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Learn about the Apprenticeship Levy and how it can work in practice, the eligibility criteria, benefits to universities, Government changes, and where to access funds. Explore different levels and funding bands, apprenticeship standards, and how to set up agreements with training providers. Discover what counts as an apprenticeship, including salary requirements, approved standards, and off-the-job training. Get insights on managing apprenticeship programs effectively and find guidance on next steps for your university department.
Apprenticeships: Nurturing Talent Accessing the Apprenticeship Levy How it will work in practice
Eligibility “From May 2017, an individual can be funded to undertake an apprenticeship at the same or lower level to acquire substantive new skills.” DfE
Benefits to the University Attract and retain talent Tailored learning to meet current and future needs University viewed as ‘Employer of Choice’ Reinvest the Apprenticeship Levy to nurture talent
Government Changes - Why? Social mobility productivity Productivity Investment
What is the Apprenticeship Levy? A levy to be paid by all employers with a pay bill in excess of £3m The levy is set at 0.5% of the pay bill Government will apply a 10% top up Funding will be accessed through a new Digital Account Service (DAS) Open to new and existing staff, all ages
From GCSE to Masters Advanced & Higher Higher Apprenticeship Advanced Apprenticeship Intermediate Level 5 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 6 Level 7 A level Masters Level Degree Yr 2 GCSE level Degree Yr 1 Degree Yr 3 Degree Apprenticeship
All apprenticeship frameworks and standards have been placed on one of 15 bands –from £1,500 to £27,000 Employers negotiate a price for an apprentice’s training and assessment with an Approved Training Provider How much will an Apprenticeship cost? Funding band caps the maximum amount that can be used for an individual apprenticeship Employers can ‘top up’ using own money to support the Apprenticeship
Where will the demand be? Intermediate, Advanced or Higher and Degree Apprenticeship? Examples of Apprenticeship standards
Accessing Levy Funds DAS Set up apprenticeship agreement in employer DAS account Government top up to monthly funds entering account 10% Monthly draw down to provider Amount to be held back and paid on completion of ‘end point assessment’ Monthly 24 Funds will expire 24 months after they appear in the employer’s digital account 20%
Where can you spend your funds? You can spend your levy money on You can’t spend your levy money on Apprenticeship wages Travel and subsistence costs Cost of setting up an apprenticeship programme Work placement programmes Apprenticeship training Materials & some accommodation Apprenticeship ‘end point assessment’
What counts as an Apprenticeship? 2 1 SALARY A GENUINE JOB At least the minimum apprentice wage rate Must exist for a new recruitor current employee a during the apprenticeship 4 3 APPROVED APPRENTICE STANDARD DURATION Apprentice must be working towards achieving an approved standard The apprenticeship must last for at least one year 6 5 20% OFF THE JOB TRAINING APPROVED TRAINING PROVIDER Apprentice must need substantive new skills and spend at least 20% of their working hours on off-the-job training. Training providers must be on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers
Issues to consider Is the individual committed to the training programme, including the assessments, portfolio, coursework? Whatskills will be required in the future; review each vacancy Is an apprenticeship the best response, rather than an alternative eg short training course? Managing the 20% of work time on off-the-job training?
Next steps Department University • Consider areas that might benefit from Apprenticeships • Identify which standards • Identify potential individuals or initiate recruitment process • Liaise with PPD and approved training providers • Approval of training providers • Development of Apprenticeship website, including agreements and templates • Establish DAS (digital apprenticeship service)