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PHYSICAL SCIENCE EOC REVIEW PRACTICE TEST 2 Laura Rush Green Hope High School lrush1@wcpss

PHYSICAL SCIENCE EOC REVIEW PRACTICE TEST 2 Laura Rush Green Hope High School lrush1@wcpss.net. EOC REVIEW ENERGY. Light energy can be concentrated in special light beams called masers rays lasers burning rays. ANSWER: C. EOC REVIEW ENERGY.

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PHYSICAL SCIENCE EOC REVIEW PRACTICE TEST 2 Laura Rush Green Hope High School lrush1@wcpss

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  1. PHYSICAL SCIENCEEOC REVIEWPRACTICE TEST 2Laura RushGreen Hope High Schoollrush1@wcpss.net

  2. EOC REVIEWENERGY • Light energy can be concentrated in special light beams called • masers • rays • lasers • burning rays • ANSWER: C

  3. EOC REVIEWENERGY • When an atomic bomb explodes, the total amount of matter and energy involved in the change • increases • decreases • remains the same • cannot be predicted • ANSWER: C

  4. EOC REVIEWENERGY • In an energy transformation • some energy is destroyed • some energy is created • energy is changed to matter • no energy is lost • ANSWER: D

  5. EOC REVIEWELECTRICAL ENERGY • When the number of electrons and protons in a sample of matter are equal, the matter is • neutral • positively charged • negatively charged • insulated • ANSWER: A

  6. EOC REVIEWELECTRICAL ENERGY • Rubbing one substance against another causes • nothing to happen • a loss of protons • a transfer of electrons • a gain of protons • ANSWER: C

  7. EOC REVIEWELECTRICAL ENERGY • Two positively charged pith balls, brought close together, • have no effect on each other • repel each other • attract each other • first repel and then attract each other • ANSWER: B

  8. EOC REVIEWMAGNETISM • An instrument currently used for navigation that operates on the principle of magnetism is a • map • lodestone • compass • ANSWER: C

  9. EOC REVIEWMAGNETISM • The theory that the Earth is a giant magnet was proposed by • Gilbert • Maxwell • Ampere • Oersted • ANSWER: A

  10. EOC REVIEWMAGNETISM • To find the magnetic north pole of the Earth, scientists use an instrument known as a • compass • dipping needle • lodestone • sextant • ANSWER: B

  11. EOC REVIEWELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM • To determine which end of an electromagnet is the north pole, we can use • a piece of steel • tacks • the left-hand rule • the right-hand rule • ANSWER: C

  12. EOC REVIEWELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM • A decrease in the amount of current supplied to an electromagnet causes the strength of the electromagnet to • increase • decrease • remain the same • first decrease, then increase • ANSWER: B

  13. EOC REVIEWELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM • When the number of turns of wire around the core of an electromagnet is increased, the strength of the electromagnet • increases • decrease • remain the same • first decrease, then increase • ANSWER: A

  14. EOC REVIEWHEAT ENERGY • The freezing point of water in the absolute temperature scale is • 273oK • 273oC • 273oF • 0oC • ANSWER: A

  15. EOC REVIEWHEAT ENERGY • When objects are at different temperatures, • heat is not transferred • heat is transferred from the cooler object to the warmer object • heat is transferred from the warmer object to the cooler object • ANSWER: C

  16. EOC REVIEWHEAT ENERGY • Of the following, the best conductor of heat is • nickel • copper • brass • aluminum • ANSWER: B

  17. EOC REVIEWSOUND ENERGY • Of the following, the device used to detect underwater objects is • laser • radar • maser • sonar • ANSWER: D

  18. EOC REVIEWSOUND ENERGY • Of the following, sound is most closely associated with • mechanical energy • chemical energy • heat energy • potential energy • ANSWER: A

  19. EOC REVIEWSOUND ENERGY • Matter that transmits sound possesses the property of • flexibility • elasticity • permeability • ductility • ANSWER: B

  20. EOC REVIEWLIGHT ENERGY • The scientist who first measured the speed of light was • Huygens • Planck • Maxwell • Roemer • ANSWER: D

  21. EOC REVIEWLIGHT ENERGY • The speed of light is approximately • 1800 feet per second • 300,000 kilometer per second • 18,600 miles per second • 350 meters per second • ANSWER: B

  22. EOC REVIEWLIGHT ENERGY • The darker inner part of a shadow is known as the • umbra • crest • penumbra • trough • ANSWER: A

  23. EOC REVIEWREFRACTION, LENSES & COLOR • The bending of light is known as • reflection • refraction • diffraction • dispersion • ANSWER: B

  24. EOC REVIEW REFRACTION, LENSES & COLOR • When a ruler is placed in water at an oblique angle, besides appearing bent, the rule appears to be • curved • smaller • magnified • unaffected • ANSWER: C

  25. EOC REVIEW REFRACTION, LENSES & COLOR • When light enters a medium such as water or glass from the air, its speed • decreases • increases • remains the same • increases, then decreases • ANSWER: A

  26. PHYSICAL SCIENCEEOC REVIEWMetallic PropertiesSolutionsSuspensions & EmulsionsProperties of WaterAcids, Bases, and SaltsOrganic ChemistryLaura RushGreen Hope High Schoollrush1@wcpss.net

  27. EOC REVIEWMETALLIC COMPOUNDS • Of the following, the one that is not an agent of corrosion is • water • chromium • oxygen • sulfur dioxide • ANSWER: B

  28. EOC REVIEWMETALLIC COMPOUNDS • In the process of galvanizing, iron is coated with • tin • lead • copper • zinc • ANSWER: D

  29. EOC REVIEWMETALLIC COMPOUNDS • Of the following, the covering that does not prevent corrosion is • water • oil • grease • paint • ANSWER: A

  30. EOC REVIEWSOLUTIONS • When salt dissolves in water, equal portions of this mixture contain the same quantities of solid and liquid. Such a mixture is said to be • unstable • saturated • uniform • a tincture • ANSWER: C

  31. EOC REVIEWSOLUTIONS • In a solution, the dissolved substance is called • solute • solvent • tincture • distilled • ANSWER: A

  32. EOC REVIEWSOLUTIONS • The liquid referred to as the “universal solvent” is • benzene • oil • alcohol • water • ANSWER: D

  33. EOC REVIEWSUSPENSIONS/EMULSIONS • Brownian motion describes the movement of • atoms • particles in a suspension • colloidal particles • coagulated particles • ANSWER: C

  34. EOC REVIEWSUSPENSIONS/EMULSIONS • Of the following, the substance with the smallest particles is • clay • sand • gravel • pebbles • ANSWER: A

  35. EOC REVIEWSUSPENSIONS/EMULSIONS • The particles of a solution • absorbs all light • do not affect light • reflect light • are opaque to light • ANSWER: B

  36. EOC REVIEWPROPERTIES OF WATER • The best procedure to separate a mixture of iron filings and sulfur is to • filter the mixture • coagulate the mixture • use a magnet • centrifuge the mixture • ANSWER: C

  37. EOC REVIEWPROPERTIES OF WATER • At the boiling point of a liquid, if heat continues to be applied, the temperature of the liquid • continues to increase • remains the same • begins to decrease • decreases a little and then increases again • ANSWER: B

  38. EOC REVIEWPROPERTIES OF WATER • Generally, the boiling point of water at sea level is • 100 degrees Celsius • 100 degrees Fahrenheit • 202 degrees Celsius • 32 degrees Fahrenheit • ANSWER: A

  39. EOC REVIEWACIDS, BASES, SALTS • Of the following, the salt that is used to make photographic film is • NaCl • Ca(NO3)2 • K2SO4 • AgBr • ANSWER: D

  40. EOC REVIEWACIDS, BASES, SALTS • A salt used as the electrolyte in dry cells is • ammonium carbonate • ammonium chloride • silver nitrate • sodium sulfate • ANSWER: B

  41. EOC REVIEWACIDS, BASES, SALTS • When water solutions of an acid and a base are mixed, • no reaction occurs • a new acid and a new base are formed • a salt and water are formed • an acid and a salt are formed • ANSWER: C

  42. EOC REVIEWORGANIC CHEMISTRY • The major component in organic compounds is the element • oxygen • carbon • hydrogen • chlorine • ANSWER: B

  43. EOC REVIEWORGANIC CHEMISTRY • One product of the burning of wood is • petroleum • cellulose • water • oxygen • ANSWER: C

  44. EOC REVIEWORGANIC CHEMISTRY • The substance with the lowest melting point is • NaCl • SiO2 • NaOH • paraffin • ANSWER: D

  45. EOC REVIEWNATURE OF MATTER • Which of the following is not a necessary characteristic of a chemical change? • A a change in composition • B release of energy • C absorption of energy • D a change in state • ANSWER: D

  46. PHYSICAL SCIENCE EOC REVIEW Nature of Matter Elements Compounds & Mixtures Structure of Matter Chemistry of Elements Chemistry of Compounds Reactions Laura RushGreen Hope High Schoollrush1@wcpss.net

  47. EOC REVIEWNATURE OF MATTER • Changes that continue unaided are said to be • A consistent • B spontaneous • C reversible • D models • ANSWER: B

  48. EOC REVIEWNATURE OF MATTER • A substance that increases the rate of a reaction is • A solid • B liquid • C gas • D catalyst • ANSWER: D

  49. EOC REVIEWCOMPOSITION OF MATTER • When lead oxide is heated in a test tube, the walls of the tube become coated with • A hydrogen • B oxygen • C lead • D silver • ANSWER: C

  50. EOC REVIEWCOMPOSITION OF MATTER • Substances that cannot be decomposed to any simpler substances are called • A elements • B compounds • C mixtures • D none of these • ANSWER: A

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