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International Cooperation in. Science, Research and Technology in Germany Erika Rost Head of Division "Cooperation with Eastern European Countries" Federal Minstry of Education and Research (BMBF) XV International Symposium – Innovation 2008, Prague, December 2, 2008.
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology in Germany Erika Rost Head of Division "Cooperation with Eastern European Countries"Federal Minstry of Education and Research (BMBF) XV International Symposium – Innovation 2008, Prague, December 2, 2008
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • Federal Ministry of Education and Research • Aims and Tasks • Growth through Innovation • Germany as a Research Location • Germany as a Hotbed for Talent • Opportunities through Education • Added Value through Science
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • German Research Policy - Recent developments • High-Tech Strategy: • A new foundation for Germany’s innovation policy • A coordinated innovation policy of the Federal Government • Innovation policy priorities
The High-Tech Strategy for Germany Cross-cutting activities Pooling the forces of science and industry Improving the conditions for high-tech start-ups and innovative SMEs Supporting the faster dissemination of new technologies Strengthening international cooperation Investing in human capital Specific innovation strategies Innovations for a healthy and safe life Innovations for communication and mobility Innovations through generic technologies
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • German Research Policy - Recent developments (2) • Internationalization Strategy:Strengthening Germany’s role in the global knowledge society: A Strategy of the Federal Government for the Internationalization of Science and Research • A coordinated policy of the Federal Government • Reorientation for Measures for internationalizing Science, Research and Development
Internationalization Strategy Four main goals 3. Intensifying the cooperation with developing countries in education, research and development on a long-term basis 4. Assuming international responsibility and mastering global challenges 1. Strengthening research cooperation with global leaders 2. International exploitation of innovation potentials Generic measures Presence abroad International monitoring Promoting Germany as location for higher education,research and innovation Plans for the future Strategy for Europe Strategies for particular countries Implementation, evaluation and updating
Internationalization Strategy • Internationalizing the training of young researchers • Supporting the mobility of researchers • Enhancing the possibilities for international research collaborations • Continuing to strengthen internationally oriented research infrastructures • Increasing the presence of German universities and research institutions abroad • Making optimum use of synergies with EU measures and instruments (FP7, etc) Priority 1: Strengthening research cooperation with global leaders
Internationalization Strategy • Strategic orientation of innovation funding programmes • - Competence networks and cluster • - Innovative SMEs • - Cooperation of industry and science and commercial exploitation of knowledge • Improving the general conditions for R&D investments (e.g. protection of intellectual property) • Making optimum use of synergies with EU measures and instruments (e.g. the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EUROSTARS, European Technology Platforms) Priority 2: International exploitation of innovation potentials
Internationalization Strategy • Enhancing the coordination of the instruments of development cooperation and scientific and technological cooperation • Modern initial and continuing training for executive and specialized staff as a basis for a sustainable economic, social and political development of the partner countries • Establishing an International Education and Research Dialogue • Supporting research in the humanities and social sciences • Developing further European and multilateral instruments Priority 3: Intensifying the cooperation with developing countries in education, research and development on a long-term basis
Internationalization Strategy • Interdepartmental overall approach in meeting the global challenges (climate change, poverty reduction, resource efficiency, security and health) • Long-term international research dialogue (G8 and emerging economies) • Scientific analysis of the causes and manifestations of the globalization process (funding initiative ‚Freedom for research in the humanities‘) • Heiligendamm Process: G8 Dialogue with Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa Priority 4: Assuming international responsibility and mastering global challenges
Internationalization Strategy • Presence abroad • - Coordination of the activities of German research centres, funding and intermediary organizations, universities and industrial research efforts abroad • - Establishment of ‚German science centres‘ • International monitoring • - Analysis of international trends, political strategies and measures in R&D • - Collection of R&D data for international benchmarking • - Science counsellors at German embassies • Promoting Germany as location for higher education, research and innovation Generic measures
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • German Research Policy - Recent developments (3) • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South • Eastern European Countries • Objectives: • Stimulate cooperation and networking of German institutions with European and international partners • Link capabilities in R&D projects which are of mutual interest • Improve competitiveness, achieve synergies • Foster the integration of SEE into the European Research Area • Contribute to the development of the ERA and to the Lisbon process
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South • Eastern European Countries (2) • Instrument “Regional Call” – International Cooperation in Education and Research – Central, Eastern and South Eastern European Region • Supports thepreparation of projects in applied R&D and • in education • under current funding programmes of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)New technologies, Life sciences, etc. (High-Tech-Strategy) • related to thematic priorities of the specific programme Cooperation of the EU FP7, e.g. Health, Biotechnology, ICT, Nanotechnologies, Materials, Environment • Instrument “Joint Research Base”
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South • Eastern European Countries (3) • Funding of • higher education and research institutions in conjunction with partner • institutions from CEE/SEE countries (preference for applications involving • SMEs); Consortia: German applicant and two or more further institutions • (of which one or more from CEE/SEE country) • Funding for • travelling expenses incurred by German experts • costs of sojourns of foreign experts in Germany, • in special cases • staff costs for investigations of feasibility and costs of events • physical resources (consumables for pilot investigations). • (grants up to 50,000 € pro the preparation of particularly complex projects)
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South • Eastern European Countries (4) • Selection criteria: • Scientific quality and originality of work plan • Prospects of success of the planned project (BMBF/EU) • Qualification of project coordinator and project partner • Quality of the cooperation and mutual benefit • Commercial exploitation of the anticipated results • Promotion of young scientists • (additional criteria in the case of “Joint Research Bases”)
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • German Research Policy - Recent developments (4) • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South Eastern European Countries • Instruments for the Promotion of Germany as a location for higher education, research and innovation, e.g. • Competition for the “Implementation of promotion measures in Central-, Eastern and South Eastern Europe” for R&D Networks and Clusters
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South • Eastern European Countries • Applications for the “Regional Call” are accepted and processed continually • Information: http://www.bmbf.de/en/furtherance/2198.php • Responsible for Regional Call: BMBF (Division 216) • Project Management Agency: International Bureau of BMBF at PT-DLR • Contact: International Bureau of BMBF: • http://www.internationales-buero.de/
International Cooperation in Science, Research and Technology • Cooperation with Central, Eastern and South • Eastern European CountriesAdditional international activities of: • German research organisations and institutions - Max Planck Society- Helmholtz Association- Fraunhofer Society (FhG)- Leibniz Association (WGL) • (exchange of personnel, joint projects, etc.) • German funding organisations - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) • (specific programmes and initiatives, mobility and exchange programmes, “Go East”, “Go out” etc.)