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Welcome to Video Technology

Welcome to Video Technology. Instructor(s): Ms. Kidd Classroom: Computer Graphics Room Telephone Number: 594-1100 Fax Number: 594-1105 Email: A ngela.Kidd@pflugervilleisd.net Website: https://angelakidd.wikispaces.com. Tutoring Monday- 8:15-8:50 Thursday- 4:20-4:55. What is Video Tech?.

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Welcome to Video Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Video Technology

  2. Instructor(s):Ms. Kidd • Classroom: Computer Graphics Room • Telephone Number:594-1100 • Fax Number:594-1105 • Email:Angela.Kidd@pflugervilleisd.net • Website:https://angelakidd.wikispaces.com

  3. Tutoring • Monday- 8:15-8:50 • Thursday- 4:20-4:55

  4. What is Video Tech? • In Video Tech our focus will be to create exceptional quality digital films & videos. We will be working with the following software programs: iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, Final Cut Pro Express, LiveType, Soundtrack. Additional software may be integrated as it becomes available throughout the year.

  5. Course Objectives - Skill based • Demonstrate the basic understanding of the technology • behind video as an important medium. • Demonstrate production skills and techniques as it • relates to producing a variety of video formats. • Put into practice skills in story design, writing, and video editing. • Put into practice camera and lighting skills. • Demonstrate the use of a MAC computer and software.

  6. How does Video Tech Work? • You will be assigned one partner and one computer. • Together you and your partner will work on projects-- creating and producing. • You will learn about the MAC and software through Atomic Learning. • At the end of each semester you will have several DVDs with your projects.

  7. Major Grades • Test/Exams • Projects • Performances • Group Projects • Research

  8. Minor Grades • Independent practice • Quizzes • Warm-ups/Journal • Reviews • Progress Checks • Daily Grades- participation

  9. Late Work • Work turned in past the deadline will have a 10-point penalty each day that it is late. • If an assignment is due, and you are swept into the tardy tank, you are responsible to turning in the assignment before 4:30 that day, or it will be considered late and receive a 10-point penalty. • Students will be afforded opportunity to submit late work for FormativeAssignments during each grading period. • Late work submissions in this regard must be submitted within two school days of the original submission date. Teachers may extend the deadline for legitimate student absences.

  10. Late Work (continued) • Late work submissions in this regard must be good-faith efforts at the assignment; trivial attempts at assignments will not be accepted or graded. The teacher will determine the worthiness of the late assignment submitted. • Late work submitted in this regard will receive a grade no lower than 50. • Extra credit assignments are NOT subject to this Late Work provision. • Students referred to ZAP (Zeros Aren’t Permitted) Lab are subject first and foremost to ZAP protocols.

  11. Classroom/Lab Expectations 1. Always try to do your best! 2. Cooperate & respect others. 3. During “hands-on” activities, projects, & written assignments, stay on track with assigned work. 4. Seek help when needed from Ms. Kidd. Communicate any problems that you cannot resolve with the Ms. Kidd.

  12. 5. Be on time & in your assigned work area/seat when the tardy bell rings. 6.Be PREPARED!! Meet your deadlines! 7. Students are responsible for acquiring makeup work if absent from class. 8. All content on video must be pre-approved by the teacher before completion. Your videos may not contain graphic violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, weapons, vulgarity, or material deemed inappropriate by the instructor.

  13. 9. Absolutely no eating, chewing gum, iPods/MP3 players, cell phones, or drinking liquids in the classroom/lab. 10. Report any damage you see to your assigned computer or equipment immediately! 11. Remember you are borrowing HHS computers, no saving work on the computer desktop and no downloading onto the computer. 12. DO NOT touch equipment or Ms. Kidd’s belongings without permission. 13. No backpacks. All books must be left on shelves; purses must remain under your seat at all times!!!!


  15. Any Questions?

  16. Examples of Work 2007-2008

  17. Video Tech WS 1 • On the bottom of the WS write my website. https://angelakidd.wikispaces.com • On the bottom of the WS let’s make a list of what needs to be brought back tomorrow!

  18. ICE BREAKER • Popcorn

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