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Climate related challenges for water managers. Economic Planning Unit Prime Minister’s Department. 3. Number of disasters reported. The Global Evidence. Extreme weather events are becoming more common and severe. Floods. Droughts. Storms.
Climate related challenges for water managers
Economic Planning Unit • Prime Minister’s Department 3
Number of disasters reported The Global Evidence Extreme weather events are becoming more common and severe... Floods Droughts Storms
Record of World Disasters that Caused 100 or More Deaths or Missing People Classified by Region and Cause 1963 -1992
Economic and Insured Losses The 1997/98 drought in Kenya dropped hydropower generation by nearly 50 %. The 2000 floods in Mozambique cost 23 % of its 2000 GDP. Total aid is currently US $ 58 billion per year Economic losses due to hydrometeorological disasters over 1992-2001is US $ 446 billion, and the trend is increasing.
1997-98 flood & 1998-2000 drought: Kenya BUT: indirect costs of perceived risk of variability??
Global Impacts Example Iran
Correlation between GDP and Rainfall in Zimbabwe rainfall affects growth…. the case of Zimbabwe
The Infrastructure GapAs a country’s income grows, the amount of infrastructure increases ORas the amount of infrastructure increases, the country’s income grows? 10,000 Norway Source: World Development Report, 1994 Spain Paraguay Japan Australia 1,000 Mexico Infrastructure stocks per capita , 1990 ($, 1985 prices) Zambia Mauritius Mali Guatemala Bangladesh 100 Rwanda Chad GDP per capita, 1990 (PPP dollars) 100 1,000 10,000 Latin America and the Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia and Pacific Middle East and North Africa Europe and Central Asia South Asia
What is the CPWC? It is a network programme mainly for DCs that • Encourages partnership building of the water sector with the climate and the disaster/insurance sectors to cope with changing climate • Encourages capacity development (training and applied research) to support the coping/adaptation actions • Stimulates information exchange: • Newsletter • Case studies • Workshops, Conferences
CPs Global community potential future CPs C P W C Advocacy Promotion 2004 2007 Action Information Exchange networking - web - CoPs - e-mail - newsletter - thematic discussion groups CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Support Techn Assist -Partnership building -Inst.Reform -Legislation -Twinning - - Research -CVI -Decision Supp. Systems -PVI -Forecasting -Spatial Pl - - Training -On the job -MSc -Short courses -Distance learning - - -
Issues and concerns • Improve present operation and maintenance practices (TAR) is not enough and too generic. • Hot spots: small islands, S-E Asia, Bangladesh, Pakistan • Chapter 8 of MEA states that no global trend is observed with respect to renewable supplies of run off. • NAPAs, NEAPs, IWRM and PRSP separate plans. EU call for mainstreaming Climate and Poverty (for natural resources including water)
Constellation of changesVulnerability is increasing • Disasters were peripheral and exceptional, they are becoming more frequent and seriously affect economies, societies and ecosystems. • Inconceivable (SARS, stopping of thermohaline cycle) and often compounded origins (demographics, warming, land use change, globalisation) • Long incubation and lasting impacts leading to deep crisis. • Risk is going up but risk acceptance is going down (role of media) ….. Needs inter/multi disciplinary research
Policy issues • Mainstreaming Climate, Poverty and Water: what is involved? • Innovative financing mechanisms for adaptation investments • Linking MDGs/IWRM and protection against disasters …….Need policy relevant research
Tools Water managers need tools to: • Accumulate credible evidence on local hydro-meteo trends (data) • Tools for (local) vulnerability assessments including indicators (CVI) for priority setting and hot spot identification • Improved instruments and their use in the water sector of weather and climate forecasts • Instruments for risks management including insurance, preparedness measures, public information systems • Coping options • Structural • Non-structural • Decision Support Systems (GLOWA, Newater: adaptive management etc) • livelihood improvement/security • Partnership development (different scales, different missions, different organisations) …….need applied research
Events • IWA/Aquatech 27, 28 and 29 September in the RAI, Amsterdam • 24-25, 2005 USACE Anchorage Water and Climate conference • March 2006 WWF-4: Risk Management ….are to present research results
EU Research CallGlobal Water Resources and Environmental Change • Emphasis on technologies such as forecasting systems, for floods and droughts, for risk management (= applied nature) • Socio-economic and also policy, financing and institutional aspects • Contribution to GWSP, GEO and ….partner to CPWC …. Thank you