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Budget Document Long (BDL) Preparation Process FY 09-10

Budget Document Long (BDL) Preparation Process FY 09-10. Eva Burnett and Anita Polendo Budget Planning and Development. General Information.

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Budget Document Long (BDL) Preparation Process FY 09-10

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  1. Budget Document Long (BDL) Preparation Process FY 09-10 Eva Burnett and Anita Polendo Budget Planning and Development

  2. General Information • The processing of the BDL documents creates the departmental operating budgets for the upcoming fiscal year beginning September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010. • The BDL process begins before new funds for FY 2009-10 are known. Therefore, the BDL documents are populated with prior year Original Budgets + any new permanent transfers (i.e. funds) and considered a “status quo” budget. • In order to establish a BDL document, the budget group must exist. • Each division may have additional requirements and deadlines pertaining to the BDL process. Consult with your financial area representative, as appropriate.

  3. General InformationAccount Groups BDL’s are required for the following funds: • 14 – State Appropriated Funds (E&G) • 18 – Service Areas • 19 – Designated (Local) Funds • 29 – Auxiliaries *************************************************** • 30 – Gifts (do not require BDL’s) • 26 – Grants (do not require BDL’s)

  4. General Information To create a BDL a user needs: • Workstation that has access to DEFINE, the UTSA Administration Mainframe • DEFINE log-on ID and password For log-on related problems or concerns, contact DEFINE Administration Staff Cynthia Orth @4343 Maria Alvarez @4556 Marta Petiton @4346

  5. Before Getting StartedKnow Your Accounts, BHG Command *DEFINE DOCUMENT STATUS FOR A UNIT- LONG SESSION - BHG Year: 08 09 Command: BHG Account: __________ Misc: 0235000________ Month: Feb ======================================================= Department: BUDGET OFFICE Display all units reporting to 0235000 : _ Display only budgeted account groups: _ Bud Acct Grp Document Status Bud Acct Grp Document Status ---- -------- ---------------------- ---- -------- ---------------------- * 14023500 Final Approval * 14039902 Final Approval * 14023501 Final Approval 14195120 14023502 14199520 14023505 * 14199921 Final Approval * 14023700 Final Approval * 14199922 No Document Exists * 14029906 Final Approval * 14199923 Final Approval * 14029909 Final Approval * 14199924 Final Approval * 14029910 Final Approval * 14680570 Final Approval * - Account Group is budgeted

  6. Getting Started Creating BDL for Next Year 1. Type BDL in the command field - <ENTER> 2. Type the account number - <ENTER> This is the view for prior year BDL. • Change the Year to 09-10 - <ENTER> A blank Coversheet will appear. 4. Type NEW in the Action field - <ENTER> A new BDL has now been created with a new DOC ID representing the FY 09-10 budget, review and modify as needed.

  7. BDL Cover Sheet *DEFINE BUDGET RECOMMENDATION FORM: LONG SESSION - BDL Year: 09 10 Command: BDL Account: 14123400__ Misc: 001____________ EID: ________ ============================================================================== Status: Created -- COVER SHEET -- Document-ID: V3BDL999724 Action: ___ Summary: 14-1234-00 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: LONG-SESSION Created by.: 03/18/09 by ANITA POLENDO (KGAXP) -- phone: 458-6615 Title......: Department Of Budget Budget-Group: 14123400 ** 2009-10 ** LONG-SESSION Orig-Budget Document-Amt Sections: X _ 1. Summary of Budget Group 660,000 760,000 X _ 2. Line-Items: Faculty Salaries 500,000 600,000 X _ 3. Line-Items: Admin & Prof Salaries 100,000 100,000 X _ 4. Line-Items: Classified Salaries 50,000 50,000 X _ 5. All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts 10,000 10,000 X _ 6. Revenue Sub-Accts: Income Transfers Beg Balances X _ 7. General Budget Information X _ 8. Reconciliation _ 9. Departmental Codes (Press "PF5" for Default Codes) Sample

  8. Cover Sheet Action Field Options Enter a "?" in the Action field to view options available.  A pop-up window with a list of Actions will appear on the screen.

  9. BDL Sections The BDL document contains nine sections for updating and creating budget lines. Section 1 – Summary of Budget Group Sections 2, 3 & 4 - Salary Line-Items Section 2 - Faculty Salaries Section 3 - Administrative & Professional Salaries Section 4 - Classified Salaries Section 5 – All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts Section 6 – Revenue Sub-Accts: Income Transfers Beg Balances Section 7 – General Budget Group Information Section 8 – Reconciliation Section 9 – Departmental Codes

  10. Section 1 Budget Summary Action: ___ Budget Group Summary of Accounts Section 01 of 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget-Group: 14-1234-00 DEPT OF BUDGET Screen 1 of 1 Appropriation Sub Original Adjusted Recommend Obj-Cd Cd Description Acct Budget Budget 09-10 %-Inc --- ---------------------- ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- X _ 2A FACULTY SALARIES 01 500,000 600,000 600,000 9120 _______________________ 20.0 _______________________ _ 1A ADMINISTRATIVE AND 02 100,000 100,000 100,000 9123 PROFSSIONAL SALARIES___ 0.0 _______________________ _ 3A CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL 10 50,000 50,000 50,000 9123 _______________________ 0.0 _______________________ _ 3B WAGES 20 10,000 10,000 10,000 9127 _______________________ 0.0 (PF2=Add new Sub-Acct)Bud-Grp-Totals 660,000 760,000

  11. New Sub-Accounts Action: ___ All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts Section 05 of 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget-Group: 14-1234-20 -DEPT. OF BUDGET Total nbr. Accts: 2 (PF4=Page back) Start List at Sub Acct: 05 App Cd: 2E Appropriation Sub Original Adjusted Recommend Obj-Cd Cd Description Acct Budget Budget 09-10 %-Inc -- ------------------------- ---- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---- _ 4A MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION 05 50,000 50,000 50,000 9153 _________________________ 0.0 _________________________ _ 5A TRAVEL___________________ 08 10,000 10,000 10,000 9129 _________________________ 0.0 _________________________ _ __ __ ___________ _________________________ _________________________ (PF2=Add new Sub-Acct) Bud-Grp-Totals: 160,000 160,000 Enter the recommended amount on this screen.

  12. Section 2Faculty Salary Line Items

  13. Salary Line Item Options – Faculty, A&P, Classified Type ? next to line item for available options. Enter the OPTION you wish to perform on this Line-Item: _ Option Description ------ -------------------------------------------------------- E View budget EMPLOYMENT (cross references) for the person G Get an assigned EID for Line-Item H View HISTORY of recommendations for a Line Item J View COLLAPSED JOB-CODE information (Classified only) B Change the Line-Item to a BLANK LINE C COPY an entry to a new Line-Item entry D DELETE the line-item recommendation F View/Update the FOOTNOTES of a Line-Item I Delete all Line-Items within Sub-Acct N View/Update employee information L Change the entry back to the LAST APPROVED Values X View/Update the ITEMIZED DETAIL of Line Item Z UN-DO the Deletion of a Line Item

  14. Section 2Faculty Salaries Detail Entry for a Line-Item in Account: 14-1234-0001 Item: 0016 Section 02 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Recommended Recommended for 09-10 EID...........: hwb1234 Henrietta W Potter hwp1234 Henrietta W Potter Job-Class-Code: 0016 Prof And Dept Chair 0016 + Prof And Dept Chair Begin/End MMDD: 0901 / 0531 0901 / 0531 Percent-Time..: 10000 10000 Rate..........: 68100 Prior 68100 + Calc-Stipend: 68100 Amount........: 68100 Yr Amt: 68100 + 68100 + Override: _______ Months (Basis): 09 L/A-Type: 09 L/A-Type: __ Reason-Code...: _ Associated-EID: ________ Override-Sort-Order: _ Tenure-Status....: TN Current New Budget Admin-Officer....: _ 08-09 09-10 %-Inc Nepotism.........: + Basis Rate Type-Rate Basis Rate (Dec) Prof-Emeritus....: _ 68,100 TOTAL 68,100 3.1 Phased-Retirement: _ 10 68,100 ACADEMIC 10 68,000 3.1 Modified-Service.: _ ADMIN-PROF Footnotes........: + CLASSIFIED

  15. Section 3Administrative & Professional Detail Entry for a Line-Item in Account: 14-1234-0009 Item: 0001 Section 03 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Recommended Recommended for 09-10 EID...........: ab1234 Abigail Boyd ab1234 Abigail Boyd Job-Class-Code: 0861 Dir, Academic Computing 0861 Dir, Academic Computing Begin/End MMDD: 0901 / 0831 PosID: 100MM 0901 / 0831 PosID: 100MM Percent-Time..: 10000 10000 Rate..........: 90000 Prior 90000 Calc-Stipend: 90000 Amount........: 90000 Yr Amt: 90000 + 90000 Override: _______ Months (Basis): 12 L/A-Type: 12 L/A-Type: __ Reason-Code...: _ Associated-EID: ________ Override-Sort-Order: Tenure-Status....: __ Current New Budget Admin-Officer....: X 08-09 09-10 %-Inc Nepotism.........: Basis Rate Type-Rate Basis Rate (Dec) Prof-Emeritus....: _ 90,000 TOTAL 90,000 4.4 Phased-Retirement: _ ACADEMIC Modified-Service.: _ 12 90,000 ADMIN-PROF 12 90,000 4.4 Footnotes........: CLASSIFIED

  16. Section 4Classified Salaries Detail Entry for a Line-Item in Account: 14-1234-0010 Item: 0006 Section 04 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Recommended Recommended for 09-10 EID...........: cd4567 Clara Daye cd4567 Clara Daye Job-Class-Code: 3668 Records Tech II 3668 + Records Tech II Begin/End MMDD: 0901 / 0831 PosID: 1005AT 0901 / 0831 PosID: 1005AT Percent-Time..: 10000 10000 Rate..........: 35000 Prior 35000 Calc-Stipend: 35000 Amount........: 35000 Yr Amt: 35000 + 35000 Override: _______ Months (Basis): 12 L/A-Type: 12 L/A-Type: __ Reason-Code...: _ Associated-EID: ________ Override-Sort-Order: Tenure-Status....: __ Current New Budget Admin-Officer....: _ 08-09 09-10 %-Inc Nepotism.........: Basis Rate Type-Rate Basis Rate (Dec) Prof-Emeritus....: _ 35,000 TOTAL 35,000 3.0 Phased-Retirement: _ ACADEMIC Modified-Service.: _ ADMIN-PROF Footnotes........: 12 35,000 CLASSIFIED 12 35,000 3.0

  17. Sections 5 All Other Expenditure Sub-Accounts *DEFINE BUDGET RECOMMENDATION FORM: LONG SESSION - BDL Year: 09 10 Command: BDL Account: 14123400__ Misc: 001____________ EID: ________ ============================================================================== Status: APPROVED -- COVER SHEET -- Document-ID: V3BDL999724 Action: ___ Summary: 14-1234-00 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS: LONG-SESSION Created by.: 03/18/09 by ANITA POLENDO (KGAXP) -- phone: 458-6615 Title......: Department Of Budget Budget-Group: 14123400 ** 2009-10 ** LONG-SESSION Orig-Budget Document-Amt Sections: X _ 1. Summary of Budget Group 660,000 760,000 X _ 2. Line-Items: Faculty Salaries 500,000 600,000 X _ 3. Line-Items: Admin & Prof Salaries 100,000 100,000 X _ 4. Line-Items: Classified Salaries 50,000 50,000 X _ 5. All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts 50,000 50,000 X _ 6. Revenue Sub-Accts: Income Transfers Beg Balances X _ 7. General Budget Information X _ 8. Reconciliation _ 9. Departmental Codes (Press "PF5" for Default Codes) Sample

  18. Expenditure Sub-Accounts Action: ___ All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts Section 05 of 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget-Group: 19-1234-00 -BUDGET Total nbr. Accts: 12 (PF4=Page back) Start List at Sub Acct: 09 App Cd: 2D Appropriation Sub Original Adjusted Recommend Obj-Cd Cd Description Acct Budget Budget 09-10 %-Inc -- ------------------------- ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---- X _ 2D RESERVE FOR 11 0 0 2,476 9123 ADMINISTRATIVE AND_______ RESEARCH SALARIES________ _ 3D LONGEVITY PAY 09 367 367 460 9118 _________________________ 25.3 _________________________ X _ 3B WAGES____________________ 20 50,000 50,000 26,480 9129 _________________________ (47.0) _________________________ _ 2F FRINGE BENEFITS 10 52,000 52,000 50,000 9130 _________________________ 3.8 _________________________ (PF2=Add new Sub-Acct) Bud-Grp-Totals: 340,007 391,761 NEW

  19. Section 6 Revenue Sub-Accounts Income, Transfers, and Beginning Balances. Income • For Designated Funds (19 accounts) • Appropriation Code I1 only must be used for Estimated Income • Sub-account 95 – Operating Income • Sub-account 96 – Miscellaneous Income • For Auxiliary Funds (29 accounts) • Appropriation Code IA – Non-fee Revenue • sub-account 95 • sub-account 96 • Appropriation Code I1 • sub-account 95 – Operating Income • sub-account 96 – Miscellaneous Income • Appropriation Code IT – Sub-account 92 - Fee Income • Appropriation Code I0 – Sub-account 93 – Gift Income • Appropriation Code I0 – Sub-account 94 – Investment/Interest Income NEW

  20. Revenue Sub-Accounts – Cont’d Transfers • Debt Service transfers • Appropriation Code E2 • sub-account 90 - Debt Service on Construction • sub-account 91 - Debt Service on Equipment Financing • Transfers FROM - Appropriation Code T1 sub-account 98only • Transfers TO - Appropriation Code T2 sub-account 98 only Beginning Balance • BB Appropriation Code with 98 sub-account

  21. Section 7General Budget Group Information Action: ___ General Budget Group Information Section 07 of 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Budget-Group: 14-1234-00 Budget-Grp-Short-Title: -DEPT OF BUDGET_______________________________ Budget-Grp-Title: DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (PF2 - Add new employee as Dept-Head) Dept-Head-EID...: rk4464_ ROBERT T KIRLAND Dept-Head-Title: DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET__________________ __________________________________________________ Remarks: __________________________________________________________ + __________________________________________________________ -------------------------For Budget Office Use Only-------------------------- Budget-Grp-Seq#: 00349000000 Mark-to-Exclude-from-Final-Budget: _ Unit-Code......: 1234000 > Page-Skips...: 000 Mark-if-Fac-Roster: _ Grant-Type.....: _ Mark-if-Research-Fac-Roster: _ Gift-Type......: _ Designated.....: _ Dept-Footnote..: __________________________________________________________ +

  22. BDL Reconciliation (E&G) Section 1 – Summary of Budget Group • Sections 2, 3 & 4 - Salary Line-Items • Section 2 - Faculty Salaries • Section 3 - Administrative & Professional Salaries • Section 4 - Classified Salaries • Section 5 – All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts Section 6 – Revenue Sub-Accts: Income Transfers Beg Balances Section 7 – General Budget Group Information Section 8 – Reconciliation Section 9 – Departmental Codes

  23. BDL Reconciliation (Non E&G) Section 1 – Summary of Budget Group • Sections 2, 3 & 4 - Salary Line-Items • Section 2 - Faculty Salaries • Section 3 - Administrative & Professional Salaries • Section 4 - Classified Salaries • Section 5 – All Other Expenditure Sub-Accts Expenses Section 6 – Revenue Sub-Accts: Income Transfers Beg Balances Revenue Section 7 – General Budget Group Information Section 8 – Reconciliation Section 9 – Departmental Codes

  24. Section 8 Reconciliation >> Reconciliation is in balance. Press ENTER to continue.<< Action ___ Reconciliation for Budget Group 14-1234-00 Section 08 of 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original 08-09 Budget Amt for Budget Group 1,428,192 SUBTOTAL: Commitment & Allocation Amts > -120,363 SUBTOTAL: Departmental Transfers > 500 TOTAL ALLOWABLE 1,308,329 Sub-Acct Adjustment Description Amount by Whom Date 01 FR 14-5678-2001 SUPL INCR H.POTTER______ 4,000 KGAXB 2009-03-29 10 FR 19-1234-1010 A.BOYD INCR_____________ 5,000 KGCXD 2009-04-19 09 FR 14-4321-1009 R.KIRKLAND RETIREMNT(50%) 37,464 KGEXF 2009-04-20 SUBTOTAL: Adjustments Entered Above 117,508 ADJUSTED ALLOWABLE 1,425,837 Total 09-10 Document Amount for Budget Group 1,425,837 Reconciliation Balance: over/(under) budget 0 A balanced budget must be submitted.

  25. Final Steps • Verify BDL document with Action VER and make any necessary corrections. • APP (approve) and PRT (print) a departmental copy for office records. (Another option is to print screens) • BDL’s will route to next appropriate approver until reaching the budget office.

  26. BDL Hands-on Workshops Join budget staff to work on your BDL’s at one of the scheduled workshops: HSS 2.02.02 • Wed, April 1st9 – 12:00 noon • Mon, April 6th 9 – 12:00 noon • Tue, April 7th 1 – 4:00 p.m. Downtown Classroom – FS 2.134E • Thu, Apr 2nd 9 – 12:00 noon

  27. Budget Contacts Office of Budget Planning & Development Budget.office@utsa.edu

  28. Questions

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