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Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny. By Pierson Swanger 4 th period. Manifest destiny . The belief that the united states should have the right to own land from sea to shining sea. The slogan was created by John L. Sullivan. It was created in 1845 . Oregon country.

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Manifest Destiny

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  1. Manifest Destiny By Pierson Swanger 4th period

  2. Manifest destiny • The belief that the united states should have the right to own land from sea to shining sea. • The slogan was created by John L. Sullivan. It was created in 1845

  3. Oregon country • It is a large amount of land between the Pacific coast and the Rocky Mountains and just north of California. • Washington and Oregon were the states that came from this territory. • It was given to us in the Adams Onis treaty with Great Britain. • The journey was 2000 miles long, it started in the Mississippi Valley. It whet over the Rocky Mountains, great plains, Colombia river, Platt river, and snake river . • Fifty-four forty or fight is the line of latitude that was the boundary.

  4. Texas • Main idea is that Texans won their independence from Mexico and asked to be admitted to the united states. • The conflict began in 1803 • Recruited 300 Americans to start a colony in Texas. • An official order that stopped immigration from the united states. This angered the Texans. • General Santa Anna became president of Mexico. • The Alamo was catholic mission, Texan forces were barricaded in and were attacked for 12 days. • Independence was declared March 2, 1836 at Washington-on-the-Brazos. • Sam Houston was the commander and chief.

  5. Battle of San Jacinto • This battle occurred on April 21 near Houston • The battle cry was “Remember the Alamo” • At the end of the battle Santa Anna signed a treaty recognizing Texas as independent. • He refused because the addition of another slave state would upset the balance between free and slave states. • Texas became a state on December 29, 1845. • The president at the time was James K. Polk.

  6. War with New MEXICO • Nevada, New Mexico ,California ,Arizona, and Colorado, all came from Mexico. • The Santa Fe Trail crossed the Missouri river, crossed the prairies and Arkansas river. • The trade caused Americans to settle in the region. • The culture was affected by the Spanish missionaries that settled there. • He said the climate was mild. • Some settlers agreed that it was better because we were safely boarded by ocean on both sides. • US insisted that the boarder of Texas was the Rio Grande. • Mexico insisted that it was Nueces river. • They called a meeting to discuss the war with Mexico they agreed that it was grounds for war. They passed a declaration of war against Mexico. • Fredrick Douglass believed it was disgraceful and crude. • California used the bear flag republic. • Polk sent General Winfield Scott. • The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. • The boarder of Texas was the Rio Grande. • Mexico gave us California and New Mexico. • Gadsden purchase was in 1853 . • The purchase gave us New Mexico and Arizona.

  7. New settlers in California and Utah. • The gold rush was in 1849 in California. • People who came to the mines were called forty-niners. • They crossed the Sierra Nevada mountains. • Other Forty-niners were from Mexico, south America, Europe, Australia, China. • Boomtowns are communities experiencing a sudden growth in population and business. • It grew from a tiny village to a booming city. • Levi Strauss was a Jewish immigrant. He created denim jeans.

  8. Religious refuge in Utah • The religion was the Mormons. • The founder was Joseph Smith. • He was told to move from New York because people didn’t approve. • Brigham Young took over as head of he Mormons. • The Mormons settled in the Great Salt Lake in present day Nevada. • Utah became a state in 1896.

  9. Cause and effect cause effect • Americans Accept Manifest Destiny. • As the east becomes more crowded, Americans want more land. • The West contains furs, lumber, and precious metals. • Native Americans are forced off their land. • The United States wars with Mexico. • The U.S. extends from the Pacific to the Atlantic.

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