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The Freedom To Soar… Events Preceding The American Revolution

The Freedom To Soar… Events Preceding The American Revolution. Decisive Events Which Led to the American Revolution. *The French and Indian War (1754-1763): The British defeated the French to dominate North America, but at a significant cost. * The Proclamation of 1763:

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The Freedom To Soar… Events Preceding The American Revolution

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  1. The Freedom To Soar… Events Preceding The American Revolution

  2. Decisive Events Which Led to the American Revolution *The French and Indian War (1754-1763): The British defeated the French to dominate North America, but at a significant cost. *The Proclamation of 1763: 1. Closed off the expansion of the colonies west of the Appalachian Mountains; 2. Supposedly to calm the fears of Indians regarding possible intrusion on “their” land; and, 3. Establishment of four new colonies: Quebec, East and West Florida, and Grenada.

  3. Taxation Acts Who? King George III, King of England Why? He implemented the taxes on the colonists because he believed the colonists should bear the burden of maintaining the colonies. When? 1764-1775 (Timeline 1 or Timeline 2)

  4. The Sugar Act The first act of the British Parliament was the Sugar Act of 1764. The objective of this Act was to directly raise money for the colonial Crown. This was achieved by taxing non-British goods shipped to the colonies.

  5. The Stamp Act of 1765 The first direct tax on the colonists, to again, directly raise money for Britain. It taxed newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, and entertainment items like dice and playing cards. The stamps were placed on these items to show the taxes were paid.

  6. 1765 Act The Quartering Act This act required colonists to provide supplies and lodging to British troops.

  7. 1766 Repeal of The Stamp Act and Resistance to The Quartering Act (especially in New York City)

  8. 1767 Townshend Acts To continue to alleviate the burden of governing the American colonies, King George III and the British Parliament passed The Townshend Act which introduced taxes on paper, paint, tea, glass and lead. This act led to similar hostilities created by The Stamp Act.

  9. Events of 1768 and 1769

  10. Give and Take Therefore, the colonies eased their boycott of British imported goods. In 1770, due to decrease profits from colonial boycottson British goods, Britain removed The Townsend Act except for the tax on tea.

  11. 1770 – The Boston Massacre On this monumental day, a street fight occurred between a “patriot” mob throwing snowballs, sticks, and stones at a squad of British soldiers. Three people were instantly killed – including a black sailor, a ropemaker, and a mariner. Eight were wounded – of those two later died. Initially, British captain Preston and his men were acquitted and released. Later, two British soldiers were convicted of lesser crimes.

  12. 1773 – Boston Tea Party

  13. Intolerable or Coercive Acts of 1774 After the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passed several acts to punish the colonists – especially in Massachusetts. They were as follows (as per The Library of Congress): 1. Boston Port Bill: banned import or export of goods on any ships in Boston harbor. 2. Administration of Justice Act: provided a means of protection for royal officials to transfer all court cases against them for riot clampdown or revenue collection to England. 3. The Massachusetts Government Act: essentially shut down the colonial/local government - under British rule and control.

  14. Influential Events of 1774 The Quartering Act was broadened to any occupied dwelling. Colonies Protest: Considered rein- stating non-importation, but a number of states preferred a congress of all the colonies to discuss a unified resistance. The First Continental Congress formed to meet September 5, 1774 in Philadelphia. The First Continental Congress: main accomplishment – urge colonist to ban British goods, form committees to enforce ban. They agreed to meet, again, if Britain did not change its policies.

  15. 1775 - Final Turn in Road to Revolution

  16. Exit ticket After analyzing, discussing, and evaluating the events that led up to the American Revolution, formulate a stance and create a persuasive essay expressing why we should or should not have fought Britain, based on the evidence supported in the events leading up to the Revolution? You must use five to nine resources from this presentation to support your opinion.

  17. References America During the Age of Revolution, 1764-1775 (n.d.). America Memory-Collection Home. Retrieved March 22, 2012, from The Library of Congress website: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/continental/timeline1f.html Liberty! (2004). The American Revolution. Retrieved March 22, 2012, from Twin Cities Public Television website: http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/chronicle.html Rubenstein, D.M. (n.d.). Magna Carta and Its American Legacy. Retrieved March 22, 2012, from National Archives and Record Administration website: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured_documents/magna_carta/ Taking action. (2003). Traiters, seamstresses, and generals: voices of the American revolution. Retrieved March 22, 2011, from Oracle Think Quest USA website: http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0312848/ccf.htmA Timeline of the revolutionary war. (2011). We hold these truths...the declaration of independence. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from Independence Hall Association website: http://www.ushistory.org/ Declaration/revwartimeline.htm

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