A healthy me AmirahMuneer
Mission • This is a multi-step project where students will analyze their current nutrition and fitness status, gaining insight on the pro’s and con’s of both aspects. Students will then create a one week nutrition and fitness plan to demonstrate how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Step 1: Nutrition • Students will track their diet for one week and will record their information using the diet analysis. A report will be provided to present the pro’s and con’s of their diet. • Students will assess their diet and create a one week nutrition plan that will enhance their nutrition.
Step 2: fitness • Students will complete the fitness gram testing, and keep track of their scores that they receive. • Students will assess their scores and devise a one week work out plan that will enhance their fitness.
Software/equipment needed • Diet analysis. • Fitness gram. • Flip camera. • Sit an reach box. • Heart rate monitor.
Diet analysis + 9.0 • This software allows students keep track of what they eat and serving sizes, and generate reports based on their diet. • This software costs $42.84 and can be purchased at textbooks.com. • This software will allow students to plug in data collected while tracking their diet.
Benefits… • Allows students to view their current health status. • Students will gain a better understanding of how nutrition relates to health.
Fitnessgram • A fitness assessment that provides a variety of physical fitness tests that assess aerobic capacity, muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, and body composition. • The cost of this test is $79 and can be purchased at fitnessgram.net. • This assessment will be used to assess students current fitness levels.
Benefits… • Students will receive effective feedback on their current fitness levels. • Students will learn how to live a physically active lifestyle.
Flip Camera • Flip cameras are used to take pictures and record videos. • The cost of a flip camera is $79.99 and can be purchased off of Amazon.com. • The flip camera will be used to record student presentations.
Benefits… • Allows teachers to track students progress and can be presented to administrators. • Students can assess their presentation skills. • Projects can be posted on teacher tube to share with others.
Sit and reach box • Equipment used to measure flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. • The cost of this product is $149 and can be purchased at Wolverinesports.com • This product will be used to test the flexibility of the students.
Benefits… • Students will be able to assess their flexibility in a quick and easy way. • Students will be able to improve flexibility to reduce the risk of injury.
Heart rate monitor • A heart rate monitor is a devise used to measure heart rate. The devise straps to the chest and displays the information. • The cost of this product is $64.95 and can be purchased on Amazon.com. • This product will be used to measure the students heart rate and will be used in creating their personal fitness plan.
Benefits… • Students will be able to accurately measure their resting heart rate and target heat rate. • Students can use this product while exercising making sure they are exercising at a safe rate to improve their fitness.
Sources • http://www.textbooks.com/ISBN/9780495387657/Wadsworth/Diet-Analysis-Plus-and-90-CD-Software-Windows-and-Macintosh_-_0495387657.php#mplistings • http://www.fitnessgram.net/home/ • http://cnx.org/content/m32297/latest/ • http://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests/sit-and-reach.htm • http://www.livestrong.com/article/97986-benefits-heart-rate-monitors/