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Metropolitan Museum of Art Підчіс Тетяна Борисівна, Ватутінська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ст. №1 Ватутінської міської ради, Черкаської області, вчитель англійської та німецької мови. 2013 .
Metropolitan Museum of ArtПідчіс Тетяна Борисівна, Ватутінська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ст. №1 Ватутінської міської ради, Черкаської області, вчитель англійської та німецької мови.2013
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is an art museum. It is sometimes called The Met. It is found on the eastern edge of Central Park in New York City, United States, North America. It has a collection of more than two million works of art. It is divided into nineteen departments.[1] The main building is one of the world's largest art galleries. The Met is the most popular art museum in the United States with more than 5 million visitors each year. There is also a much smaller second location. It is found in Upper Manhattan. It has medieval art.[2]The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which includes its Main Building on Fifth Avenue and The Cloisters museum and gardens in northern Manhattan, dates back to 1866.The Metropolitan Museum of Art's earliest roots date to 1866. It was then that a group of Americans iParis, France, agreed to create a "national institution and gallery of art". Their goal was to bring art and art education to the American people. The Cloisters museum and gardens, which opened to the public in 1938, is the branch of the Museum. It is located in northern Manhattan. It is devoted to the art and architecture of medieval Europe.
The American Wing Ever since its establishment in 1870 the Museum has acquired important examples of American Art. A separate "American Wing" building to display the domestic arts of the seventeenth–early nineteenth centuries opened in 1924; paintings galleries and an enclosed sculpture court were added in 1980.
Ancient Near Eastern Art The galleries for Ancient Near Eastern Art present objects in contexts that illuminate their significance as well as their connections to the art of neighboring cultures. The works on view are richly varied in terms of their materials, date, and the cultures which created them, but all partake in a common visual language.
Arms and Armor Approximately eight hundred objects from the collection are on permanent display in the arms and armor galleries located in The John Pierpont Morgan Wing. These date from about the fifth to the late nineteenth century and offer a broad range of the best examples from Europe, America, Japan, India, and various Islamic cultures. In addition, the Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Gallery has periodically changing displays that focus on varied aspects of the collection.
Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas The Museum's collection of art of the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific Islands, and North, Central, and South America comprises more than eleven thousand works of art of varied materials and types, representing diverse cultural traditions from as early as 3000 B.C.E. to the present. Works in the collection are housed in the Michael C. Rockefeller Wing, a 40,000-square-foot space on the south side of the Museum. Galleries within the wing are organized geographically.
Asian Art The Florence and Herbert Irving Asian Wing, occupying 64,500 square feet, is devoted to Asian art, featuring paintings, prints, calligraphy, sculptures, metalwork, ceramics, lacquers, works of decorative art, and textiles from East Asia, South Asia, the Himalayan kingdoms, and Southeast Asia. The galleries are arranged geographically and chronologically; an exploration of the works on view yields both an appreciation of the art of Asia's many cultures and an understanding of the ties between these traditions. Certain gallery installations, such as those of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, and Tibetan paintings, rotate every six months, and displays of more fragile textiles, lacquers, and woodblock prints change approximately every four months.
The Cloisters The Cloisters museum and gardens, the Metropolitan's branch museum dedicated to the art and architecture of medieval Europe, is located on four acres overlooking the Hudson River in northern Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park.
The Costume Institute The Costume Institute galleries are currently being renovated. The spring 2012 exhibition will be held in the special exhibition galleries on the first floor.
Drawings and Prints The Museum's collection of drawings and prints comprises more than seventeen thousand drawings, 1.2 million prints, and twelve thousand illustrated books created in Western Europe and America, principally from the fifteenth century to the present. Because of their fragile nature and susceptibility to fading, drawings and prints can only be exhibited intermittently and for short periods of time (approximately three months) under carefully controlled, low-lighting conditions. Works of art not hanging in the galleries may be viewed, by appointment, in the Study Rooms for Drawings and Prints.
Egyptian Art The Museum's collection of ancient Egyptian art consists of approximately twenty-six thousand objects of artistic, historical, and cultural importance, dating from the Paleolithic to the Roman period (ca. 300,000 B.C.–A.D. 4th century). Virtually the entire collection is on display in the Lila Acheson Wallace Galleries of Egyptian Art, with objects arranged chronologically over thirty-nine rooms.
European Paintings The Metropolitan's world-famous collection of European paintings covers the period from ca. 1230 to 1900, offering a survey of the history of painting in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and Britain. It is divided into two suites of galleries: one devoted to the Old Masters and the other to the nineteenth century.
European Sculpture and Decorative Arts The fifty thousand objects in the Museum's comprehensive and historically important collection of European sculpture and decorative arts reflect the development of a number of art forms in Western European countries from the early fifteenth through the early twentieth century.
Greek and Roman Art The Greek and Roman galleries reveal classical art in all of its complexity and resonance. The objects range from small, engraved gemstones to black-figure and red-figure painted vases to over-lifesize statues and reflect virtually all of the materials in which ancient artists and craftsmen worked: marble, limestone, terracotta, bronze, gold, silver, and glass, as well as such rarer substances as ivory and bone, iron, lead, amber, and wood.
Islamic Art On November 1, 2011, the Department of Islamic Art reopened its fifteen galleries after an eight-year renovation. The new galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia were renovated and reorganized in accordance with current thinking in the field and with modern museological practices.
The Robert Lehman Collection The Robert Lehman Collection is one of the most distinguished privately assembled art collections in the United States. The Robert Lehman Wing includes a central, skylit gallery surrounded by a series of rooms intended to recreate the Lehman family residence. Velvet wall coverings, draperies, furniture, and rugs evoke the ambience of private interiors and serve as a backdrop for this extraordinary collection.
Medieval Art The Metropolitan Museum has collected and exhibited work by living artists since its founding in 1870. Today, the department's holdings comprise more than twelve thousand works of art across a broad range of media from 1900 to the present.
Musical Instruments More than eight hundred objects are displayed in The André Mertens Galleries for Musical Instruments, with one hall devoted to Western instruments, arranged by type or family, and the other to non-Western instruments, grouped geographically.
Photographs The Museum's three galleries devoted to photographic works from the permanent collection feature installations and exhibitions spanning the full history of the medium from its invention to the present day and representing a variety of subjects, processes, and countries of origin. Gallery installations change on a four- to eight-month rotation and occasionally feature works on loan from private and public collections, in addition to highlights of the Metropolitan's rich holdings. Larger special exhibitions of photography are frequently held in the adjacent galleries for drawings, prints, and photographs (Gallery 691 and 692).
http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/search-the-collections http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art http://images.yandex.ua/yandsearch?source=wiz&text=the%20central%20park& http://images.yandex.ua/yandsearch?source=wiz&tld=ua&p=3&text=the%20metropol http://innbritain.ru/hotel/CAF… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park