1. ‘All together now’ – supporting outcomes based assessment and care management across the purchaser - provider ‘divide’
2. The Groundhog Day principle: ‘Building on strengths’
‘This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather’
‘I peg you as a "glass is half empty" kind of guy’
3. A ‘relationship centred’ approach Redress the imbalance between ‘functionality’ and ‘soul’ – greater emphasis on the subjective aspects of people’s lives
‘The person centred approach is what it says. It suggests that seeing dementia as a set of deficits, damages and problem behaviours awaiting systematic assessment and careful management, inevitably turns a person into an object’ Kitwood (1997)
Valuing everyone in the ‘system’ using the SENSES framework
4. The Senses Framework Older people, carers and staff need:
A sense of SECURITY
A sense of BELONGING
A sense of PURPOSE
5. The very real danger of excessive bureaucracy ‘Our exclusive survey of more than 1,000 social workers working across children's and adults' services reveals that one in four is actively thinking about leaving the profession. The single thing most likely to persuade them to change their mind is less paperwork and more client contact.’ Community Care April 2007
6. Supporting the endangered ‘push me pull you’
Good outcomes = ‘eligible’ + ‘ineligible’ needs
Better management of the tension between outcomes based support planning and rationing of resources
Sharing responsibility for support planning and review
7. The last will be first…valuing the frontline ‘Recent policy developments highlight the importance of a more person centred approach… but limited attention has been given to the specific role performed by the frontline workers in delivering care services’ Innes et.al 2006
8. A ‘community development’ approach Yes, in terms of working more closely with community resources, but also…
In terms of the health and social care ‘community’ of butchers, bakers and candlestick makers – a shared ‘vision’
Using the LEAP Framework – i.e. learning, evaluation and planning
Starting with the UDSET outcomes framework
9. Learn from LEAP – collaborative planning evaluation and learning
10. Management structure and work streams