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Transgression = landward migration of a shoreline Regression = seaward migration of a shoreline Package of sediment shown below (a sequence ) was deposited by a transgression-regression cycle, and is bounded by unconformities. Idealized Midcontinent Cyclothem (Pennsylvanian Age)
Transgression = landward migration of a shoreline Regression = seaward migration of a shoreline Package of sediment shown below (a sequence) was deposited by a transgression-regression cycle, and is bounded by unconformities.
Idealized Midcontinent Cyclothem (Pennsylvanian Age) There are dozens of these stacked on top of each other in Nebraska, Kansas, and in the Rockies. Know the basics about Midcontinent cyclothems: How old? How thick? What kind of rocks? What were controls on deposition? This lecture will add a twist to the story.
Eolian sandstone resting directly on marine limestone, Dark Canyon, UT Dozens of eolian sandstones interbedded with dozens of Pennsylvanian / Permian marine limestones.
Vertisols have thick, clay-rich horizons that swell upon wetting, producing abundant slickensides.
Incised Valley Fills in Pennsylvanian Cyclothems 30 m Base of Eudora to base of Tonganoxie paleosols Feldman, et al., 1995 AAPG Bull., 79, 1019-1043
Isopach= line of equal thickness
Interpreted as fluvial Interpreted as tidal
Sequence boundary