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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ. For PDF class notes, go to https://gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey. Establishment of the Davidic Kingdom 2 Samuel 1-10. David trusted the Lord to remove Saul and establish his kingdom at the right time – 1 Samuel 26.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ For PDF class notes, go to https://gracebibleny.org/old-testament-survey

  2. Establishment of the Davidic Kingdom2 Samuel 1-10 David trusted the Lord to remove Saul and establish his kingdom at the right time – 1 Samuel 26

  3. A. The Reign of David in Hebron 2 Samuel 1 David’s Response to Death of Saul & Jonathan – mourn & honor them An Amalekite’s Story & Execution 1 Samuel 31:4 David’s dirge for Saul & Jonathan Titus 1:5

  4. A. The Reign of David in Hebron 2 Samuel 1 David’s dirge for Saul & Jonathan Titus 1:5

  5. 2. Civil War 2 Samuel 2:1-11 Kings Established David Acclaimed King (2:1-7) Ish-bosheth Made King (2:8-11)

  6. c. Civil War between Judah & Israel 2 Samuel 2:1-11 Civil War Begins (2:12-32) Abner Joins David (3:1-21) The Murder of Abner (3:22-39) The Murder of Ish-bosheth (4) Gibeon

  7. 3. David Acclaimed King Over All Israel2 Samuel 5:1-5 Reigned in Hebron 7 yrs. 6 mo Reigned in Jerusalem 33 yrs Total Reign: 40 years (1011-971)

  8. B. The Reign of David in Jerusalem2 Samuel 5-10 David Captures Jerusalem (5:6-10)

  9. B. The Reign of David in Jerusalem2 Samuel 5-10 David Establishes Himself in Jerusalem (5:11-16) David Defeats the Philistines (5:17-25)

  10. Rephaim Valley N E David Philistines E S

  11. 4. The Ark is Moved to Jerusalem2 Samuel 6 The Ark is Moved Incorrectly (6:1-11) The Ark is Moved Correctly (6:12-23)

  12. 5. The Davidic Covenant 2 Samuel 7 David’s Plans (7:1-7) God’s Covenant (7:8-17) David’s kingdom will expand & he will have a great name His son will build the temple David’s dynasty will be eternal David’s Prayer (7:18-29)

  13. David’s Victories over Philistia, Moab, Zobah & Syria - 2 Samuel 8

  14. 7. David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth 2 Samuel 9 He is Jonathan’s son Restores to him possessions and of his grandfather Has him eat regularly at the king’s table

  15. David’s Victories over Ammon & Aram - 2 Samuel 10

  16. IV. David's Sin and Domestic Problems 2 Samuel 11-20 A. David’s Great Sins (11) Against Bathsheba (11:1-5) He should have been with army He should not have kept looking (Job31:1) He should not have inquired, sent for her, committed adultery

  17. IV. David's Sin and Domestic Problems 2 Samuel 11-20 A. David’s Great Sins (11) 2. Against Uriah (11:6-27) Lied Got him drunk Gave orders to have him killed in battle Took his wife

  18. IV. David's Sin and Domestic Problems 2 Samuel 11-20 B. David Rebuked (12) Nathan Confronts David (12:1-15) Story & Rebuke Consequences: Sword; Evil in household; wives debased; Child will die David confesses his sin 2. The Child Dies (12:15-23) 3. The Birth of Solomon (12:24-25) 4. War Against Ammon (12:26-31)

  19. C. Evil in David’s House2 Samuel 13-16 Incest (13:1-22) Amnon lusts after and rapes Tamar Amnon hates and sends Tamar away Murder (13:23-39) Absolom plot & has Amnon killed Estrangement (13:37-14:33) Absalom flees to Gershur for 3 years Absalom in Jerusalem for 2 years

  20. C. Evil in David’s House2 Samuel 13-16 Rebellion (15-16) Absalom’s Conspiracy (15:1-12) David Flees Jerusalem (15:13-37) Ziba’s Disloyalty (16:1-4) Shimei’s Cursing (16:5-14) Absalom Defiles Jerusalem (16:15-23)

  21. D. David’s Reign Restored2 Samuel 17-20 1. Hushai’s Counsel (17) Ahithophel wants to attack & kill David Hushai warns David is a wise warrior – mobilize all of Israel He sends messengers to warn David Ahithophel commits suicide

  22. D. David’s Reign Restored2 Samuel 17-20 Defeat of Absalom (18) David wants Absalom to be treated “gently” 20,000 killed in battle Absalom is caught in a tree by his head – Joab kills him David is grief stricken

  23. D. David’s Reign Restored2 Samuel 17-20 David Reproved (19:1-8) David Returns to Jerusalem (19:9-43) Quarreling over bringing David back Many seek to regain David’s favor Sheba’s Revolt (20) Harsh words led to division & rebellion Joab murders Amassa, then defeats Sheba

  24. V. Final years2 Samuel 21-24 Famine (21:1-14) Caused by Saul not keeping Joshua’s covenant with Gibeonites 7 of his sons executed War with the Philistines (21:15-22) David continued to have war with them Giants killed in each of 3 wars

  25. V. Final years2 Samuel 21-24 David’s Psalms of Deliverance (22:1-23:7) David’s Mighty Men (23:8-39) The Census & the Plague (24) David’s Census (24:1-14) The Plague (24:15-17) – 70,000 die The Altar (24:18-25) – purchases threshing floor of Araunah and offers sacrifices – this will become site of the Temple

  26. The Kingdom is Established - David2 Samuel 12 David admitted his sin without excuse when confronted by Nathan and accepted God’s punishments See Psalm 51 David was a man after God’s own heart All future kings would be compared to David

  27. Conclusions Will you follow the example of Saul or David?

  28. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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