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Teddy Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt. “The Wild President”. Roosevelt, a New President. William McKinley was assassinated Roosevelt was only McKinley’s VP for 1 year. Roosevelt, “The Wild President”. Only VP for a year, known as a wild man in the Republican party b/c independent Party boss Mark Hana said

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Teddy Roosevelt

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  1. Teddy Roosevelt “The Wild President”

  2. Roosevelt, a New President • William McKinley was assassinated • Roosevelt was only McKinley’s VP for 1 year.

  3. Roosevelt, “The Wild President” • Only VP for a year, known as a wild man in the Republican party b/c independent • Party boss Mark Hana said “I told William McKinley that it was a mistake to nominate that wild man at Philadelphia. I asked him if he realized what would happen should he die. Now look, that damned cowboy is President of the United States!” • Not so much what he did that made him wild, but rather his style – lots of energy. • Did not openly rebel, made change through moderate measures

  4. Roosevelt’s Philosophy Reform was less a vehicle for remaking American society, but rather for protecting it against more radical changes.

  5. Government and Business Reforms • Gov. should be the mediator of public good, president at center. • Liked economic concentration in big business, but knew too much consolidation produced dangerous abuses of power • TRANSPARENCY and investigations of corporations • Established the DEPT. of COMMERCE AND LABOR • NOT A TRUSTBUSTER AT HEART but made a FEW highly public efforts to break up combinations • Ex. 1902 Break up of the railroad monopoly Northern Securities Company

  6. Reform for Workers • Non-committal attitude to be the impartial regulator of labor. • In the past federal intervention on labor disputes = Support for the employers • Fed. Intervention under Roosevelt = meant both employers AND labor’s position as well. • EXAMPLE: Coal Strike of 1902

  7. 1904 Election • Reform not a TOP priority first term, did not want to antagonize republicans • Easy re-election • BOASTED that he gave everyone a SQUARE DEAL • WHAT DO YOU THINK the meaning of a SQUARE DEAL means?

  8. The Square Deal • INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT of 1887 was ineffective and weakened by courts  Roosevelt asked Congress for INCREASED gov. power to oversee railroad rates. • HEPBURN RAILROAD REGULATION ACT of 1906 sought to restore some regulatory authority to the Gov. Reformers were not satisfied bc Roosevelt made some concessions to railroad tycoons. • PURE FOOD AND DRUG ACT – Weak in enforcement, restricted sale of dangerous or ineffective medicines. Created FDA. • Meat Inspection Act – ultimately helped eliminated diseases transmitted through impure meat. • Proposed MEASURES: 8 hour workday, broader compensation for victims of industrial accidents, inheritance & income taxes, regulation of the stock market.

  9. Roosevelt’s Conservationism • Almost a romantic regard for the wilderness • Attempted to seize land from Private Sector, predominately in the west so as to conserve the land for the public. • Created an Act to provide federal funds for construction of dams, reservoirs, and canals in the West – little impact after 20 years.

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