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Talent-Practice. Look at the two list on the next slide. Spend the same time on each list. Bread/ b_tter Music/ l_rics s h_e /sock phone/ bo_k c hi_s /salsa pen_il /paper river/ b_at be_r /wine television/ rad_i o l_nch /dinner. o cean/breeze l eaf/tree sweet/sour

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Talent-Practice Look at the two list on the next slide. Spend the same time on each list.

  2. Bread/b_tter Music/l_rics sh_e/sock phone/bo_k chi_s/salsa pen_il/paper river/b_at be_r/wine television/rad_io l_nch/dinner ocean/breeze leaf/tree sweet/sour movie/actress gasoline/engine high school/college turkey/stuffing fruit/vegetable chair/couch computer/chip

  3. Try to remember as many of the word pairs as you can.From which column did you remember the most?

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