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TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS & RHYTHMIC CLIMATIC CHANGES & . Manhin Look- Yat & Helen Look- Yat Taylor. LONG TERM CLIMATIC FORECASTING. A new model of long term climatic forecasting has finally arrived with the discovery of True Planetary Motions.

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  2. LONG TERM CLIMATIC FORECASTING A new model of long term climatic forecasting has finally arrived with the discovery of True Planetary Motions. Ever since mankind crawled out of the last ice-age 11,000 years ago, only about 10% of all living things made it through the periods before the last cyclical hot spell of 3000 BC, 5000 years ago but did not survive that cataclysmic period of untold human suffering. Mankind’s survival depends on his ability to gauge cyclical climatic changes and migrate or adapt to survive. Up to this day man can only forecast weather for little more than one week at a time. With the discovery of long term forecasting based on the true rhythms of solar orbital cycles, the forecasting of long term climatic changes is finally here! Questions to be answered by True Planetary Motions are: Forecasting of cyclical ice-ages and hot-spells Cyclical and gradual reversal of magnetic poles Extinction of species Rising oceans and cyclical Earth changes Population explosions and migratory measures warnings to world leaders to heed these now predictable cycles Man will now be able to gauge all of the above by utilizing the three laws of True Planetary Motions. This is the dawning of a new age for mankind and the unveiling of the new paradigm for cosmology.

  3. The Cosmological Discovery of the CenturyTHE THREE LAWS OF TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS

  4. Modeling the Principles of True Planetary Motions This is an image of the model for this presentation depicting long term climatic changes on our planet relative to the concept of an orbiting sun on the inner hub of our galaxy in 25,000 year cycles over time immemorial through infinity. The model was constructed by Helen Look-Yat Taylor as no such model exists prior to this discovery! A wire bread basket, wire prongs from a wire-whisk, and ping -pong balls were utilized for a light weight model to be perfected via computerized software in the short term presentations of the future. A teaching lesson plan and model will be formatted for grades 3 through 12 in fundamentals of the new theoretical principles of True Planetary Motions.

  5. 25,000 year Cyclical Solar Orbital Clock from Time Immemorial to Infinity: Next ice age in year 15000 center of sun’s orbit Sun@12oclock ICE-AGE Last Hot spell, Sun @9 o’clock in year 3ooo BC Next Hot Spell, Sun@3 o’clock in year 9000 HOT SPELL HOTSPELL ICE-AGE Sun is here@6:30 in year 2011 End ice age @ 5:30 in year 4500 Sun@6 o’clock Ice age in year 3000

  6. The Cosmological Discovery of the CenturyTHE THREE LAWS OF TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS Law #1: AN ORBITING SUN In this discovery the observer stands at a point OUTSIDE our Milky Way galaxy. He observes billions of stars and planets to infinity. Our star the sun is seen in an anti-clockwise spiral orbit on the inner hub of our galaxy in 25,000 year cycles- with the nine known planets orbiting and crossing the ellipse of the orbiting sun at right angles at all times. This is the KEY to true planetary motions.

  7. The Cosmological Discovery of the CenturyTHE THREE LAWS OF TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS Law #2: ALL Planets MUST cross the sun’s ellipse at right angles on the same plane at all times. ALL known planets must cross the sun’s ellipse while orbiting the sun on the same plane at all times in concentric circles which when extended must intersect with the center of the sun’s orbit while crossing the plane of the sun’s orbit at all times. In this way no planet can ever overtake the sun. This is the second law of true planetary motions that affects all planets in our galaxy.

  8. The Cosmological Discovery of the CenturyTHE THREE LAWS OF TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS Law # 3: NO WOBBLE ,GYRATION OR NUTATION OF PLANETS There shall be no wobble, gyration nor nutation of the axes of planets in the galaxy. There shall be no wobble of the Earth’s axis nor of other planets . ALL axes of the planets must point in fixed directions relative to our star and other stars as the sun makes its rounds on its 25,000 cyclical orbit on the inner hub of our galaxy.

  9. The Cosmological Discovery of the CenturyTHE THREE LAWS OF TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS

  10. The Sun’s Orbit is too Colossally Large to see from within our Galaxy! THUS TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS HAVE ELUDED MAN FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL: The sun takes 25,000 years to orbit the inner hub of the galaxy. This orbital path if viewed from planets will appear to be a straight line.

  11. HOT SPELLS HOT SPELLS occur every 12,000 years, the last we had was 5,000 years ago at around 3000 BC. This is a period when the Earth is at 90 degrees relative to the orbit of the sun. This is a period of untold suffering and death as man can not live through the periods of 6 months darkness and 6 months sunlight. All life perishes through the planet and animals in the past became extinct primarily due to the inability to survive in darkness and to find food. The periods of drought and starvation are doom to all life on the planet during the periods of 6 months of light and 6 months darkness. The greenhouse effect is real, but for different reasons than mankind’s input. Mankind’s carbon footprint is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of climatic reversals based on our orbiting sun over long term cyclical periods.

  12. ICE-AGES ICE-AGES occur every 12,000 years, when earth is located at 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock respectively on the climatic time clock. These are predictable and occur in both hemispheres simultaneously. The last ice-age was 11,000 years ago, and the one before that was 22,000 years ago . This illustrates the accuracy of this long term climate model now evident in the discovery of TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS. We are now able to forecast long term climatic changes that devastate our planet time and time again. A moving sun on the inner hub of our galaxy is the key to a myriad of unanswered questions including ice-ages, magnetic pole reversals, hot spells, and the accompanying manifestations that are evident prior to every shift in climate. These are population explosions, sea level rise, changes in topography and seasonal swings that devastate the planet leading up to these swings in climate over long periods of time. Nothing survives the ice-ages in the northern and southern hemispheres. Life is only sustainable at the areas within 10 to 15 degrees of the equator during the 2000 years duration of ice-ages.

  13. Magnetic Pole Reversals Magnetic pole reversals occur with the onslaught of climate change at 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock on the climatic time clock. This occurs over gradual process and is not an overnight summersault as theorized by some. StigFlodmark, in his papers New Approaches in Geomagnetism and the Earth’s Rotation: Proceedings Stockholm Sweden 1988, indicated that the earth is nearing a period where the earth will undergo a shift in pole orientation within a single day! That is not only impossible but will be proven to be highly illogical based on the evidence of the phenomena demonstrated in this new paradigm of TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS. We are not to confuse the magnetic poles with the axial poles of earth. Pole reversals occur due to redistribution of sunlight on our planet due to our shifting sun.

  14. THE SOLAR CLIMATIC TIMECLOCK The sun has both micro and macro-cycles evident in the cycles of 12 years for maximum of solar flares or sunspots. Pole reversals occur simultaneously on the sun during these micro cycles also. So too are the macro-cycle of 12,000 years, as between ice-ages and hot spells. There are MICRO-CYCLES, evident in increments on a smaller scale to the MACRO-CYCLES, in patterns of 6 ,12 and 24.96 thousand, roughly 25,ooo years. So too are the time spans mirrored in micro-cycles or increments of 12 hrs. and 24 hrs. ( hot spells, ice-ages and magnetic pole reversals occur repeatedly in complete order on larger spans of every 12,000 years in the repetitive 25,000 year cycles, time and time again in cosmological time.) There is complete order in the universe.

  15. Tectonics is Reducto-Absurdum Continents do not drift! The advocates of continental drift conveniently introduced tectonics to account for pole shift and other catastrophic climatic changes. They could not explain tropical reefs in the Arctic , so they invented continental drift to account for this missing puzzle piece. Scientists have shifted the continents on imaginary plates the thickness of toilet paper in comparison to the earth’s crust. For a while theory on tectonics was dismissed as myth. It became utilized as explanation for unanswered questions ,as stated here. Cooling of the earth is ongoing and cracks occur on the surface time and time again from the combustion within the earth, evident in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The largest rift or crack snakes some 47,000 miles across the earth’s diameter.

  16. Cyclic Swings in Climate Change Climatic Reversals are Now Predictable! Long Term Climatic Time Clock Revealed



  19. TRUE PLANETARY MOTIONS and RHYTHMIC CLIMATIC CHANGES: Manhin Look-Yat,Cosmologist~ 1925~1996 The KEY to True Planetary Motions is the cyclical orbit of the sun, to show the earth’s repositioning along the same path as the sun in spiral circles changing distribution of sunlight causing the long term climatic changes on the planets over 25,000 years/ per solar orbit.

  20. EARTH’S MAGNETIC POLE REVERSAL ILLUSTRATED There are two magnetic pole reversals per 25,000 year solar cyclical orbits. The last at (top) was 11,000 years ago. Earth is now at 6:30 entering the next ice-age to climax in 1000 years by the year 3000. Ice thaw at 4500 and pole reversal will continue into year 15000 next ice age. Seen here the sun on its orbital path on the inner hub of our galaxy, indicated by the X going in spirals with earth crossing the sun’s elliptical path a t right angles at all times. Here at 6 0’clock ice–age the earth’s axial and magnetic poles are parallel to sun’s plane creating a 2000 yr ice-age.

  21. LONG TERM FORECASTING HAS ARRIVED~THE DAWNING OF A NEW AGE FOR MANKIND! True planetary motions and rhythmic climatic changes are finally here creating the new paradigm of cosmology for the coming millennia! Below, North magnetic begins conversion reversal to polar orientation shift when the earth is aligned at top page at 12 o’clock at zero degrees relative to the sun’s orbital path. At this point it is an ice- age as the axial and magnetic poles align themselves in parallel to the sun’s elliptical path. The earth is seen crossing the plane of the sun at right angles at all times following the sun in complete harmony toward the next pole reversal at 12 o’clock (TOP of page). THANK YOU FOR SHARING! HTTP://WWW.DISCOVERYOFTHECENTURY.WEBS.COM

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