 5.1 are: • DUAL-LAN • 802.1x • VIDEO PROCESSING MULTIBRAND • IP CAMERAS CONFIGURATION • ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAGE • ADVANCED STREAMFLEX
DUAL-LANDual network interface Advanced management of the 2 Ethernet network interfaces available on the DigiEye New advanced modes that offer the following advantages: MORE PERFORMANCE up to 2 Gb / s, MORE SECURITY thanks to the separation of the networks dedicated to the cameras and centralization, MORE RELIABILITY in case of malfunction of the network equipment (high-availability) VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CENTER NETWORK CAMERAS NETWORK CAMERAS CENTRALE DI VIDEOSORVEGLIANZA DIGIEYE PC / MOBILE LAN2 LAN1 2 Gb/s IP Network
DUAL-LANDual network interface • PERFORMANCE - LOAD BALANCE mode that optimally adjusts the flow of data on the 2 network interfaces that are used simultaneously - effectively bringing the network bandwidth available on DigiEye to 2 Gb / s. • SECURITY - INDEPENDENT NETWORK mode that allows to manage two separate IP networks. This mode is typically needed to separate the network of IP cameras, which generate a high data traffic, from the company network used to access to the DigiEye system(s); the level of security of the whole system is therefore highly increased. • RELIABILITY - ACTIVE BACKUP mode that allows to increase the level of reliability in case of malfunctioning of the network infrastructure. In case of failure of the primary network, the DigiEye connectivity can be ensured by connecting the system also to a secondary network, by using 2 ports of the same network switch or by connecting the DigiEye to 2 separate switches.
IEEE 802.1xStandard for network authentication The IEEE 802.1x standard enablesDigieyetoaccessnetworksprotectedbythis security service. The 802.1x standard allows that each port physically connected to the network has to be authenticated by a dedicated server (typically a RADIUS server), eliminating the possibility of unauthorized access by physical connection to the network. NETWORK CAMERAS CENTRALE DI VIDEOSORVEGLIANZA DIGIEYE (802.1x Supplicant) RADIUS Server (802.1x Authentication server) NETWORK SWITCH (802.1x Authenticator) Request Request Authorization
IEEE 802.1xStandard for network authentication • This mechanism requires that the DigiEye (Supplicant) is connected to the network switch (Authenticator) with support for 802.1x and that it is configured to authenticate the DigiEye via a dedicated server (Authentication server). • The 802.1x authentication can be performed individually for each network port on the DigiEye. DIGIEYE (802.1x Supplicant) RADIUS Server (802.1x Authentication server) NETWORK SWITCH (802.1x Authenticator) Request Request Authorization
VIDEO PROCESSING MULTIBRANDSupport for multi-vendor IP cameras Video Processing: IP video as analog video. Functions available for all IP cameras regardless of brand / model. The DigiEye now allows to process the IP video in the same way as the analog video, using all the advanced features of video analysis that, prior to this version, were available only for analog video. MOTION DETECTION MULTI-ZONE, up to 6 distinct areas of motion detection can be defined for each camera image and, in the case of PTZ cameras, for each defined preset. MOTION DIRECTIONAL detecting the direction of movement of an object in the image PERMANENCE CONTROLable to identify the presence of abandoned objects in the scene. VIDEO TAMPERING alarm in the event that the camera image is blinded / blurred / out-of-focus / out-of-position or in case of absence of signal.
VIDEO PROCESSING MULTIBRANDSupport for multi-vendor IP cameras MULTI-BRAND because the above functions are available for all IP cameras (*), regardless of the brand / model. * IP cameras non-motorized with RTSP protocol and H.264 video encoding
IP CAMERAS CONFIGURATIONIP video streaming parameters Configuration of the SYAC▪TB IP cameras’ parameters through DigiEye No need anymore to access to the configuration through a PC: the parameters of the SYAC▪TB IP cameras (series N1) can now be configured directly from the DigiEye
IP CAMERAS CONFIGURATIONIP video streaming parameters The configuration capabilities using STREAM 1 are related to the parameters of video streaming: • VIDEO RESOLUTION • CODIFICATION TYPE • BITRATE/FRAMERATE STREAM 2 will be shortly able to enhance the video IP recording / viewing / analysis / transcoding functions
DIGITAL SIGNAGEAdvanced functions Digital Signage advanced options are now available Titling with information updated in real time View video in emergency situations More storage for movies and time schedule programming News update : UK, Prime ministerdeclares NETWORK CAMERAS ALERT : FIRE ALARM - GO TO NEAREST EXIT
DIGITAL SIGNAGEAdvanced functions • Titling with information updated in real time: Possibility of titling the video with scrolling text (crawl) which is obtained from web services, also in local networking, type RSS-feed. It is therefore possible to display updated information in real time (news, weather, ...) along with the Digital Signage programmed video footage • View video in emergency situations: Ability to use the Digital Signage as an alarm/assistance system in case of emergency situations: for example, in case of a fire alarm, DigiEye can display on a video monitor the evacuation procedure, the escape paths, etc • More storage for films and possibility of time scheduling:The storage space for films has been increased to 8GB and it is now possible to time schedule the Digital Signage according to each slot/alarm defined in DigiEye
ADVANCED STREAMFLEX Schedulersettings Proprietary function that allows to adjust the IP (also megapixels) video for transmission even on narrow band networks DAY MODE (08-20) NIGHT MODE (20-08) NETWORK CAMERAS NETWORK CAMERAS VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CENTER MOBILE VIDEO SURVEILLANCE CENTER Mobile DIGIEYE DIGIEYE Max.1 Mbit/s Unlimited IP Network IP Network
ADVANCED STREAMFLEXSchedulersettings • The DigiEyesoftware 5.1 version further enhances this functionality by allowing to set all the parameters that control the connectivity and bandwidth for each time or alarm phase defined on the DigiEye. • For example, DigiEye can be set so that the connectivity during the day is limited to 1 Mbit/s while during the night there is no restriction; or so that it allows connections only from the Video Surveillance Center and not from mobile devices. Thanks to the Streamflex function, DigiEye is able to adjust the IP video (also megapixel) for transmission even on low band networks
Thankyou for yourattention SYAC▪TBTECHBOARD Security DivisionArea Science Park Padriciano, 9934149 Trieste ITALYTel. 059 289899sales.syac@techboard.it www.syac-tb.com TECHBOARDVia Della Scienza, 5041100 Modena ITALYTel. 059 289811techboard@techboard.it www.techboard.it