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628-632 and 713-722. Muslim Lands Fall to Imperialist Demands. Historical Background Information:.
628-632 and 713-722 Muslim Lands Fall to Imperialist Demands.
Historical Background Information: • Napoleon’s army invaded Egypt in May of 1978, however they had trouble maintaining power and eventually withdrew in 1801. This left Egypt open to the rise of Mohammed Ali. Mohammed Ali greatly modernized and westernized Egypt, strengthening the military, establishing schools, and creating the need for factories. Mohammed Ali ruled until 1849, and his family continued to maintain power until 1952. One of Mohammed Ali’s most notable successors was his son, Ibrahim, who invaded Syria and carried over many of the ideas of modern Egypt. • The implementation of European ideas in the Ottoman Empire was met with much resistance. A Janissary uprising led to the loss of Serbia. Muslims in the Ottoman Empire felt that that they were being denied by Europeans who preferred Christians and Jews. • Other European powers began to pick apart the Ottoman Empire. The British, French, and Russian armies worked together to help Greece gain independence. The Crimean War began as a result of Russia attempting to invade Ottoman territories. The conflict over whether or not the Ottoman Empire should continue to exist and who would gain its lands if it collapsed was called The Eastern Question. This image shows janissaries from the Ottoman Empire. Janissaries gained political power in the 18th century and were put into positions such as provincial governors in Serbia. Orthodox Christians in Serbia complained that the janissaries were abusing them. When the sultan, Selim III, responded by threatening to reassign the janissaries to Istanbul, they revolted.
In Serbia, Orthodox Christians claimed that they were being abused by Janissaries. The sultan, Selim III, reassigned the Janissaries to Istanbul. They saw this as a threat to their power and revolted, massacring Serbian Christians. This lead to Serbia becoming independent. • Muslim religious scholars called ulama opposed Selim’s law and tax reforms, causing a violent rally in Istanbul despite the sultan’s suspension of his progressive programs. Selim was executed in the uprising. • In the mid 19th century, reform groups were demanding a constitution. Eventually, a group of educated young men by the name of the Young Ottomans combined liberal European ideas with modernized Islamic and Ottoman values to create a constitution that was applied under the rule of Abdul Hamid II. After only one year this new constitution was abolished, but some European practices continued to be utilized by Abdul Hamid. What were the responses to imperialism within the region or country? Who were the individuals or groups that aided resistance within the country or region? When and how did your country or region gain independence?
Before exploration into the Americas began, the Islamic world had been prosperous and was the most advanced area of the world. During the age of Imperialism, increased contact and influence from Europe allowed the Islamic world to flourish again. New trade routes were established or old ones were put back into use, militaries were strengthened and reorganized, and Islamic nations were pulled into the modern world Europe had created with the rise of industrialization. In addition to these, Muslims, Christians, and Jews began to grow closer to equality under the laws of the Ottoman Empire. However, the modernization and westernization of Islamic lands came with a price. The shariah that had been so greatly valued in Muslim life and closely intertwined with Ottoman laws was lost as the Ottoman Empire lost its Islamic basis. Also, although rights were gained among the different religious groups, women lost many rights as European influence in the Ottoman Empire grew. Despite the fact that Christians, Jews, and Muslims had become more equal under the law, many Muslims in the Ottoman Empire were suspicious of and resented Christians in their empire because of the Christians’ closeness with European powers who had previously attempted to invade the Ottoman Empire. This led to hostility between Christians and Muslims within the Ottoman Empire. Analyze the effects of imperialism from historical and modern day perspectives:
The young ottomans This photograph shows a group of intelligent young men called the Young Ottomans or the Young Turks. The Young Ottomans promoted a modern take on Muslim values and nationalism in combination with a wish to keep European influence involved in the politics, economics, and culture of the Ottoman Empire. They helped a new sultan, Abdul Hamid, write a constitution that he later suspended after only one year in use.