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Structured / Unstructured Market Trials

Structured / Unstructured Market Trials. Weekly Update – Friday Meeting September 13, 2013. Call Reminders. Please help to minimize disruptions: Mute your phones Do not dial-in from a recorded line Do not put the call on hold, even if you are on mute

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Structured / Unstructured Market Trials

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  1. Structured / Unstructured Market Trials Weekly Update – Friday Meeting September 13, 2013

  2. Call Reminders • Please help to minimize disruptions: • Mute your phones • Do not dial-in from a recorded line • Do not put the call on hold, even if you are on mute • When asking a question on the phone, please state your name and the entity you represent

  3. Agenda • TCR Update (5 min) 9 – 9:05A • Analysis Sept 2 – Sept 8 (30 min) 9:05 – 9:35A • Settlements(15 min) 9:35 – 9:50A • Announcements & Outstanding Questions (10 min) 9:50 – 10:A • COP True-Up Report (10 min) 10 – 10:10A • Commitment Parameters (20 min) 10:10 – 10:30A • Look-Ahead Sept 16 – 22(15 min) 10:30 – 10:45A • Updates (10 min) 10:45 – 10:55A • Release Scorecard • Migration Report • Known Issues Log • Questions (5 min) 10:55 – 11A

  4. TCR Market Trials • Submit Your Historical Peak Load • Who:  Only those MPs with NITS Service • What:  Historical Peak Loads (Load + Transmission Losses) for 2010, 2011 & 2012 for the historical coincident peak load for your system. • Why:  Validation purposes to compare against what we pull from settled EIS transmission settlements. • When: by September 18, 2013 • Go Live Planning • TCR Go Live Discussion held on September 11th (CWG Meeting Materials) • Publish Go/No-Go Data for CWG Review on October 3rd • CWG Go/No-Go Recommendation Due on October 7th • Go-Live team Decision on October 11th Brett Crane

  5. TCR Market Trials • Phase 2 Monthly Processes • Good Participation is Requested/Expected • Allocation Nominations: • Auction Bids/Offers: September 9 September 16-17, 23-24 Brett Crane

  6. Analysis: Sept 2 – Sept 8 • Structured Market Trials Statistics posted the day after each OD spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings • Analysisof Sept 3, 4, 5, and 6 Operating Days posted Tues to spp.org spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Alan Adams

  7. Market Settlement System (MSS) Known Issues • KIL# 647 Determinant Report issue with DaMccHrlyPrc not producing for Sink Locations. • Fix is expected to be installed in Production by September 16. • Initial Settlement for 9-12 OD will include missing determinants. • KIL# 659 Prevents RtSE5minQty/RtSELoss5minQty/RtResMtrHrlyQty from being mapped to the determinant reports for MP shadowing. • Fix is expected to be installed in Production by September 16. • Initial Settlement for 9-12 OD will include missing determinants. Tony Alexander

  8. Market Settlements Charge Types & Scenarios • How will MPs hit Charge Types and Scenarios? • Settlements will provide the Market Operators a list of MPs that have not hit certain Charge Types and Scenarios. • The Market Operators will work with MPs to submit the offers that would trigger the Scenario(s). • Scenarios will be triggered on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday Operating Dates. Tony Alexander

  9. Market Settlements Charge Types & Scenarios Tony Alexander

  10. Settlements Charge Type Scorecard • Starting with the 9/20 Scorecard: • The status will be Greenwhen an MP has hit a Charge Type or Scenario 1 time. • Charge Type status by Market Participant. • Ability to view MP Charge Types by OD. • Scenario status by Market Participant. • Scenario to Charge Type Mapping added. Tony Alexander

  11. Market Settlements Dispute Submission • All MPs need to submit a dispute. • Readiness Metric - STL-05: Submit Dispute • Market Participants have the ability to submit disputes. • RMS Link https://spprms.issuetrak.com/login.asp • Actual disputes will be counted as passed. • You can submit a test dispute by typing “Test Dispute” in the subject line and filling in all required information. • Submitting one dispute is all it takes to pass (Actual or Test). Tony Alexander

  12. Announcements & Outstanding Questions • SPP is adding a Daylight Savings Time Scenario to be executed Nov 3 • SPP will notify MPs when Scenario Document is posted to spp.org • Scenarios 3 and 3A will not be executed in September as planned • SPP will notify MPs as soon as Scenarios 3 and 3A are rescheduled • Questions on Tag Validation Criteria for MT Testing? spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Reference Documents • Daily Calendar – DA Market Operating Day clarification • DA Operators work Monday – Friday; therefore, • Results in ‘supported’ solutions are posted for OD s Tuesday – Saturday • All of the actual DA work activity occurs Monday – Friday Ginny Watson / Jeff Fruit

  13. COP True-Up Report • Temporary work around for the Commitment history that is not being adequately displayed in the Markets UI • Emailed daily around midnight • Contains previous 24 hour’s commitments • Captures data points that Participants need to determined the commitment times and reasons for resources Gary Cate

  14. Sample COP True-Up Email and Report Gary Cate

  15. COP True-Up Report Column Definitions ASSETOWNERNAME: AO Name RESOURCEASSETNAME: Asset Name EFFECTIVETIME: Commit/Decommit Start Time TERMINATIONTIME: Commit/Decommit End Time CASETYPE: Will be one of:   "DAMKT" - Day Ahead Market committed / decomitted this resource"DA_RUC" - Day Ahead RUN committed/decommited this resource"TRUE_UP" - COP True Up committed/decommitted this resource ACTION:Will be one of:                                            "COMMIT" - Resource was committed                                           "CALLOFF" - Resource was decommited ACTIONTIME:Time notification was created Gary Cate

  16. Resource Offer Commitment Parameters Commitment Parameters Presentation posted to spp.org: spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Reference Documents Carrie Simpson

  17. Look-Ahead: Sept 16 – Sept 22 • Sept 16 – Sept 22 Daily Calendar • spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder • Includes some Settlements Dates. All details on Settlements Calendarmarketplace.spp.org > Public > Settlements > Calendars • Scheduled Scenarios • 16.1 DA Offer Curve Mitigation • 16.2 RUC Offer Curve Mitigation • 16.3 RTBM Mitigation • 31.0 Block Demand Response • Official Operating Days Monday - Friday • Friday Maintenance • Saturday reserved for MP Testing Ginny Watson

  18. 16.1 DA Offer Curve Mitigation Scenario Description • Offer Curve Subject to Mitigation • Mitigated offers for Energy, Start-up and No-Load product shall be submitted on a daily basis by the MP in accordance with the Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines. • Mitigated offers may be updated up to 11A on the day before the OD for use in the DA Market • MPs should submit Mitigated Offers for Energy, Start-up and No-Load such that each offer type is subject to mitigation by SPP Alan Adams

  19. 16.1 DA Offer Curve Mitigation Expected Result • SPP will apply mitigation measures by replacing the Energy, Start-up and No-Load offer with the mitigated offer if: • The Resource’s Energy, Start-up, No-Load Offer exceeds the applicable threshold; and • The Resources is subject to mitigation measures; and • The Resource fails the Market Impact Test • An Energy Offer below $25/MWh will not be subject to mitigation measures. Alan Adams

  20. 16.1 DA Offer Curve Mitigation MP Activities *Applicable to MPs with Resources • Submit Energy, Start-up, and No-Load offers for at least one Resource such that the difference between the Normal Offer and the Mitigated Offer exceeds the threshold as described in the following 2 bullets: • The Energy Offer Curve threshold is a 25% increase above the Mitigated Energy Offer • The Start-Up and No-Load Offer threshold is a 25% increase above the Mitigated Offer for the applicable offer • The Energy Offer Price must be at least $25 or higher • After DA Market results are posted, MP should confirm that resources cleared in DA reflect the mitigated offer for each product as applicable • Only committed resources will be mitigated • Verify mitigated flag / notification in either the; • MUI under the Mitigated column of the Resource Offers tab > Market Results > Commitments • XML / API notifications Alan Adams

  21. 16.1 DA Offer Curve Mitigation MP Activities *Applicable to MPs with Load • Continue to submit Production-Like demand bids for the MPs expected forecast of the Demand Alan Adams

  22. 16.2 RUC Offer Curve Mitigation Scenario Description • RTBMMitigated offers for Energy, Start-up and No-Load product shall be submitted on a daily basis by the MP in accordance with the Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines. • Mitigated offers may be submitted up to 1700 hours or one hour following the posting of the DA Market Results • MPs should submit RTBM Offers for Energy, Start-up and No-Load such that each offer type is subject to mitigation by SPP Alan Adams

  23. 16.2 RUC Offer Curve Mitigation Expected Result • SPP will apply mitigation measures by replacing the Energy, Start-up and No-Load offer with the mitigated offer if: • The Resource’s Energy, Start-up, No-Load Offer exceeds the applicable threshold; and • The Resources is subject to mitigation measures; and • The Resource fails the Market Impact Test • The START/STOP notification in the Market User Interface will indicate the Resource has been mitigated • An Energy Offer below $25/MWh will not be subject to mitigation measures. Alan Adams

  24. 16.2 RUC Offer Curve Mitigation MP Activities *Applicable to MPs with Resources • Submit Energy, Start-up, and No-Load offers on a resource with a DA Market Commit Status of “Not Participating” such that the difference between the Normal Offer and the Mitigated Offer exceeds the threshold as described below: • The Energy Offer Curve threshold is a 25% increase above the Mitigated Energy Offer for all Resources • The offer threshold for the Start-up Offer is a 25% increase above the Mitigated Offer for the applicable Start-up Offer • The offer threshold for the No-Load Offer is a 25% increase above the Mitigated Offer for the applicable Start-up and No-Load Offer • Submit RMS ticket titled “Scenario 16.2” indicating the unit chosen for the scenario for your organization. • Following execution of the Day-Ahead RUC, MPs who submitted offers subject to mitigation and received a DARUC commitment for that Resource should confirm that their Resource received a mitigation START/STOP. • This can be performed by checking the Mitigation flag in the START/STOP notifications in the Market User Interface (MUI) (Between 1900-2000 CPT). The START/STOP notifications are located on the Resource Offers tab > Date > Market Results > Commitments > View Alan Adams

  25. 16.3 RTBM Mitigation Scenario Description • Mitigated offers for Energy shall be submitted for each OD in accordance with the Mitigated Offer Development Guidelines. • MPs should offer Energy such that it is subject to mitigation by SPP Expected Result • SPP will apply mitigation measures by replacing Energy Offers with the mitigated offer if: • The Resource’s Energy Offer exceeds the applicable Behavior Test threshold; and • The Resources is subject to mitigation measures; and • The Resource fails the Market Impact Test • An Energy Offer below $25/MWh will not be subject to mitigation measures. Alan Adams

  26. 16.3 RTBM Mitigation MP Activities *Applicable to MPs with Resources • Submit at least one Energy offer for an online Resource such that the difference between the normal offer and the Mitigated Offer exceeds the 25% threshold • SPP requests that several of the highest cost resources that are online will have energy offers that exceed the threshold • Following execution of the RTBM SCED, MPs should confirm that their resource’s corresponding Energy Curves are mitigated appropriately via user interfaces and indicators on XML dispatch instructions Alan Adams

  27. 31.0 Block Demand Response Scenario Description • Verify functionality specific to BDRs. BDRs achieve their response through reduction of the effective load. BDRs are dispatched in hourly blocks according to their existing COP dispatch MW and are not dispatched in RTBM Expected Result • BDR Block Energy Dispatch: • Committed BDRs should be able to be dispatched for energy in hourly blocks. Energy dispatch should not exceed the block level initially committed. • BDR Reserve Clearing: • Eligible for contingency reserve clearing when qualified and committed. • Ineligible for offline supplemental reserve clearing. • Non-Committed BDR Dispatch: • BDRS without a COP commitment should be dispatched to 0 MW. Alan Adams

  28. 31.0 Block Demand Response MP Activities *Applicable to MPs with BDR resources • Verify that BDRs have valid offer data for all products • Offers should be such that the BDR will clear contingency reserves if qualified. • Offer should include a small fixed offer for contingency reserves with a monetary offer that could allow more contingency reserves to clear above their fixed amount. • Ensure that all required real-time measurements are defined and being submitted to SPP via ICCP • Submit hourly DRL forecasts when required for BDR resources • Submit meter data for time that BDR is dispatched • Some hours have the meter data be greater than the hourly DRL forecast • Some hours have the meter data be less than the hourly DRL forecast Alan Adams

  29. Release Scorecard Release Scorecardposted to spp.org: spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Ginny Watson

  30. Migration and Maintenance Report Migration and Maintenance Report posted to spp.org spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder MT Tagged Transactions documentationposted to spp.org spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Reference Documents Wendy Reynolds

  31. Known Issues Log Market Trials Known Issues Log posted to spp.org spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Leann Poteet

  32. Scheduled Scenarios • Sept 16 – Sept 20 • 16.1 – DA Offer Curve Mitigation • 16.2 – RUC Offer Curve Mitigation • 16.3 – RTBM Mitigation • 31.0 – Block Demand Response • Sept 23 – Sept 27 • 21.0 – RTBM Scarcity Shortages • 15.0 – Commitment Mismatch Ginny Watson

  33. Market Trials Useful Resources SMT Hotline: 501-482-2222 for critical & high issues Mon-Fri 8A – 5P Please submit all other inquiries via the Request Management System (RMS) Settlements Calendar marketplace.spp.org > Public > Settlements > Calendars Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder • Documents found here include: Daily Calendar, Release Scorecard, Migration Report, Known Issues Log, Market Participant Guide • SMT Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Folder • SMT Reference Documents Folder • New! Tag Validation Criteria for MT Testing • SMT Scenarios Folder • New! SMT Scenarios Schedule Change Tracker spp.org > Integrated Marketplace > Marketplace Documents

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