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Nervous System

Nervous System. Alex Wiemann. Function of Nervous System. C oordinates actions and transmits signals between parts of a body. Definition. Central nervous system brain and spinal cord integrate information from the periphery and coordinate activities P eripheral nervous system

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Nervous System

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  1. Nervous System Alex Wiemann

  2. Function of Nervous System • Coordinates actions and transmits signals betweenparts of a body

  3. Definition • Central nervous system • brain and spinal cord • integrate information from the periphery and coordinate activities • Peripheral nervous system • provides input to the CNSfrom theperiphery • carries signals to muscles and glands

  4. Structure of a Neuron

  5. Simple Reflex Arc • Harmful sensory inputis received by receptors in the skin • Signal is sent to spinal cord • Spinal cord activates motor neuron • Body pulls away from harmful sensory input

  6. Simple Reflex Arc

  7. Brain Structure and Function • Cerebral hemispheres • occipital lobes: receive and processes visual information • temporal lobes: receive auditory signals and process language • parietal lobes: integrates sensory information and processes information about touch, taste, pressure, pain, and temperature • frontal lobes: integrates and conducts motor activity, conducts speech and thought processes

  8. Brain Structure and Function • Diencephalon • thalamus integrates sensory and motor information • hypothalamus interacts with the autonomic nervous system and maintains homeostasis • Brain stem • Midbrain control posture, walking, and reflexes of eye movements • Medulla: autonomic function including heart rate and breathing • Pons: auditory, vestibular, sensory, and motor systems • Cerebellum: coordination, balance, and motor learning.

  9. Brain Structure

  10. Nerve Impulse Resting potential + sensory input  threshold potential met  nerve depolarization + repolarization = action potential  refractory period = hyperpolarization resting potential

  11. Nerve Impulse Pathway

  12. Neurotransmitters • NTs are molecules that relay signals from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic cell • Action potential Synapse  synaptic cleft  postsynaptic membrane  NT release

  13. Cerebral Vascular Accidents • Description: blood flow to part of brain disrupted • Types: Ischemic or thrombotic • Signs and symptoms: headache, change in alertness, confusion, difficulty writing, loss of balance, muscle weakness, slurred speech • Prevalence: 3rd most common cause of death in US • Treatment: thrombolytic therapy, anticoagulants/blood thinners, surgery

  14. Parkinson’s Disease • Description: slowly progressive, degenerative disease resulting from loss of dopamine-producing brain cells • Signs and symptoms: tremor, stiffness/rigidity, slow movement, impaired balance • Prevalence: 1 million Americans currently • Treatment: medication (L-dopa, carbidopa), Deep Brain Stimulation, neural grafting

  15. Resources • http://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-the-Nervous-System.aspx • http://www.news-medical.net/health/Function-of-the-Nervous-System.aspx • http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/biobooknerv.html • http://www.columbia.edu/cu/psychology/courses/1010/mangels/neuro/anatomy/structure.html • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001740/ • http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5619a2.htm • http://medicalcenter.osu.edu/patientcare/healthcare_services/nervous_system/parkinsons/Pages/index.aspx

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