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Winter Landscape Spa Treatment with Horticultural Oils

In this pdf, we have discussed horticultural oil and ways to use some other chemicals with horticultural oil to do pest control.

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Winter Landscape Spa Treatment with Horticultural Oils

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  1. WINTER LANDSCAPE SPA TREATMENT WITH HORTICULTURAL OILS W H A TA R ET H EH O R T I C U L T U R A LO I L S ? Mosthorticulturaloilsarepredominatelyeithermineral- basedparaffinorolefin. Thesemineraloilsare transparent, colorless, odorless, andtasteless. They createagoodbaseinwhichotheractiveoilscanbe added. Neemisanaturaldeterrent topestsandcanbeusedon alltypesofplants, including produce. Inhorticulturaloils, activeoils aremixedintoprovidefor betterpestcontrol. Somehorticulturaloilsfor landscapespatreatments containotheractive ingredients. These ingredientsinclude sesame, cottonseed, and soybean. Neemcomesfromatype ofmahoganytreegrownin thetropics. Thebark, leaves, andseedsareused tomakemedicine. PESTCONTROLWITH HORTICULTURALOILS Horticulturaloilsareusedto treatagainstamultitudeof pests. Theyaremosteffective againstsoft-bodiedpests includingaphids, adelgids, spidermites, scaleinsects, mealybugs, plantbugs, and somecaterpillars. Horticulturaloilsaresprayeddirectly ontodormantwoodyplantsand shrubs. Beingproactiveaboutpest controliskey. Ideally, itshouldbe donebeforepestsareevenseen. Horticulturaloilsarevery effectiveagainstawide spectrumofpests. Notonlycan theydefeatmanytypesof commongardenpests, but theycanevendefeatthingslike powderymildew. Thus, they’re agoodcatch-allforyourplants tostaysafe. Followat

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