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AN ARCTIC DIMENSION IN THE NEW PROGRAMME Paula Mikkola Regional contact point for Finland

AN ARCTIC DIMENSION IN THE NEW PROGRAMME Paula Mikkola Regional contact point for Finland. Arctic challenges and potentials.

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AN ARCTIC DIMENSION IN THE NEW PROGRAMME Paula Mikkola Regional contact point for Finland

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  1. AN ARCTIC DIMENSION IN THE NEW PROGRAMME Paula Mikkola Regional contact point for Finland

  2. Arctic challenges and potentials The wilderness of the Arctic has not remained intact this long due to strong legislation and good spatial planning practices - but rather because of its remoteness from industrial centres, inaccessibility, and the harsh climatic conditions of this region, protected primarily by the pack ice during winter. These conditions are now changing. Infrastructure is moving in, investments are being made in extractive industries, and global warming is opening up sea routes to previously inaccessible areas. Arctic spaces and ecosystems are thus no longer protected by nature and geography as they were in the past. (Arctic council’s report 2007)

  3. Geopolitical interests: Entire Murmansk Region to be included in Russia’s Arctic Zone Ottawa eliminating regional water boards in Northwest territories Finland aims to lead sustainable development in the Arctic Region Northern Sea route: a future business for Norway China wants to be part of the Arctic order Development in the Arctic will call for a revision of defense plans

  4. Business opportunities – challenges: Conference on sustainable business in the Arctic Going circumpolar Dangers of Arctic Cruising What are the benefits of Arctic oil drilling? Impacts of climate change & economic activity: Arctic – a messenger for global change Reporting on the resilience of Arctic ecosystems U.S. allocates 5m$ to the environment in the Arctic Challenges in the Arctic – a Gender Perspective

  5. Different approaches in the programme area • Activities are considered Arctic by nature (Grl); • Arctic cooperation is carried out through membership in international organisations (AC) • The area has adopted an explicit Arctic/High North strategy or agenda (Fin, Nor, Rus, EU); • Arctic’s ”closest neighbour”, i.e. Arctic development involves issues which are interesting for UK’s own policy framework ? What will be the role of the new NPA programme in this context?

  6. Integrating Arctic into the new programme A separatepriorityorintegrated in the mainstreampriorities? • Scotland, N Ireland, and Irelandrequirethat the programmeshouldnotbecomeoverlyfocussed on Arcticissues • Important to keepallpartnersfromallregionsfullyengaged in allaspects of the programme • Avoidmakingsomeinterventionsmore/lessrelevant to someareasthanothers

  7. Integrating Arctic into the new programme A separatepriorityorintegrated in the mainstreampriorities? • Instead of having an ownthematicpriority for the Arcticcooperation, a mainstreamingapproachwasadopted • The descriptions of Specificobjectivesare made broadenough to accomodatealsoArcticcooperation • ActionsSupportedincludealsoexamples of projects with an Arctic dimension

  8. Integrating Arctic into the new programme – implementation challenges • Need to increase the knowledge base in relation to Arctic themes – an Arctic observatory / horizon scanner? • Number of available partners limited in the Arctic – secure sufficient organisational capacity and a balanced partner representation from the whole programme area? • Other EU-programmes will also be addressing Arctic cooperation – need for more coordination between the programmes?

  9. NPA CONTRIBUTION TO THE ARCTIC DEVELOPMENT • Supports cooperation, innovation, and transfer of knowledge and technology within themes which are of specific significance to the Arctic and sub-Arctic territories (sustainable use of resouces, demographic challenge) • Engages actors on a grass-root level; maintains the brand of a people’s programme • Develops products and services which are of importance to the people living in the Arctic, including the indigenous people

  10. NPA contribution to the Arcticdevelopment • With regard to environmental and natural processes in the Arctic, the NPA generates information and promotes knowledge about what can be done at a local and regional level to preserve and protect the environment, nature, and seas in the Arctic. • Promotes expertise related to cold climate and harsh conditions which will be an extra advantage for SMEs that go for cooperation with firms outside the Programme area.

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