SPST Emergent Emergent Village is a growing, generative friendship among missional Christians seeking to love our world in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. SPST Emergent is one cohort among many throughout the country. The vision of SPST Emergent: 1) To create intentional space, within the seminary experience, for conversation regarding ministry and mission in the context of the emerging postmodern culture, and 2) To support the vision and mission of Emergent Village and the Greater Kansas City Cohort. Gathering times and locations as well as topics will vary throughout the semester, so please keep an eye on the Summary and SPST Emergent Blog. www.calhoun.typepad.com/spst_emergent
Diagram 1: Cultural Contexts The Postmodern (Postcolonial) Context ~ “The Church”~ Spiritual Communities of the late 20th Century and the early 21st Century The Modern (Colonial) Context
Diagram 2: Discipleship and Dynamics of Emerging churches within the Postmodern Matrix Outer Ring: The Postmodern Context Spheres of Engagement: Missional Theological Practical Spiritual Inner Ring: Spiritual communities engaged in the active exploration of “Kingdom Life”
Notes… Invariance …constant Attention to evil…