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作文纠错 1 keep your health 2 keep healthy is very important.

作文纠错 1 keep your health 2 keep healthy is very important. 3. To keep healthy, you should do exercises every day 辨清用法: far from/ far away; faraway / …away from 1. 它离这里远吗? Is it far from here? 2. 我家离学校有 200 米远。 My home is 200 meters away from school. 3. 在远处有一个乡村。

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作文纠错 1 keep your health 2 keep healthy is very important.

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  1. 作文纠错 1 keep your health 2 keep healthy is very important. 3. To keep healthy, you should do exercises every day 辨清用法: far from/ far away; faraway / …away from 1. 它离这里远吗? Is it far from here? 2. 我家离学校有200米远。 My home is 200 meters away from school. 3. 在远处有一个乡村。 There is a village far away. 4.有一个遥远的乡村。 There is a faraway village. 纠错求真

  2. 1不定冠词 a, an 的用法: 注意序数词前面用a 的情况:你再来一杯茶吗? Would you like a second cup of tea? 固定搭配: have a cold/fever/ toothache… have the flu; go for a walk 2定冠词的the 的用法: 1 特指 2 提到过的3 独一无二的 4 形容词最高级和序数词前面 the most beautiful/ the tallest; the first 5 专有名词 the Great Wall 6 用在乐器名词前: play the violin; play the piano… 冠词的用法

  3. 不定冠词 a, an 的用法: 不定冠词a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。记忆小窍门: “不看字母看读音,看到元音再加an” 1 a university 一所大学 2 auseful book 一本有用的书 3 a European country 一个欧洲国家 4 anumbrella 一把伞 5 an hour一个小时 6 anisland 一个岛屿 7 an answer 一个答案 8 anhonest girl 一个诚实的女孩 9 anEnglish book 10 anunfair thing

  4. 定冠词 the 的重要用法: 1 the+形容词表示类人或事物,谓语动词用复数。 超过百岁的老人被很好的照顾。 The old over 100 are taken good care of. 2. the+姓氏的复数前表示夫妇二人或全家人。 Smith一家人正在吃早饭。 The Smithsare having breakfast. 3. the+ 比较级, the +比较级 ;表示“越…越..” 越多越好: The more, the better. 固定搭配: on the right/left the day after tomorrow on a cold morning on Tuesday evening 1 在右边/左边 2 后天 3 在一个寒冷的早上 4 在周二晚上

  5. 不用冠词的情况:节日的名称;固定短语; 1 National Day 2 Children’s Day 3 Teachers’ Day 4 Women’s Day 5 Dragon-Boat Festival 1 国庆节 2 儿童节 3 教师节 4 妇女节 5 端午节 1 by hand 2 hand in hand 3 in danger 4 day and night 5 at noon 6 on foot 1 用手工 2 手牵手 3 处于危险中 4 日日夜夜 5 在中午 6 步行

  6. 注意下面。情况: turn / make后跟名词时,名词前不用冠词 1. Lucy过去是一名工人,后来她变成一名作家。Lucy used to be a worker, and then she turned writer. 2. 我们让Lucy 做班长。 We made Lucy monitor. 注意:泛指某类人或事物时的冠词使用情况. 如:马是有用的动物。 1. A horse is a useful animal. 2. Horses are useful animals.

  7. (the, a, an, 不填) 1. I hope we can fly to___ moon one day. 2. We can have___ bluer sky if we create ___ less polluted world. 3—Shall we pay__ visit to Expo 2010, Shanghai? -- No, I’d rather stay at home and play ___ football. 4.At that time Tom was___ one-year-old baby. 5.___Great Wall is___ longest wall in the world. 6.___ new bridge has been built over ___ Huangpu River. 7.He used to be__ teacher but later he turned___writer. 8. They made him____ king. 9. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and ___ half years. 中招过关

  8. 根据汉语提示填空: 1. The Greens (格林一家) are going to the zoo this Saturday. 2. I went to school without breakfast (没吃早餐) this morning. 3. I got the news on/over the radio (通过收音机).

  9. P165-166 1 boxes 2 children 3 Knives 4 tomatoes 5 deer 6 men doctors 7 Tomorrow’s 8 toys 1 ideas 2 books 3 matches(火柴) 4 teeth 5 pianos 6 leaves 7 homework 8 advice 单选: 1-5ABDDA 6-10CBDBA 1 my sister’s 2 The Whites 3 my parents’ hearts 4 Peter and Helen’s 5 20 minutes’ walk/ a 20-minute walk

  10. P169-170 1-5BACAB 6-10 ADBCB 11-15 DDADA 1 The, the 2 the 3 / 4 an 5 a 1 on foot 2 The Summer Palace 3 The Greens 4 without breakfast 5 on/over the radio 1 An 2 a 3 the 4 An 5 a 6 the 7/ 8/ 9 The 10 a 11 the 12 a 13 a 14/ 15/

  11. 1.—Would you like some tea? --Yes, please./ No, thanks. 2.—Would you like to go with me? -- Yes, I’d love/like to./ Sorry, I have to finish my homework first. 3. – What’s your sister?/ What does your sister do?/ What’s your sister’s job? -- She is a nurse/ doctor/ worker/ farmer/ businessman/ pilot/ driver… 4.—What’s the time, please?/ What time is it? -- It’s 8 o’clock. 5.—When and where shall we meet? -- Let’s meet at half past ten at the school gate. 情景交际

  12. 1.—Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? -- I’d like a skirt for my daughter. 2.– I can help you with your lessons. -- Thank you very much./ It’s very nice/ kind of you. / Thank you for your help… 3.– Let me help you with your English. --Thank you, but I can manage it myself. 情景交际

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