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Learn the major features of object-oriented languages, design and develop multitier applications, use inheritance and polymorphism, and explore generics and component-based development.
11 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming Features C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design 5th Edition C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Chapter Objectives • Learn the major features of object-oriented languages • Design and develop multitier applications using component-based development methods • Use inheritance to extend the functionality of user-defined classes • Create abstract classes that include abstract methods C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Chapter Objectives (continued) • Distinguish the differences between sealed and abstract classes • Become aware of partial classes • Design and implement interfaces • Understand why polymorphic programming is a common goal in .NET • Explore generics and learn how to create generic classes and generic methods C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Chapter Objectives (continued) • Investigate static versus dynamic typing and become aware of when dynamic and var types are used • Work through a programming example that illustrates the chapter’s concepts C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Object-Oriented Language Features • Abstraction • Generalizing, identifying essential features, hiding nonessential complexities • Encapsulation • Packaging data and behaviors into a single unit, hiding implementation details • Inheritance • Extending program units to enable reuse of code • Polymorphism • Providing multiple (different) implementations of same named behaviors C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Component-Based Development Figure 11-1 Component-based development C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Component-Based Development (continued) • Component-based applications associated with multitier applications – (different layers) • Business layer(s) – classes that perform processing • Provide functionality for specific system; provide necessary processing • Data access layer - classes for accessing data from text files and databases • Presentation layer - User interface tier for user interaction • Graphical User Interface such as Windows or Web C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Component-Based Development (continued) • Components facilitates reuse-based approach • Define and implement independent components into systems • Components are implemented through classes • Takes the form of objects or collection of objects • Components can then be packaged with different components and used for other applications • Classes can be created that extend functionality of original classes C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Inheritance • Enables you to: • Create a general class and then define specialized classes that have access to the members of the general class • Associated with an "is a" relationship • Specialized class “is a” form of the general class • Classes can also have a "has a" relationship, not associated with inheritance • "has a" relationship is associated with containment or aggregation C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Inheriting from the Object Class • Everyobject inherits four methods as long as reference to the System namespace included C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Inheriting from Other .NET FCL Classes • Experienced inheritance when you developed Windows-based programs • Form you created inherited characteristics from System.Windows.Forms.Formclass • Already had title bar, close (X), and minimize buttons • Add functionality to your programs with minimal programming • Extend System.Windows.Forms.Formclass to build GUIs (Button, Label, TextBox, ListBox) C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Inheriting from Other .NET FCL Classes • Class listed after the colon is base class…class that already has some functionality • Class to the left, PresentationGUI, is derived class • Derived class is the new class, the user-defined class Derived class Base class C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating Base Classes for Inheritance • Can define your own classes from which other classes can inherit • Base class is called the super or parent class • Base class has • Data members defined with a private access modifier • Constructors defined with public access modifiers • Properties offering public access to data fields C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating Base Classes for Inheritance • Might create a generalized class such as person public class Person { private string idNumber; private string lastName; private string firstName; private int age; Data members C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Access Modifiers • Class members defined with private access are restricted to members of the current class • Data members are defined with private access modifier • Private access enables class to protect its data and only allow access to the data through its methods or properties • Constructors use public access modifier • If they are not public, you would not be able to instantiate objects of the class in other classes • Constructors are methods • Named the same name as class and has no return type C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating Base Classes for Inheritance Continued definition for Person class // Constructor with zero arguments publicPerson( ) { } // Constructor with four arguments public Person (string id, stringlname, stringfname, intanAge) { idNumber= id; lastName= lname; firstName= fname; age = anAge; } Notice, constructor is a method, has same name as class (Person), has no return type, and is overloaded C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Access Modifiers • Properties offer public access to data fields • Properties look like data fields, but are implemented as methods • Properties provide the getters (accessors) and setters (mutators) for the class • Make properties read-only by NOT defining the “set” • Properties often named the same name as their associated data member – EXCEPT, property uses Pascal case (starts with capital letter) • LastName → lastName C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Properties // Property for last name public string LastName { get { returnlastName; } set { lastName= value; } } • Properties defined with public access – they provide access to private data • No need to declare value. It is used, almost like magic… • value refers to the value sent through an assignment statement • get, set and value are contextual keywords Private data member C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Overriding Methods • Person class example has two additional methods public override string ToString( ) // Defined in Person public virtual int GetSleepAmt( ) // Defined in Person • Can replace a method defined at a higher level with a new definition • Use keyword override in method heading in derived class to provide a new definition • In order to be an method that can be overridden, keywords virtual, abstract, or override must be part of the heading for the parent class C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Overriding Methods • Should override the objectToString( ) method • The Person class example overrides ToString( ) public override string ToString( ) // Defined in Person { returnfirstName + " " + lastName; } Object’s ToString( ) method Figure 11-4 ToString( ) signature C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Virtual Methods (continued) • ToString( ) uses the virtual modifier in the Object class, implying that any class can override it • ToString( ) method can have many different definitions • Example of polymorphism • Overriding differs from overloading a method • Overridden methods have exactly the same signature • Overloaded methods each have a different signature C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating Derived Classes • Derived classes inherit from a base class • Derived classes also called subclasses or child classes • Derived classes do not have access to change data members defined with private access in the parent or base class • Derived classes have access to change data members defined with protectedaccess in the parent or base class C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Derived Classes public class Student : Person // Student is derived from Person { private string major; private string studentId; // Default constructor publicStudent( ) :base( ) // No arguments sent to base constructor. { } Additional data members Indicates which base class constructor to use C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Calling the Base Constructor • To call the constructor for the base class, add keyword :base between the constructor heading for the subclass and the opening curly brace public Student(string id, stringfname, stringlname, stringmaj, intsId) :base (id, lname, fname) // base constructor arguments { . . . • Base constructor must have a constructor with matching signature Use base constructor with int and two strings arguments C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Calling the Base Constructor (continued) Student aStudent = newStudent ("123456789", "Maria", "Woo", "CS", "1111"); • First three arguments, "123456789", "Maria", and "Woo", are sent to the constructor for Person class • Last two arguments ("CS", "1111") are used by the Student class constructor (for example above) Student anotherStudent = new Student( ); • Both Person and Student default constructors (with no parameters) are called when Student( ) is invoked C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Using Members of the Base Class • Derived classes can directly access any members defined with public or protected access modifiers • Objects instantiated from sub classes (like Student) can use any public members of subclass or base class • anotherStudent.LastName = "Garcia"; C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Calling Overridden Methods of the Base Class • Scope • Methods defined in subclass take precedence when named the same name as member of a parent class • Use keyword base before the method name to call an overridden method of the base class returnbase.GetSleepAmt( ) // Calls GetSleepAmt( ) in // parent class Review PresentationGUIWithOneProject_NoDLLs_FirstExample C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Relationship between the Person and Student Classes Figure 11-5 Inheritance class diagram C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Making Stand-Alone Components • Can take Person and Student classes (or any user-defined class) and store in library for future use • Compile class and create an assembly • Assemblies are units configured and deployed in .NET • Classes can be compiled and stored as a dynamic link library (DLL) instead of into the EXE file type C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) • Several options for creating components • One option – compile source code into .dll file type • Once you have DLL, any application that wants to use it just adds a reference to the DLL • That referenced file with the .dll extension becomes part of the application’s private assembly • Can use the command line to create .DLL C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Using Visual Studio to Create DLL Files C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Build Instead of Run to Create DLL • Create the parent class first in order to use IntelliSense (for sub classes) • To illustrate creating stand-along components, separate project created for Person and Student • Because Visual Studio assigns the namespace name the same name as the project name (Person), you should change the namespace identifier • If you don’t change it, when you start adding a reference to a created DLL, it can become confusing • Changed to PersonNamespace for the example C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Build Instead of Run to Create DLL • After typing class, do not run it – select BUILD, Build Solution • Create new project for subclasses (Student) • Again, select Class Library template from Start page • Change namespace identifier (StudentNamespace) C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Build Instead of Run to Create DLL (continued) • Add a new using statement to subclass • In Student, add usingPersonNamespace; • To gain access to base class members in subclass, Add Reference in subclass to base class • Use Solution Explorer window • DLL is stored in Debug directory under the bin folder wherever you create the project C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Add Reference to Base Class One of the first things to do is Add a Reference to the Parent DLL C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Add Reference to Base Class (continued) Use Browse button to locate DLL C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Add Reference to Base Class (continued) C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Adding a New Using Statement • In the subclass class, if you simply type the following, you receive an error message publicclass Student : Person C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Adding a New Using Statement (continued) Notice fully qualified name • To avoid error, could type: publicclass Student : PersonNamespace.Person • Better option is to add a using directive usingPersonNamespace; // Use whatever name you // typed for the namespace for Person • After typing program statements, build the DLL from the Build option under the BUILD menu bar C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating a Client Application to Use the DLL • DLL components can be reused with many different applications • Once the .DLL is in the library, any number of applications can reference it • Instantiate objects of the referenced DLL • Two steps Required • Add a reference to the DLL components • Include a using statement with the namespace name C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating a Client Application to Use the DLL (continued) C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Declaring an Object of the Component Type • Declare object of the subclass (Student)…not the base class public class PresentationGUI : System.Windows.Forms.Form { privateStudent aStudent; • Instantiate the object aStudent = new Student("123456789", "Maria", "Woo", "CS", "1111"); • Use members of the derived, base, or referenced classes Review PresentationGUIwithDLLs(and/or LibraryFiles) Examples C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Creating a Client Application to Use the DLL (continued) C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Classes • Useful for implementing abstraction • Identify and pull out common characteristics that all objects of that type possess • Class created solely for the purpose of inheritance • Provide a common definition of a base class so that multiple derived classes can share that definition • For example, Person → Student, Faculty • Person defined as base abstract class • Student defined as derived subclass C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Classes • Add keyword abstract on class heading [access modifier] abstractclassClassIdentifier { } // Base class • Started new project – used same classes, added abstract to heading of Person base class (PresentationGUIWithAbstractClassAndInterface Example) public abstract class Person C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Classes C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Classes • Abstract classes used to prohibit other classes from instantiating objects of the class • Can create subclasses (derived classes) of the abstract class • Derived classes inherit characteristics from base abstract class • Objects can only be created using classes derived from the abstract class C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Methods • Only permitted in abstract classes • Method has no body • Implementation details of the method are left up to classes derived from the base abstract class • Every class that derives from the abstract class must provide implementation details for all abstract methods • Sign a contract that details how to implement its abstract methods C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Methods (continued) • No additional special keywords are used when a new class is defined to inherit from the abstract base class [access modifier] abstractreturnTypeMethodIdentifier ([parameter list]) ; // No { } included • Declaration for abstract method ends with semicolon; NO method body or curly braces • Syntax error if you use the keyword static or virtual when defining an abstract method C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Abstract Methods (continued) Defined in Person // Classes that derive from Person // must provide implementation details // (the body for the method) public abstract string GetExerciseHabits( ); • In the derived class, all abstract methods’ headings include the special keyword override public override string GetExerciseHabits() { return"Exercises daily"; } Defined in Student C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design