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Postmodernism. Definition: a way of thinking that believes. Reality is constructed Ideas are simulacra Globalization creates decentralization Reality only possible through individual interpretation. Reality is constructed . Not mirrored in the human mind. Ideas are Simulacra.

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  1. Postmodernism

  2. Definition: a way of thinking that believes • Reality is constructed • Ideas are simulacra • Globalization creates decentralization • Reality only possible through individual interpretation

  3. Reality is constructed • Not mirrored in the human mind

  4. Ideas are Simulacra • Simulacra—mere image, devoid of spirit, no original source for communication or meaning • Logocentrism—the tendency to locate the center of the text in the logos or word—is called into question • The privileging of the signified over the signifier • Real objectivity is unattainable

  5. Globalization creates decentralization, which means • The rejections of meta-narratives (any all-encompassing story that is valid for all groups • Examples of meta-narratives • Christianity’s belief that humans are sinful but offered redemption, representing a belief in a universal rule • Enlightenment—rational thought leads to progress • Freudian—human history= repression of libido • Free Market—work hard to acquire wealth = success • Rejection of hegemony—the idea that one group can dominate over another, persuading the subordinate group to accept their values

  6. The only reality possible comes through individual interpretation • Values the collage of ideas from different contexts • Meta-narrative replaced with local narratives which make possible multiple theoretical viewpoints • Values syncretism—the attempt to reconcile disparate and even opposing beliefs and to meld practices of various schools of thought • Values bricolage—the processes by which people acquire objects from across social divisions to create new cultural identities.

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