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  2. Mission Statement • The Canadian Unitarian Council Lay Chaplaincy Program helps clients, couples and families in need of meaningful rite of passage ceremonies, at places chosen by them, by recognizing their personal beliefs and wishes, while being sensitive to the needs of others who attend the ceremony, and reflecting Unitarian and Universalist values.

  3. Origin • Started in 1971 • Few ministers in Canada • Requests from other fellowshipsrequiring significant travel time

  4. Registration for Performing Marriages • CUC applies to provincial authorities • Executive Director signs as “Ecclesiastical Authority” • In Nova Scotia, PEI and Quebec, congregations may apply directly

  5. Lay Chaplain • The term ‘chaplain’ was selected in1970 • In 2001, the term was changed toLAY CHAPLAIN to differentiate from hospital, prison chaplains whose role is very different • The terms ‘celebrant’ and ‘officiant’ were considered

  6. Lay Chaplain • All lay chaplains must be approved and do training, even if they do not require registration for performing marriages • As soon as the congregation and CUC approves, the individual is a lay chaplain, although they cannot perform weddings until approval from provincial authority

  7. Purposes • Provide quality rites of passage: • Promote or showcaseUnitarian and Universalistvalues • Assist non-Unitarians to connect with our Unitarian and Universalist congregations • Enhance spiritual growth and development of members who serve as Lay Chaplains

  8. The Program is Not About… • A free-lance business • Augmenting the operating budget • Providing counselling • Providing “ministerial” leadership in a congregation

  9. CUC Task Force on (Lay) Chaplaincy • 1998: CUC Board decided toreview the chaplaincy program • 1999: Task Force struck • 2000-01: Published report andrecommendations • May 2001 Annual Meeting inMontreal adopted theserecommendations as resolutions

  10. Purpose • Lay Chaplains prepare and lead “rites ofpassage” (e.g., weddings, funerals and memorial services, child dedication services, etc.) • For the general public and, in congregations without ministers, for members of the congregation • Following CUC guidelines and policies and congregational policy and guidelines

  11. Relationship to Their Congregation • Accountable to congregation through the Board • Supervised by congregation’s Lay Chaplaincy Committee (or Board, in a small congregation) • Consult with minister(s) andstaff to ensure coordinationof activities and events

  12. Qualifications • Lay Chaplains must: • Be members (some congregations have minimum length of time ranging from 1 to 5 years) • Have access to a car and hold a driver’slicence (or other reliable transportation) • Be able to work evenings and weekends • Have considerable time available – sometimes on short notice • Adhere to the code of practice

  13. Lay Chaplains Must Be: • Committed to and able to articulate our faith • Mature and able to cope in challenging situations • Able to communicate easily with empathy, helpfulness and concern • Effective public speakers • Able to favourably represent the congregation and our religion through appearance and conduct

  14. CUC Training • Lay Chaplains are expected to successfully complete “basic training” – Designing & Leading Rites of Passage • Regular enrichment training sessions when time and cost are reasonable (Memorials, Voice Work, Retreat) • Experienced Lay Chaplains are expected to contribute to the training program

  15. Specific Responsibilities • Provide information on rites of passage in the Unitarian and/or UU tradition • Arrange for and conduct rehearsals of wedding services • Assist in the musical arrangements for services if required • Ensure arrangements are well coordinated

  16. Specific Responsibilities • Officiate at rites of passage (weddings, funerals and memorial services, child dedication services) • Ensure the integrity and security of the congregation’s premises

  17. Registrations and Reporting • Ensure the legal requirements for registration of marriage • Provide the necessarydata to meet thereporting requirementsof the congregation’sBoard of Trustees, the Treasurer and the Lay Chaplaincy Committee • Maintain the civil register and a record of services, fees and expenses

  18. Application, Selection, Appointment and Licensing • The CUC’s Manual provides suggestions to help congregations recruit and select their Lay Chaplains, an application form and a memo that explains the procedures • The application form is also at www.cuc.ca

  19. Term of Appointment • Lay Chaplains serve a maximum6-year term, affirmed annually bythe congregation • If, following a vigorous search, the congregation’s Lay Chaplaincy committee is unable to find a suitable candidate, a term may be extended annually with the approval of the CUC Lay Chaplaincy Committee

  20. Why Maximum Terms? • Many members will get opportunity to serve the congregation and have personal growth • Ensure the Lay Chaplaincy position remains primarily as volunteer not a job • Clarify that the designation does not belong to an individual and that the appointment is temporary

  21. Counselling and Consulting • Support and encouragement are integralto consulting • The contract should state that lay chaplains do not engage in counselling beyond consulting on rites of passage, even if qualified • The training program covers the distinction between counselling and consulting

  22. Consulting is Necessary • Restrict to the subject matter of making arrangements for a dignified ceremonyand allowing for the informed understanding and participation of those involved

  23. To Give Support During Grief Need Not Involve Counselling • Be a good listener and deal with matters that involve only preparing for the service • Dealing with grief isaddressed in LayChaplaincy training • Most funeral homeshave informationabout grief counselling

  24. Model Lay Chaplaincy Contract • A Model Contract may be printed from www.cuc.ca • Revise to suit the needs of your congregation • Forward a copy of the contract to the CUC • A copy of the Model Lay Chaplaincy Contract is in the CUC Congregational Lay Chaplaincy manual

  25. Congregational Polity • Each congregation is independent and responsible for managing its own affairs • The CUC is an association of congregations; its purpose is to support those congregations • CUC must ensure its members are acting consistently within their obligations, legal and otherwise • It must ensure that congregations are responsibly working with governmental authorities

  26. Congregational Lay Chaplaincy Committee • Appoints, renews, reviews and removes (if necessary) its lay chaplains (only congregations can recommend lay chaplains to the CUC) • Ensures lay chaplains reflect Unitarian principles in their contacts with the public • Communicates with the CUC’s Lay Chaplaincy Committee • Note: In a small congregation, the Board may take on this role.

  27. Congregational Lay Chaplaincy Committee • Should include: • People with knowledge of theprogram • Leaders in the congregation • Former lay chaplains, board members,retired ministers • The professional minister

  28. Congregational Lay Chaplaincy Committee • Provides support, consultation and a forum for working through performance issues • Ensures training opportunities are available • Speaks for lay chaplaincy program to board or congregation • Recruits, selects, ensures quality services, training, evaluation and outreach

  29. CUC Lay Chaplaincy Committee Support • The CUC Lay Chaplaincy Committee responds to questions and offers support • Each CUC LCC member has regular contact with 4 to 6 congregations

  30. Role of the Minister • The minister is the person best equipped to evaluate the quality of rites of passage • Assures the highest quality of rites of passage • Usually the primary resource and consultantto the Lay Chaplains • Provides training, support, and mentorship • The congregational committee shares this role

  31. Role of the Minister • The minister should be • Consulted at evaluation time • Available to answer questions and consult with Lay Chaplains concerning difficult situations

  32. Lay Chaplains’ Support to the Minister • Lay Chaplains may, if asked by the minister, perform rites that the minister is unable to do • They may, on request, provide congregational rites of passage • They may share their experience as Lay Chaplains with the congregation in various ways

  33. Community Lay Chaplaincy Support • Education given by funeral homes for conducting memorial services • Courses on the meaning of ritual given by universities and colleges • CUC offers about 8 workshops per year

  34. Training Programs • Fees submitted by congregations cover cost of travel expenses and honoraria to presenters

  35. CUC Lay Chaplaincy Committee • Implements the LayChaplaincy program and related policies • Is accountable to the Executive Director • Ensures communication among various parties

  36. Responsibilities • Approve or decline applicationsfor registration • Administer training • Provide support for strategic planning • Administer the fees collected by CUC from rites of passage

  37. Evaluation • Purpose: • Maintain the quality of service • Resolve any problems quickly • Highlight strengths and identifygrowth points • Provide support and recognition

  38. Complaints • The Congregational LCCommittee may: • Determine that no further action is needed • Try to resolve the complaint informally • Refer the complaint to their Board • With the knowledge of the congregation’s Board, refer the complaint to the CUC’s Lay Chaplaincy Committee for further investigation and recommendation

  39. Recommendations May Include: • Dismissal of the complaint • A written caution or reprimand • A suspension of Lay Chaplaincy privileges • A revocation of Lay Chaplaincy privileges • A continuation of privileges on condition • Direction for further training • Any combination of the above or • Such other action as appropriate and necessary

  40. Communication, Outreach & Promotion • CUC provides a training module on outreach • Brochures available from CUC for adaptation • Materials now beingshared through emailgroups and “wiki”

  41. Marriage Act • Each jurisdiction has a separateMarriage Act • Lay Chaplains and Congregational Lay Chaplaincy Committees need to be familiar with the content of the Act • Monitor for changes with regard to officiant qualifications, eligibility for marriage, record keeping, etc. and publicize to other congregations and colleagues in your jurisdiction

  42. Officiating at Funerals, Memorial Services, and Child Dedications • Legally, anyone reaching the age of majority may officiate • Whenever someone isofficiating as a UnitarianLay Chaplain, they mustbe registered with theCUC and subject to allother guidelines

  43. Congregational Administrative Support • Lay Chaplains are often providedwith daytime and after-hour accessto the congregation’s office andmeeting spaces, computers,telephone, photocopier and faxmachines, postage and stationerysupplies

  44. Fees for Service • Congregation’s Lay Chaplaincy committee should establish and annually review the fees • Consider past congregational practice and contributions to the congregation’s overhead, the CUC’s Lay Chaplaincy training fund, travel allowances, etc., in addition to the Lay Chaplain’s honoraria.

  45. Requests for Service • Each congregation should establish how requests are received and recorded • Include how the caller learned about the program • Also record information-only inquiries and cancellations • The statistics will be useful in evaluating many elements of the program, including workload and promotion • Note: Some congregations now have an online form

  46. Reporting and Record Keeping • Annual or other reports required by the congregation and the CUC • Marriage Act requires Lay Chaplains to maintain register(s) of all marriages performed • These registers are legal documents, and failure to maintain them can result in serious consequences

  47. Emergency Backup • Illness or extreme emergency • Good practice, public relations,corporate and individual liability • CUC has always recommended at least TWO Lay Chaplains, even if the number of services is small

  48. Confirmed Ceremonies • Lay Chaplains should provide a current listing of their confirmed ceremonies, including: • Type, date, place and time of the ceremony • Names, addresses and contact numbers of key persons involved • Name, address, contact person and telephone number of the venue

  49. Contacts • Maintain a list of the names and contact numbers of other area Lay Chaplains and professional ministers • Available in the CUC Directory – just ask phil@cuc.ca

  50. Recommendation 3.7 • 3.7 That [professional] ministers serve on the congregation’s [lay] chaplaincy committee and provide quality assurance, training and advice to chaplains within their own congregations and, where feasible, assist in these roles with chaplains in neighbouring congregations with no minister.

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