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Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

Europeans Claim Muslim Lands. I. Europeans Grab Territory. 1800s: North Africa = Ottomans Geopolitics: an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location of products Ottomans: controlled access to Med. & Atl. Landlocked countries had to go thru Ottoman lands (Russia).

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Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

  2. I. Europeans Grab Territory • 1800s: North Africa = Ottomans • Geopolitics: an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location of products • Ottomans: controlled access to Med. & Atl. • Landlocked countries had to go thru Ottoman lands (Russia)

  3. A. Russia & the Crimean War • Russia = wanted land on Black Sea • 1853: war betw. Russians & Otts. • Crimean War (Crimean Pen.) • Brits. & Fr. allied w/Otts. to stop Russia • Ott. Emp’s. weakness revealed • Otts. lost control of Balkans • WWI = small & in decline

  4. II. British in Egypt • Egypt = ruled by Ott. khedive by mid-1800s • 1854: Ferdinand de Lesseps began Suez Canal • Egyptian govt. bought ½ of stock in co. • Fr. citizens bought rest • 1869: canal was completed • Khedive = Isma’il (big spender) • Increased debt by 2,000%

  5. Isma’il = sell stock in Suez Canal • Gave Brits. opp. to control canal • 1875: Brits. = largest single stockholder • 1879: Isma’il was deposed • His successor was challenged by nationalist group (rebellion) • 1882: Brits. occupied Egypt • Brit. fleet attacked Alexandria • Occupied Cairo

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