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Clarity and Cohesion

Clarity and Cohesion. Building Inspirational Learning T eams with Curriculum Mapping. ernestkoe http :// www.flickr.com /photos/ blinkerfish /3868225439.

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Clarity and Cohesion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Clarity andCohesion Building Inspirational Learning Teams with Curriculum Mapping

  2. ernestkoehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/blinkerfish/3868225439 I want the light and sparkle that a five year old child has in their eyes - the joy and love of learning - to remain with them at all times, not to start to die and diminish at the age of six or seven. Karen Boyes. (2013)

  3. Inspiring Our Learners Through Curriculum Mapping 1. How does Curriculum Mapping make a lasting difference for todays learners? 2. How can curriculum mapping lead to inspirational learning teams? 3. How can empower clarity and transparency in learning?

  4. Why Map?

  5. Curriculum From this To This • Wide ranging • Complex • Saved in a myriad of ways • In a variety of places • Updated in many different ways • School centric • Evidence Based • Actual V’s Intended • Accountable • Aligned & Scaffolded • Accessible • Cohesive & Transparent • Collaborative • Connected • Inclusive – Knowing the Learner and their community • Regularly Reviewed, Revised and Renewed

  6. 1. Purposeful Relevant Current Connected Aligned 3. Reviewed Revised Renewed Responsive 2. Social Local Global Digital Curriculum Mapping Inspiring 21st C Learning Teams Learning Community Curriculum 21st Century Teachers Strategic School Vision Direction 21st Century Learners Confident, Connected, Actively Involved, Lifelong Learners

  7. CurrentCurriculum What is Required? How do we do it?

  8. deepens Curriculum Mapping ………… Identifies Differences between written and taught curriculum Professional dialogue that leads to revisions and adjustments for relevance, quality and alignment

  9. What is taught? How it is taught? Aligning How learning is assessed and reported?

  10. What do we Map?

  11. Map Types

  12. Strengthening Evidence Based Informing

  13. Curriculum Map Elements Conceptual Understandings Skills EssentialQuestions Authentic Assessment ContentKnowledge

  14. Reflections: Administration & Leaders, Teachers, Students Minutes of school meetings Review Processes & Outcomes PLG’s Curriculum Teams Student Voice School initiatives What else can we map? Community Consultation

  15. How do we Map?

  16. Shifting Practice • Purposeful Dialogue • Consensus • Inform decision making • Timely • Assessment • Focused • Mixed Groups • Actual • Detailed • Aligned • Embed • Review • Record • Curriculum • School wide

  17. Classroom Implementation Deep Professional Inquiry Purposeful Learning Conversations Immediate or Long Term Development Individual Common or Mixed Group What does it tell us? What does this mean? What are we going to do with it? Suspend all Judgment

  18. Establish the Culture Collaborative Professional Inquiry Suspend all Judgement

  19. Commitment

  20. Map Layers

  21. Strategies • School wide • Level Maps • Teacher Maps • All Staff • Core team • Core Teams • Teams • Individual Teachers

  22. Gaps Analyse Current Structures Overlaps SupportStructures

  23. What structures and strategies are present in your school? How might you use these to begin mapping? What would need to change? How do these strategies align and inform school wide practice?

  24. How do we ensure effective implementation?

  25. Upgrade Maps What to Keep? What to Create? What to Cut?

  26. Getting Started Quality Mapping…… Transferred to Life Situations Deep, Conceptual Understanding Transfer of Knowledge Skills and Values Authentic Assessment Tasks Criteria for Success Problem Based/Inquiry Scenarios Past Present Future

  27. Making a Start Brainstorm Possible Concepts Unpack – what do we want students to know and understand Identify Essential Questions What is the end in mind - Skills knowledge and application? How would this change across the levels?

  28. Continuing the Cycle

  29. Considerations

  30. Curiosities Learner Focused Direction Teacher Interest Tools Resources Strategies Choice

  31. Establishing & Maintaining a Process Deep Purposeful Concepts Shifting Current Practice National Expectation Maintaining Curriculum Integrity Assessment Authentic Application Challenge recservices.k-state.edu

  32. Schedules Time Core Curriculum Other Initiatives School Systems Social & Emotional Well Being Complexities DomaiKnowledge.png

  33. Realisations Continuity Alignment Relevance Student voice Academic Vocabulary Focus on skill development Purposeful regular review Connectivity Community Authentic Relevant Deep Understandings

  34. Process and Practices Steps Considerations • Research to inform • Identify an End in Mind • Select facilitator • Establish a core team • Analayse Current situation • Identify potential professional inquiry foci & select • Plan to build on strengths and address gaps • Establish a process and structure • Embed process in school calendar • Organisation • Best fit - core team • Reflective practice strategies • Systems for documenting maps • Consistency of - Processes - Protocols - Messaging - Expectations • Expected outcomes • Implementation Strategies • Documenting all elements of the process

  35. Chic Foote Helix Consulting + 64 21832646 chic.foote@helix.ac.nz

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