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People think about you

People think about you. All the Time!. How do you feel when…. Someone yells during the movie you are watching? Someone throws a tantrum in the middle of a store you are in? A student gets really upset over a small problem, such as breaking a pencil?. How do you feel when….

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People think about you

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Presentation Transcript

  1. People think about you All the Time!

  2. How do you feel when…. • Someone yells during the movie you are watching? • Someone throws a tantrum in the middle of a store you are in? • A student gets really upset over a small problem, such as breaking a pencil?

  3. How do you feel when….. • Someone says “good job” to you? • Someone sits calmly and quietly next to you on the van? • A student gives you a compliment?

  4. Expected vs. Unexpected • Expected behaviors- following the rules of a situation Ex. sitting quietly in a movie theater • Unexpected behaviors- don’t follow the rules of a situation Ex. yelling to your friend in the middle of the movie How do these behaviors make people feel?

  5. Expected vs. Unexpected • Clip-Boy Meets World Pilot 2:24- 4:46 Classroom Behavior

  6. Pick any social situation

  7. Good thoughts/ Weird thoughts • People are constantly having thoughts about you • When you are sitting quietly • When you are eating your lunch • When you are talking • Each of us can make people have good or weird thoughts about us by how we behave • Complete worksheet

  8. Review Worksheet and Clip • Review, from worksheet, things that make you have good thoughts about people • Watch clip- Elf • Fill out thought bubble for what the person is thinking about the other person’s behavior

  9. Why is it important to know that people think about you? • Have good or weird thoughts • Might give you a reputation for doing or not doing something • Might affect if they want to be around you How we react to problems affects how people think about us and act towards us

  10. For example…. • If people think we act expected and have calm reactions, • If people think we are over-react and act unexpectedly,

  11. Size of the problem • Level 1 and 2- small problems - Things that make you uncomfortable (ex. bumping into a person) • Level 3- more serious problem • A small injury, losing a cell phone • Level 4 and 5- problem that upsets a lot of people and causes physical pain or money problems

  12. How do we react? • It’s important to figure out how big a problem is because if you over-react, others feel awkward, uncomfortable, or annoyed • How much emotion should we let out when you are upset and how much much is supposed to stay in?

  13. What are you thinking about this person? • http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/2403831/the-last-oreo-on-earth • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g-d0f6i3KE (4.52- 7:54- Boy meets world pilot)

  14. What’s the size of the problem? • 1. Corey- not being able to go to the baseball game on Friday • 2. Kid not getting an Oreo on top of his cupcake

  15. 1-5 Scale • Complete worksheet providing 2 examples for each level of the problem • Review 1-5 scale problems

  16. 1-5 Scale Continued…. • New Project • Make a poster labeling level 1 to 5 problems • Glue picture next to the level of the problem

  17. Classroom 1 to 5 scale • Review of level of the problem How big Appropriate of a problem? Reaction

  18. 1-5 Scale • Read comic: • What’s the level of the problem? • How big is her reaction? • What could she have done instead?

  19. Over-reactions • Answer first 2 questions on worksheet • Watch clip and complete worksheet • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bJT_ddJEUQ&feature=relmfu

  20. Review Over-reactions Worksheet • What over-reactions did you see to small problems? • What over-reactions did you see to things that made someone happy or excited?

  21. 1-5 Scale Problems • Watch clip and identify problems that “The Extremes” over-react to • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03Nh7Rq96aY • On your worksheet, • Write in problems we identified on the board • Then complete the level of the problem and one appropriate reaction for each problem

  22. Let’s see what you have learned • Complete Problem Rating Scale independently • Turn into Caitlin

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