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F inancial E volution and R egulatory R eform in Indonesia. Hendri Saparini, PhD CORE Institute ECONIT Advisory Group Independent tink tank in Economic Development Jakarta - Indonesia saparini@econit.co.id and saparini@core-institute.co.id
Financial Evolution and Regulatory Reform in Indonesia Hendri Saparini, PhD CORE Institute ECONIT Advisory Group Independent tink tank in Economic Development Jakarta - Indonesia saparini@econit.co.id and saparini@core-institute.co.id Financial Evolution, Regulatery Reforn and Cooperation in Asia Seoul National University – 17-18 May 2013
Outline • Indonesian Financial Structure • Regulation in Financial Sectors • Roles of banking sector in economy • Roles of capital market in economy
1. Indonesian Financial Structure • Dominated by banking sector • Banking regulation has changed over the New Order to Reformation Era • Increasing foreign ownership in banking sector after the liberalisation of banking regulation
Asset Composition of Finance CompaniesBanking industry dominates Indonesian financial system * March 2012 Source: Bank Indonesia
Total Number of Financial Institutions‘Out-spread’ banks * December 2011 Source: Bank Indonesia
Regulating and Supervising Body The establishment of OJK (Financial Service Authority) - 2012 *NBFI includes Pension, Insurance, Finance Companies, Venture Capital, Guarantee Companies
Phases of Indonesia financial developmentStill consolidating? Source: Hamada (2003) dengan tambahan
Time-line of Number of banks in Indonesia From over-regulated to consolidation after liberalization • Policy-based • finance period Financial reform (deregulation) restructurisation consolidation • formative period • expansion Source: Bank Indonesia
Ownership of BanksRestriction in Asia vs. liberalisation in Indonesia http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/08/02/idINIndia-58571120110802
Big Banks Domination in IndonesiaTen banks hold 65% of national banking assets *Data Desember 2012 kecuali Bank Panin Sept. 2012 **Bank BUMN (38%) & 6 bank swasta (27% ) Source: Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan2
Further Banking Regulation Indonesia ready for Basel III Regulation in 2019 * Risk Weighted Assets Indonesia Banks Performance
2. Limited Role of Banking Sector in Economic Development • Poor policy of monetary authority in managing interest rates • High interest rate of loan has restricted public access to banks • Indonesia national banking tends to take the capitalists side than the whole economic development
Monetary Policy Transmission MechanismAimed at inflation rate management? Source: Bank Indonesia
BI rate & loan rateUnable to induce loan rate to lower level Source: Bank Indonesia
Headline Inflation Rate (yoy, %)Still high, but went lower Source: World Bank
Lending interest rate, 2010Indonesia, the highest among some Asian countries Source: World Bank
Net Interest MarginIndonesia also the highest among ASEAN countries Source: Maybank Kim Eng, 2013
Fee Based Income, 2011Poor creativity, relying on interest based income Source: Maybank Kim Eng, 2013
Limiting factors of investmentHigh interest rate, main obstacle for investment Source: Bussiness Survey, Bank Indonesia, QIV-2012
Prime Lending RateWide gap of interest rates (microfinance vs. other loan) *per 31 March 2013 Source: website perusahaan
Share of Loans to SMEs: Very Small The Number of SMEs is very huge Bank Financing for SMEs Number of SMEs & Large Enterprises *Feb. 2013 *2010 Source: Bank Indonesia, BPS
Domestic Financing ProfileSources of business financing: mainly from internal source Indonesia East Asia & Pasific Source: Enterprise survey, World Bank, 2009
Percentage of firms with a bank loanOne of the Lowest in ASEAN Source: World bank
External Debt Outstanding Source: Bank Indonesia
Capital & Financial AccountGrew highly after 2008 crises Source: Bank Indonesia
Domestic credit provided by banks*Banking roles in financing is the lowest *% of GDP Source: World Bank
Rate of Return on Commercial Bank EquityIndonesian banking: the highest Source: ADB
Charactersitics of Indonesian BankingDominated by big depositors over Rp. 5 billion Source: Bank Indonesia
Banking Loans Distribution Mining grew highly, manufacture sector slower Source: Bank Indonesia
Loan Distribution by SectorDecreasing loans to manufacture, increasing to trade sectors Source: Bank Indonesia
3. Limited role of capital market in financing • Low attrectiveness of going-public from government and private enterprises • Despite te fact of low attractiveness to go public, Indonesian capital market has highly performed, particularly in sectors with strong fundamental performance • Foreign investment flow was still high as a result of high rate of return.
Market Capitalisation vs GDPLimited role of capital market to economy in Indonesia *data tahun 2011 Source: World Bank
Number of listed companiesLess than 500 Indonesian companies go public Data per 2012 Source: World Federation of Exchanges
Asia Growth IndexIHSG, the most expansive after 2008 crises Source: Yahoofinance
Indonesian Indices by sectorConsumer good , the most attractive Source: Yahoofinance
IDX Financial Data & Ratios, 2011Consumer goods went higher then the others Sumber: IDX Statistics 2012
Issuance Volume of Bond Market, 2012Bonds as financing resources in Indonesia: Very Low Source: ADB
Asian LCY Bond Returns IndexIndonesian bonds’ return: the Highest in Asia Source: ADB
Foreign Holdings in LCY Government BondsHigh returnattracted foreign investors Source: ADB
Foreign Ownership on Portfolio InvestmentForeign investors’ domination Source: Bank Indonesia, MOF, KSEI