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Working with Performing and Visual Arts Power Standards 7-12

Working with Performing and Visual Arts Power Standards 7-12. District-Wide Curriculum Articulation October 23, 2009. Agenda. Welcome Goals for the Day Common Power Standards Common Assessments Honoring the Past Overview of Our Work - Micheal Thompson Video

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Working with Performing and Visual Arts Power Standards 7-12

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  1. Working with Performing and Visual Arts Power Standards 7-12 District-Wide Curriculum Articulation October 23, 2009

  2. Agenda • Welcome • Goals for the Day • Common Power Standards • Common Assessments • Honoring the Past • Overview of Our Work - Micheal Thompson Video • “New” Arts Standards Structure • Stretch Break • Power Standard Criteria • Selecting Power Standards for Writing Assessments • Unwrapping a Standard Activity • Lunch 11:30 - 12:30 on your own • Break-Out Sessions • Large Group Review and Closing • Next Meeting Dates

  3. Fall ‘10 Participants • Calvin Plocher, Music, Vocal/Instrumental • Zane Shaefer, Music, Arts Consultant • Robin Lorenzen, Music, Vocal • Sydney Willcox, Visual Art • Jan Spencer de Gutiérrez, Arts Supervisor • Byron Richard, Education Research Coordinator, Perpich • Jeremy Holine, Visual/Media, Perpich • Ashley Cannady, Gifted Services • Edye Skibbe, Gifted Services • Stephanie Schroeder, Visual Art • Kathy Grundi, Visual Art, Arts Consultant

  4. Honoring the Past2006 Standard Alignment with Courses KEY √ Indicates ESSENTIAL (i.e. This absolutely has to be included in this course.) Indicates IMPORTANT TO KNOW * Indicates REINFORCED (i.e. This course goes into broader depth with a benchmark already covered by another course.) --- Indicates NOT ADDRESSED

  5. Honoring the Past2007-2009 Arts Course Syllabi / Lessons http://curriculum2.spps.org/ P402411 - Band, Beginning Syllabus Grade Level: 9-12 High School Subject Area: Music Course Number: P402411 Course Title: Band, Beginning Course Length: full year Prerequisite: Interest in playing in the school band Course Description: This band develops inexperienced new band members’ skills so they can join the school band. Beginning instrumental technique, marching skills, and group rehearsal etiquette will be included. Students will consult with the director to select an instrument to play. A limited number of school instruments are available for loan with parental permission and required responsibility. (Students with previous band experience should register for Intermediate Band.)

  6. Honoring the Past • 2006 Standard Alignment with Courses • 2007-2009 Arts Course Syllabi / Lessons • http://curriculum2.spps.org/ • 2008-2010 Perpich Center for Arts Education Curriculum and Assessment Mapping Project • http://www.thecenter.spps.org/Curriculum_Maps.html

  7. Honoring the Past Saint Paul Public Schools Curriculum Map Visual Arts Scope and Sequence: American Indian Art, 9-12

  8. Curriculum Conference Welcome Micheal Thompson, Director of Secondary Curriculum

  9. Micheal’s Messages • August - Selecting Power Standards • Working with Leadership and Learning Center • Teaching for understanding and rigor • Provide many and varied experiences for uses of student knowledge and skills • Reduce number of standards/benchmarks • Determine Power Standards (complete by Nov. 24, 2009) • Focus assessments on those benchmarks • Move from learning for retention of knowledge toward teaching for giving students strategic capacity with knowledge and skills • Data shows necessary to FOCUS - do less to achieve more • September - Unwrapping the Power Standards • November - Engaging Classroom Assessments Seminars November 10 & 11, 30 arts participants maximum

  10. Micheal’s Messages Continued… • November 13, 2009 Secondary District-Wide Content Area Curriculum Conference 2 • Spring 2010 - End-of-Course Assessment Development and Field Testing • Second Semester - Field test common district assessments • January - LLC, Balanced Math Program process • April and May - LLC, Non-Fiction Writing Across the Curriculum • 2010-2011 - Continue Non-Fiction Writing and use data in Professional Learning Communities and Department Groups • Authentic PLC engagement using these strategies

  11. The New Arts Standards Structure • Strands • Sub-strands • Standards • Benchmarks

  12. Facts and Questions • Why Power Standards? • What happens with the rest of the standards/benchmarks? • What does this word mean? • How many Power Standards should each content area have?

  13. Power Standards Selection Criteria:What Do Students Need to be Successful in these Three Key Areas? School (Readiness) Life High-Stakes (Endurance) Tests (Leverage)

  14. Unwrapping a Standard Demonstration • Determine Standard • Type in benchmark XX • circle the verbs • underline the nouns

  15. How will lunch energize us?

  16. Our Next Steps • Identify one key power standard that you want to work with • Unwrap your standard • Determine Essential ? / Big Picture • Brainstorm what assessment or evaluation tools you can use to assess this benchmark/standard. Is it common?

  17. Formative Assessment • Formative Assessment • Mid point assessment • Summative • End of course assessment

  18. Breakout Rooms • 1303 Music • 1302 • 1101 Visual • 1108 breakout • 1109 media • 1105 Theatre

  19. Closing • Fill out the + Plus / Delta workshop SURVEY • What did you notice in your small groups? • Share out • URLs for LLC information • Sign up for Nov. 10 & 11 Engaging Assessment Seminar by highlighting your name on sign in sheet when you sign out

  20. LLC and District Resources • The Center for Professional Development • http://www.thecenter.spps.org/home.html • District Leadership and Learning Center Information • http://thecenter.spps.org/llc • Arts Leadership and Learning Center Information • http://www.thecenter.spps.org/Leadership_and_Learning_Center_LLC_Information.html • District Curriculum • http://curriculum2.spps.org/ • Arts Curriculum Maps (under construction) • http://www.thecenter.spps.org/Curriculum_Maps.html

  21. LLC and District Resources

  22. Next meeting dates 11/10 & 11/11 and 11/13 • Your Comments • Please complete one+ Plus Delta teacher survey

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