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Henderson State University. April 28, 2012 Dr. Richard Abernathy AAEA Executive Director. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators. Agenda. Teacher Evaluation New Administrator Induction New Superintendent Mentoring Other Topics.
Henderson State University • April 28, 2012 • Dr. Richard Abernathy • AAEA Executive Director Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Agenda • Teacher Evaluation • New Administrator Induction • New Superintendent Mentoring • Other Topics Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011 • Arkansas Teacher Excellence and Support System (TESS) • All districts required to conduct teacher evaluations, beginning in 2014-15, using TESS unless an alternate method is approved by the ADE. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • Arkansas Teacher Excellence and Support System (TESS), continued • By September 1, 2012, the State Board shall develop the evaluation framework, evaluation rubric, and all rules for implementation of this Act. • Sept 2012 - Sept 2013: All superintendents, administrators, evaluators, and teachers will be trained TESS. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • 2013-2014 school year: The ADE shall implement a one-year pilot program using TESS in one or more school districts. • TESS will contain an evaluation rubric using nationally accepted descriptors that consists of the following four (4) performance levels. • Distinguished • Proficient • Basic • Unsatisfactory Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • A critical piece of TESS will be the selection of "artifacts" and "external assessment measures" for the evaluation process. • "Artifacts" are documented pieces of evidence chosen that relate to the evaluation rubric and represent output from: • lesson plans, • pacing guides, • professional development, • classroom assessments, or • district/state/national assessments, etc. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • "External assessment measures" are defined as measures of student achievement or growth that are administered, developed, and scored by a person or entity other than the teacher being evaluated, except that the teacher being evaluated may administer the assessment if monitored. • In a tested content area, 1/2 of the artifacts considered by the teacher and evaluator shall be external assessment measures. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • In a non-tested content area, 1/2 of the artifacts considered by the teacher and evaluator shall be external assessments, if external assessments exist. • If an external assessment measure does not exist for the non-tested content area, the ADE shall by rule determine the type of artifact that may be used otherwise to satisfy the external assessment measure requirement. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • A teacher's professional learning plan shall require that at least 1/2 of the PD hours required by law or rule for a teacher are directly related to one (1) or more of: • The teacher's content area, • Instructional strategies applicable to the teacher's content area; or • The teacher's identified needs. • PD must be approved by evaluator. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • Evaluator – Defined: • Administrator • Responsible for evaluating teachers • A designated evaluator must successfully complete all training and certification requirements. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • Intensive Support Status • Evaluator “shall” place a teacher in intensive support status if rating of unsatisfactory in any one (1) entire category • Evaluator “may” place a teacher in intensive support status if rating of unsatisfactory or basic in a majority of descriptors in a category • Intensive Support Status shall not last more than two (2) consecutive semesters – unless evaluator elects to extend for up to two (2) additional semesters. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Act 1209 of 2011, continued • Evaluator shall work with the teacher to: • Develop clear goals and tasks • Professional Learning Plan • Evidence-based research • Offer support the evaluator deems necessary • If ISS is related to student performance then formative assessments shall be used to gauge student progress Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Teacher Evaluation • Rules were released for public comment at the April State Board Meeting • Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching will be used in the state’s model Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Teacher Evaluation • Must determine appropriate external measures of assessment for teachers of non-tested areas • Must determine how to incorporate student learning into Danielson’s framework • Training for 35,000 teachers and administrators next year Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Training for Evaluations – as of April 16, 2012 • By law, training cannot begin until September 1, 2012 – It must be completed by August 31, 2013 • ADE is working to select training that is mostly delivered on-line. • On-line training is a rigorous training on Danielson’s framework. • Training on the framework is approximately 18 hours • Evaluators must pass the on-line certification test • Time for evaluators to complete all training and the certification test will be approximately 30 hours Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Training for Evaluations, continued • One day face-to-face training for Evaluators • Evaluators attend face-to-face training prior to beginning on-line training • Trainings begin January 2013 and finish February 2013 • Trainings will be held at educational co-ops • After completion of face-to-face training, evaluators may start on-line training Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Training for Teachers – as of April 16, 2012 • Teachers will complete the same 18 hour on-line training over Danielson’s framework that evaluators complete. • Teachers will complete ½ day face-to-face training at the educations cooperatives prior to beginning their on-line training over Danielson’s frameworks. • Teachers will begin training June 1, 2013 with multiple opportunities for training in June, July, and August. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Principal Evaluation • Act 222 of 2009 – Leadership Coordinating Council worked with Doug Reeves’ Center for Leadership and Learning to draft a Principal Evaluation System • Ten Districts piloting the system this school year • All principal evaluation forms can be found on the ADE website • Parallels teacher evaluation system Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Principal Evaluation, continued • 6-17-2809. Administrator evaluations.The Department of Education shall provide technical assistance to school districts for developing and implementing instruments to evaluate administrators that weight an administrator evaluation on student performance and growth to the same extent as provided for teachers under the Teacher Excellence and Support System. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
So, where are we? • More questions than answers • What do we do about special education, ELL, distance learning, etc.? • What are appropriate assessments for non-tested areas? • How do we incorporate student learning? • Where will we get the time? • Training – must train all teachers and principals September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013 • Looking at best resources and options available to deliver training Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
ARKANSAS TEACHER EXCELLENCE SUPPORT SYSTEM (TESS) *Training of Evaluators - 1 day face-to-face training held at co-ops will kick off the 30 hours of on-line training and certification test Jan – May 2013 Pilot Year All districts will pilot TESS. Committee of stakeholders will obtain input and feedback from pilot Teacher Eval. Task Force Comprised of 36 members representing all stakeholder groups est. 11 Schools Pilot – TESS Using Teachscape Software and 360° cameras Regional Meetings held throughout the state to gain input and inform stakeholders. 2009 2010-11 2011-12 2012 2012-13 2012 2013 2013 2013-14 2014-15 Training of Teachers – Half- day face-to-face training held at districts and co-ops will kick off 18 hours on-line training . June – Aug 2013 First Year of Full Implementation All districts will implement TESS; Data from 14-15, 15-16, and 16-17 will be published on school report cards in 17-18 Train the Trainers 80 to 100 trainers located throughout the state will be trained Fall 2012 4 Schools Pilot New Evaluation System Act 1209 Passed in March 2011 Rules and Regs approved by State Board of Education Summer 2012. *The face-to-face training will take place in January and February 2013 – Evaluators will need to complete the on-line training and certification test by August 2013
ARKANSAS PRINCIPAL EVALUATION SYSTEM TIMELINE 10 Schools Pilot –Year 2 Training and Support will continue w/ pilot schools to obtain feedback, gather data, and determine professional development needs- Work will also begin on revising rubrics for asst prin., curr specialists, etc. ACT 222 of 2009 School Leadership Council Set up Council of Educational Assoc, and Leadership Groups to aid in development of evaluation tools Work w/ Stakeholders and Legislators for legislation of principal evaluation system to mirror TESS Pilot Year All districts will pilot principal evaluation system. Committee of stakeholders will obtain input and feedback from pilot 10 Schools in Principal Evaluation Pilot Dr. Connie Kamm w/ Doug Reeves Leadership and Learning Center facilitates training 2009 2010-11 2011-12 Spring 2012 2012-13 Fall2012 Jan 2013 Summer 2013 2013-14 2014-15 First Year of Full Implementation All districts will fully implement principal evaluation system –Data will be collected on system Conduct Meetings with appropriate stakeholders to receive input for principal evaluation system and possible legislation – Explore options for on-line platforms Revisions made to evaluation rubric, forms, etc., based on feedback from piot Training for Principals and Superintendents All principals and superintendents will be trained on principal evaluation system - Act 222 Council develops principal evaluation system based on ISLLC standards
How can we make this as successful as possible? • Understand that we will have to tweak the evaluation system as we go through this process • Be positive and supportive to our administrators • May need to think about reallocating our administrators and their duties • Be patient • Most important – though this system may be tough for the adults in the beginning, it is going to give teachers the support they should have had long ago AND IT IS WHAT IS BEST FOR STUDENTS! Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Licensure • Licensure Task Force presented recommendations to the Professional Licensure Standards Board (PLSB) at the January PLSB meeting. • ADE personnel are currently working on revising the rules to implement the licensure recommendations. • Act 1178 of the 2011 session provided several changes to non-traditional licensure and reciprocity • Those rules were released for public comment for the second time and should be brought before the state board at the April meeting. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Licensure • Levels of initial licensure will convert from P-4, 5-8, 9-12 to K-6, 4-8, and 7-12. • Initial licensure if special education will be K-12 only. • Four years of teaching experience shall be required for building level leader licensure. • One year of experience as a building level leader shall be required for district level administrator licensure. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
New Administrator Induction • Beginning Summer Induction Training 2012 • Beginning administrator content training will be held at the AAEA conference on July 30, 31 and August 1. • Administrators may attend job specific breakout sessions and general sessions at no cost. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
New Superintendent Mentoring • First-year Arkansas Superintendent means a licensed educator who will become a superintendent in Arkansas for the first time during a school year. • First year superintendents must complete the mentoring program within twelve months to maintain his/her superintendent’s license. • At least 30 hours of instruction with 12 hours of documented interaction between the mentor and superintendent mentee. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
New Superintendent Mentoring Program shall include: • Curriculum and Instruction • Ethics • Facilities • Human Resources • Leadership • School Funding • Technology • School Board Relations • Understanding reports and trend data; and • Legal issues Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Other Topics • A sub-committee of the Act 222 Council (Leadership Coordinating Council) is in the beginning stages of analyzing superintendent evaluations systems. • Mentoring programs are being designed around the evaluation systems, no more silos. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
Questions • Dr. Richard Abernathy • AAEA Executive Director • r.abernathy@theaaea.org • 501-372-1691 Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators