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ICT BRINGING INNOVATION IN TEACHING PRACTICE. Olimpius ISTRATE - Universit y of Buc harest , Teacher Training Dept. - - Intel Romania -. OECD 2009 meta-analysis (1/2). There has been very rapid recent investment in ICT for schools across OECD countries
ICT BRINGING INNOVATIONIN TEACHING PRACTICE Olimpius ISTRATE - University of Bucharest, Teacher Training Dept. - - Intel Romania - eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
OECD 2009 meta-analysis (1/2) • There has been very rapid recent investment in ICT for schools across OECD countries • the availability of computers in schools doubled in the last 3 years • It is necessary to reach thresholds of investments in ICT and in the skills and educational organisation to use them so as to reap educational benefits • even in countries with among the highest levels of investment in ICT in schools, often it is not used for much of the time (PISA 2003) • systems that have reached the thresholds have had integrated approaches eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
OECD 2009 meta-analysis (2/2) • Elearning has not yet revolutionised learning and teaching in higher education systems (2006) • low adoption of content management systems • only 6.6% of the higher education institutions reported institution-wide adoption of elearning (in 2004) • ICT has had more impact on administrative services than on the fundamentalsof teaching and learning eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 INVESTIGATION • May 2007 – June 2008 • consortium coord. by the University of Bucharest • 195 principals, 1588 teachers, 3953 students • aspects revealed: • to what degree different types of schools are provided with computers and other equipment • students’ and teachers’ access to the new technologies • to what degree these technologies are used • the impact the use of the new technologies had in the beneficiaries’ view (managers, teachers, students) eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS Teacher’s view on the positive effects of using S.E.I. labs: (1/3) • facilitates the attainment of learning objectives • facilitates teacher’s activity (design-teaching-assessment) • encourages innovation/ modernisation of the teaching process eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS Teacher’s view on the positive effects of using S.E.I. labs: (2/3) • facilitates understanding of different phenomena • develops computer use skills • improves the learning outcomes/ attracts students, develops interest in studying eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS Teacher’s view on the positive effects of using S.E.I. labs: (3/3) • favours active, interactive, participative learning • allows cooperative learning, develops team work abilities • allows individualised/ personalised learning eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS • 95% of the teachers in lower and upper secondary education use the SEI laboratories • 70% of the teachers report a positive impact of ICT on learning performance at their discipline • 83% of the teachers which have followed a specialised course relate a positive impact of using ICT on students, comparing to only 65% of teachers which have not participated to courses focused on ICT in education eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS • 0,9% of the students do not use the computer; 63% use the computer at school and 83% use the computer at home; • 95% of the students declare they would want to use more the computer and the Internet for lessons of various disciplines; eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
S.E.I. PROGRAMME – 2008 EVALUATION RESULTS • 90% of studentsconsider that those of them which do not have access to a computer will be disadvantaged later in their professional and social lives eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
Intel Teach PROGRAMME • in-service teacher training programme, focused on project-based learning and on developing students’ competencies for the XXI Century • seen as a second level course regarding the use if ICT in education • started in Dec. 2007, implemented in partnership MoE – Intel – SIVECO Romania, through the Houses of the Teaching Staff • 5.000 teachers trained so far (April 2009) eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
Intel Teach PROGRAMME – 2009 IMPACT EVALUATION RESULTS • 82% of the teachers have used technology in new ways with their students since they participated in the Intel Teach training eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
Intel Teach PROGRAMME – 2009 IMPACT EVALUATION RESULTS eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
Concluding remarks • Teachers spend more time in designing the lessons • Benefits at students’ level go beyond school performance • Introduction of ICT is an opportunity for teachers to think deeper about their education practice, to re-invent and to discover the real Pedagogy eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April
References: • D. Potolea, E. Noveanu (coord). Using ICT in the Romanian Education System: S.E.I. Programme. Bucharest, 2008. Available online: www.elearning.ro • Toma, Steliana (coord.) Teaching in the Knowedge Society.Impact of the Intel Teach Program in Romania. Bucharest, 2009.Available online: www.elearning.ro • P. Zgaga (ed.) The Prospects of Teacher Education in South-East Europe. University of Ljubljana, 2006. Available online: www.see-educoop.org • *** Intel Education Knowledge Base. Available online: www.intel.com/education • OECD. Education Today: The OECD Perspective. 2009. • UNESCO. ICT Competency Standards for Teachers. 2008. Available online: http://cst.unesco-ci.org/sites/projects/cst/ • *** Reports and support documents available online: www.edu.ro and www.elearning.ro eLSE 2009, Bucharest, 9-10 April