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Critical Factors in the decision to retire: Retaining Aging Faculty in Nursing Education

Just the Facts, Ma'am??.. Nursing shortage continues>50,000 qualified applicants denied admission in 2010Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Critical Factors in the decision to retire: Retaining Aging Faculty in Nursing Education

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    1. Critical Factors in the decision to retire: Retaining Aging Faculty in Nursing Education Linda Cook, PhD, APRN, CNE Marvel Williamson, PhD, ANEF, CNE Lois Salmeron, EdD, ANEF, RN, CNE Denise Burton, RNC, MS Dan M. Goad, PhD

    2. Just the Facts, Ma�am��. Nursing shortage continues >50,000 qualified applicants denied admission in 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics & HRSA Shortage of 1 million nurses by 2020

    3. A bit of history��� Previous cycles of nursing surplus -> decrease in nursing school enrollments Lower enrollments -> lost faculty positions

    4. Faculty Retirement Data Shortage extends to faculty, i.e. �narrowed pipeline� 220-280 Masters faculty retire each year 200-300 PhD faculty retire each year Faculty ages gradually increasing Older when entering grad school Older when beginning teaching career

    5. Mean age of full-time nurse faculty, 1993-2004

    6. Where are the New Faculty? Nursing PhD enrollments up 0.9% (2006-07) HOWEVER: 1000 students turned away from PhD programs 6000 students turned away from MSN programs

    7. Solutions to Faculty Shortage Literature has many suggestions for retaining faculty VERY few evidence-based

    8. Phase 1 Qualitative Study What factors influence the decision of nursing faculty to stay in the workforce past retirement age? What stumbling blocks could be removed that would encourage faculty to stay longer?

    9. Study Design Qualitative phenomenological design �Lived experience� Interview format, taped Open-ended questions IRB approval

    10. Qualitative Results: 15 Factors Identified Salary & benefits Management of technology challenges Preference for teaching to expertise Value of self to profession Sense of identity as an educator Reduced tolerance of frustration Intellectual stimulation Negative outcomes of retirement Change of job Support for physical challenges Love of working with students Social stimulation Mentoring junior faculty Love of teaching Receiving recognition for contributions

    11. Phase 2 Quantitative Study Research Questions What is the relative importance of each of the fifteen factors in deciding to retire or continue working? Is there a difference in importance of these factors in faculty who have chosen to retire versus those remaining in academia?

    12. Study Participants Nursing faculty Inclusion criteria Over 62 y.o. Teaching full- or part-time No more than one year away from teaching in last 5 years Teaching rather than administrative role

    13. Procedure IRB, informed consent Questionnaires devised asking participants to identify importance on a Likert Scale of each factor in making decision. Cover letter & questionnaire Sent to deans/directors of schools of nursing Taken to conferences Snowball sampling used for retired faculty

    14. Data Analysis Demographics

    15. Data Analysis ANOVA

    16. Data Analysis Discriminant Analysis

    17. Data Analysis Pearson Correlations

    18. Recommendations Provide ample opportunities for intellectual stimulation and growth Maintain market values for salary and benefits Take advantage of the expertise of seasoned faculty by having them teach to their expertise Accommodate to changing physical needs by tailoring teaching assignments & environments Provide age-specific technology instruction and support

    19. Questions?

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