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Part-Time Instructor Orientation. Continuing Education Division. August 2009. PHILOSOPHY. Johnston Community College is committed to a comprehensive continuing education program for all citizens in its service area. To fulfill this commitment
Part-Time Instructor Orientation Continuing Education Division August 2009
PHILOSOPHY Johnston Community College is committed to a comprehensive continuing education program for all citizens in its service area. To fulfill this commitment the College offers a variety of Community Development and LifeLong Learning courses upon request when three requirements are met: 1. Minimum enrollment for a course must be met. 2. A qualified instructor must be available. 3. A suitable location for the class must be obtained.
Mission Statement Johnston Community College is an open-door, community-based, educational institution continually aspiring to be a caring, committed provider of state-of-the-art educational programs, comprehensive career training, and a variety of cultural opportunities. The College's primary mission is to assist all adults in developing their innate potential for full participation as educated, responsible, technologically competent members of a rapidly changing democratic society. Johnston Community College strives to be an effective, accountable organization responsive to the changing needs of the local, regional, and global community.
Core Values • Excellence • Honesty and Integrity • Community • Learners • Respect • Communication • Team Spirit
Locations The main campus of Johnston Community College is located in Johnston County, North Carolina, at 245 College Road in Smithfield. The complex of buildings on the main campus includes facilities for both curriculum and continuing education programs as well as administration and library resources.
Locations (con’t) The Cleveland Center is located twelve miles west of the main campus, (on Cleveland Road), and the facility includes drawing studios, classrooms, computer labs, and administrative offices. The Workforce Development Center, located at 135 Bestwood Drive in Clayton, is a science-related education and training center. Howell Woods consists of 2850 acres located fifteen miles southeast of the main campus on Devils Racetrack Road. It contains a facility for workshops, seminars, and classes. In addition, the College offers continuing education programs at Kenly, Benson, Chambers of Commerce, town halls, industrial sites, fire departments, EMS stations, and police departments.
INCLEMENT WEATHER AND OTHER EMERGENCY SITUATIONS The President or designee of Johnston Community College is responsible for cancelling classes in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies. Unless announcements are made canceling or delaying classes, classes will be in session. If classes are canceled or delayed, announcements will be made on the following radio and television stations: WRAL - Channel 5, WTVD - Channel I I, WNC T - Channel 9, WNCN -Channel 17, FOX - Channel 22, WRAL – 101.5 FM WMPM - 1270 AM (Smithfield) Call the main college number for information: 919-934-3051 Check the college web site: http://www.johnstoncc.edu/
Class Cancellation – by the Instructor 1. It is the Instructor’s responsibility to notify the appropriate Director or Coordinator when they cannot make a class due to illness or some other conflict. 2. Notice should be given in time to notify students that the class will not meet. 3. The instructor is to complete the Make-up form that is included in their packet, and submit it to the appropriate Director or Coordinator as soon as possible.
Class Cancellation – Other • The Director may cancel a class when the minimum number of students required for the class has not been met or when no students have enrolled. • When a class is cancelled due to inclement weather, a Make Up form indicating the make up date must be submitted as soon as possible or at the end of the class.
Drug and Alcohol Policy “It is the policy of this college that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or alcohol, is prohibited while in the workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college sponsored activities. Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion and referral for prosecution.”
Student Behavior Problems Whenever possible, the instructor should handle classroom behavior problems without outside assistance. When faced with a recalcitrant student or a violation of the student code of conduct, the instructor should report the student to the Director or Coordinator of the program so that appropriate action can be taken to solve the problem.
Student Code of Conduct The following are unacceptable: • Academic Dishonesty – Cheating – Plagiarism B. Theft of, misuse of, or damage to college property C. Violation of Drug and Alcohol policy D. Lewd or indecent conduct E. Mental or physical abuse of any person on college premises F. Sexually suggestive or harassing behavior G. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching H. Occupation or seizure in any manner of college property I. Unlawful assembly J. Possession or use of a firearm, incendiary device, or explosive, except in connection with a college-approved activity.
Student Code of Conduct K. Setting off a fire alarm or using or tampering with any fire safety equipment, except with reasonable belief in the need for such alarm or equipment. L. Gambling. M. Smoking and/or using other forms of tobacco products in unauthorized areas. N. Parking Violations O. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents P. Failure to comply with instructions of college officials acting in performance of their duties. Q. Violations of the terms of disciplinary probation R. Fiscal irresponsibility S. Violation of a local, state, or federal criminal law
Disciplinary Procedures If an act of misconduct threatens the health or well being of any member of the academic community or seriously disrupts the function and good order of the college, an instructor or administrative officer may direct the student(s) involved to cease and desist such conduct and advise them that failing to cease and desist will result in immediate suspension.
Disciplinary Procedures If the student(s) fail to cease and desist, the instructor may then suspend the student(s) from the class. A director or coordinator may suspend the student(s) from either the class or the college until a resolution of the matter can be made. The Director or coordinator invoking such suspension shall notify the VP of CDLL in writing of the individual(s) involved and the nature of the infraction as soon as possible but no more than two days following the incident.
Quick Reminders • Sensitivity in the classroom - Inappropriate language – not allowed - Inappropriate reference to a protected class - Violations of the guidelines contained in the Sexual Harassment policy • Dismissing class early – not allowed • At various times unannounced, your class may be visited by a state auditor, Director, or V.P. of CD &LL
The Class Offering Process • A request for a class is received • An Instructor is identified and hired • Class Location, Date, Time established • Class request is approved by VP • Books or other class materials ordered Note: Only the Director is authorized to order course texts/materials • Instructor packet assembled and delivered • Class is held • Packet returned to Director at end of class • Class is closed out
Instructor Packets Your instructor packet contains all the documents and paperwork you need for your class. If you are missing a document, notify your Director or CDLL staff. If you have access to your Director or other CDLL staff, ask them to check your packet for completion and accuracy once your class has ended. Note: Some of these documents are time sensitive and accuracy is critical.
Instructor Packet Contracts and Time Sheets • Contracts and Time Sheets are yellow forms. • Sign the yellow copy of your Contract, place it in the packet or give it to your Director and keep the white copy for your file. • Whenever you use a Timesheet make sure you turn one in for each month that you teach. Note:Due date for a timesheet is the 10th of the month. (Example: A timesheet for Feb. is due by the 10th of March).
Instructor Packet Class Roster The Class Roster is a three page duplicated form. The top sheet is white, the second is yellow and the third is green. Do not separate these pages. Confirm that all students printed their FULL name legibly, included the last four digits of their social security number (optional) and their signature is in the last column. Match the signed roster to the list of registered students (from the sheet provided in your packet.) • Turn the roster in to the Director no more than 24 hours after the 10% census date. • The Instructor MUST sign the bottom of the Roster. See Sample Next Slide
Instructor Packet Registration Forms IF the Director is not available at the first class meeting, procedures should be established in advance as to where to leave Registration forms/money. Ask if you don’t know. IF a student shows up in your class on the first night who has not pre-registered and wishes to register, the forms are provided in your packet. You may accept their money/check/credit card in the exact amount, but put their payment in a locked, secure place until the next day when you can get it to the Director or Registration Specialist. .
Instructor Packet Attendance Sheets Attendance sheets are either Goldenrod (for membership hour classes) or Blue (for contact hour classes). The Program Coordinator/Director will have the class information completed at the top of either form. The only thing the instructor needs to provide at the top is his/her signature upon completion of the course. • You are required to enter one or more of the following on the Goldenrod sheet: - An Eon the date a student enters class for the first time - An X when a student is absent (leave blank when the when the student is present) - Test scores, if applicable (i.e. Notary classes) are placed in the far right hand column in the Total Hours section. In certain cases, grades are placed there also. Otherwise, nothing goes there. SEE SAMPLE NEXT SLIDE
Instructor Packet Attendance Sheets You are required to enter one or more of the following on the Blue sheet: - An Eunder the date a student enters the class for the first time and the number of hours (E/3) - The number of class hours for each student for each class meeting. (Example: 3) - An X when a student is absent (leave blank if the student is present) - Test scores, if applicable (i.e. Notary classes) in the far right hand column. - Add the hours of each student’s attendance and place the total in the far right hand column under Total Hours - DO NOT put an S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) anywhere on the sheet. See Sample Next Slide
Instructor Packet Visitation • Visitation – when the Director visits your class, this is the form they will use. You will be asked to read the Director’s comments and you will have the opportunity to sign it. • You may have a copy of the Visitation Report.
Dual Enrollment • This form is titled Joint Approval for Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students at Johnston Community College (also known as the Dual Enrollment form) • It is required when a student between the ages of 16 and18 years of age, who is still in high school, wishes to attend your class. • This form MUST be signed by a parent, principal AND the JCC President prior to the start date of the class.
Evaluation Forms • Ask for a volunteer to distribute the green Evaluation forms. • Remind students that there are questions on the back of the form. • Ask students to place an N/A next to a question they don’t want to answer. • Ask a student to collect the forms and place them in a sealed envelope (provided). Place the sealed envelope in your packet.
Class Make Up Forms • Class Make-Up forms are used to make up a missed or cancelled class. • Missed/cancelled classes are usually due to inclement weather or instructor illness. • The missed/cancelled class is typically made up by adding an extra class to the end of the semester, a new class date is scheduled. (Contact your Director to reschedule.) • Complete the form, sign it and give it to your Director immediately. See Sample Next Slide
CommonDocumentation Errors • Instructor failed to sign the roster, the attendance sheet, the time sheet or the contract. • Student(s) names from the registration database list provided by the Director do not match the signed Class Roster, (Billy Joe Smith vs “Claude” Smith). • Student(s) failed to sign the Registration and/or Waiver form. • Legibility - can’t read the printed name and/or signature. • Datesare left off documents. • Instructor fails to put an E when students enter the class on the attendance form. • Instructor fails to put the number of hours for a Contact Hour class for each meeting time.
Returning the Instructor Packet The instructor should make every attempt to return their packet to the Director within 24 hours after the class ends. If the Director is not available, return it to: WFDC - Sharon Neville ClevelandCenter - , Ray Jaklitsch Britt Bldg. - place in the white plastic Outgoing Mail container. Elsee Bldg. - place in the Instructor Packet Drop Box in the lobby area (next to the entrance doors.)
AV Equipment • Arrive early and make sure you have the equipment you need. • Report equipment problems to Director. • Leave the equipment in the same condition in which you found it (computers, TVs and overhead projection units turned off, remotes returned).
In Case of Emergency • JCC Campus Security Numbers (for emergencies and to unlock doors) Office: 919-209-2568 Cell: 919-631-2433 or 919-634-0167 • Main Continuing Ed: 919-209-2168 • Workforce Development Center: 919-209-2591 • JCC Main Switchboard - 919-934-3051
INSTRUCTOR AGREEMENT I have received, read and understand the guidelines contained in this Orientation. ________________________ Name (Print) ________________________ __________ Name (Signature) Date