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MATHS Follow Collin Maths Scheme Place values Doubling and halving Partitioning of numbers Co-ordinates Money Shape and space. PE Games – ball and racket skills Gymnastics – sequences using jumps and rolls Dance – Welsh dancing using different sets and patterns

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MATHS • Follow Collin Maths Scheme • Place values • Doubling and halving • Partitioning of numbers • Co-ordinates • Money • Shape and space • PE • Games – ball and racket skills • Gymnastics – sequences using jumps and rolls • Dance – Welsh dancing using different sets and patterns • Age of Princes – make up a Welsh dance using ‘Migaldi, Magaldi’ • SCIENCE • The human body • Teeth • Healthy food • Bones • Heart • Functions of organs • Blood SPRING TERM Y3HUMAN BODY R.E. The story of Easter • GEOGRAPHY • ‘Choosing our food’ a curriculum pack including Fairtrade • Presentation on Hawaii and Alaska • Comparing climates, clothes and housing • MUSIC • Singing – songs for assembly, St David’s Day and Easter • Percussion compositions – D’em bones, Giant of Henllys and Bedd Gelert • Food Rap • ENGLISH • Assessing the children in reading using Salford • Texts • Treasure of Craig-y-Ddinas • Comprehension and storytelling • The Stone Mouse • Storyboard / book cover • Funny Bones • Speech / play / poetry • Bedd Gelert • Retelling the story / sequencing • The Great Giant of Henllys • Retelling of story to music • Play • The BFG • Imaginative story writing • WELSH • Beth sy’n bod? - to act out doctor and patient scenarios • The life of Saint Dwynwen • Song performance to celebrate St David’s Day • HISTORY • The Age of Princes • Visit to Caerphilly Castle and the Winding House • PSE • Looking after yourself • Keep clean • Eat well • Keep fit • Keep safe • Know how you feel • ICT • To use the internet to research Hawaii, Alaska and other States of America • To produce record cards and use Black Cat program ESDGC Looking at Fair Trade in different countries • ART & DESIGN • Printing • Sketching Caerphilly Castle • skeletons DT Design and make a healthy food biscuit • SEAL • Going for goals • Good to be me

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