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Numeracy – Main focus – Number bonds to 20. Count on and back in 1’s or 10’s from a 2 digit number; write figures up to 100. Partition 2- digit numbers into T and U. Order numbers up to at least 100 and position them on a 100 square .
Numeracy – Main focus – Number bonds to 20. • Count on and back in 1’s or 10’s from a 2 digit number; write figures up to 100. • Partition 2- digit numbers into T and U. Order numbers up to at least 100 and position them on a 100 square. • Rehearse addition and subtraction facts for pairs that total up to 9. • Estimate, measure and compare lengths in centimetres; use a ruler. • Use units of time: hours in a day, days in weeks. Begin to tell the time. • Use names of common 2D shapes; sort 2D shapes and describe their features. • Solve word problems and apply what they know in real life conexts. • Learn 1 and 10 x tables. • Literacy- Main focus – Stories with familiar settings and instruction writing. • Dogger – using drama and role play to begin to see how a family work together to solve a problem which is set at home and school. • Funnybones – Allan Ahlberg stories about a family of skeletons who live in the cellar of a house. They have different adventures in a number of familiar settings such as the park and the pet shop. Focus – writing in sentences. • Children will be describing and then changing the setting and developing their own stories based on the skeletons. • Reading a variety of stories which have familiar story settings and focussing on repetitive and descriptive vocabulary. • Baboon on the Moon BFI short animation. Focus on writing instructions that will help Baboon carry out different tasks. • . • Art/DT • Self portraits and collages for classroom rules wall. • Funnybones skeleton pictures and paintings. • Baboon clay tiles and masks, rockets and moon models. • Florence Nightingale charcoal drawings and clay tiles. • Observational drawings of fruit and vegetables – linked with Cezanne • ICT – Main focus - logging on and off laptops and saving work in correct folders. • Data handling activities recording favourite fruits and vegetables, • 2 Simple creating and reading block graphs to record data. • Digital microscopes to record changes in food over time. • Flip cameras to record role play and drama group work. • Music video toolkit create spooky music. Happy Healthy Me • Science – Main focus – Learning new facts about the Human bodythe children deciding what they would like to know/ investigate. • The different parts of the body and their main functions. • The human skeleton, bones and x rays. • How to keep our bodies fit and healthy. • Different investigations which will involve prediction, planning and recording. • Non fiction writing recording experiments. • Medicines and germs and the role of doctors, nurses and scientists including Louis Pasteur. • Visit by medical professionals to discuss the importance of personal hygiene and how to keep safe with medicines. • Humanities - Main focus – How medical care has changed over the years. • Florence Nightingale and the changes she made to the way hospitals were run. • ‘Magic Grandad’ DVDabout the hospital in Scutari and how Florence made it a cleaner and healthier place. • Black History Month – Mary Seacole and the work she carried out to improve health conditions. • Family trees and personal history. • My life time lines. • Think about where our fruit and vegetables come from, which grow locally and which are imported and the reasons for this. • Nottingham Playhouse – Rapunzel project, details to be confirmed. • R.E/ Music main focus – Christianity • Importance of food in religious ceremonies. • Feeding of the 5,000. • Songs about the body • Creating spooky and space music. • Global Dimmension • Learn names of the body in Spanish. • Sing songs about the body in Spanish. • Find out about fruit and vegetables and the places they come from.