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Powerful PSAs

Powerful PSAs. Sending a message meant to change behavior in 60 seconds or less. Examples. http://www.adcouncil.org/Our-Work/The-Classics/I-am-an-American. Save My Oceans: Use Less Plastic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK825QV-nZ0. Humane Society: I want…

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Powerful PSAs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Powerful PSAs Sending a message meant to change behavior in 60 seconds or less

  2. Examples http://www.adcouncil.org/Our-Work/The-Classics/I-am-an-American Save My Oceans: Use Less Plastic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK825QV-nZ0 Humane Society: I want… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rskFaiDIEwA

  3. Questions to Ask When Watching • Is there a product (or a company) being promoted? • Is the campaign asking me to change my behavior in some way? • Who paid for this spot? Are they a non-profit? • If I give the promoter money do I get something for it, or is it a donation? • Did I learn something from the spot? Can I verify the information?

  4. Examples A PSA and an advertisement are very similar. The difference; intent, funding, and who benefits. BP: Gulf Coast Update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoOfIR4Vk1o Clean Coal: I Believe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2dpBl7VI2g

  5. Questions to ask when planning • Who is my target audience? • What behavior am I hoping to change? • What information do they need? • What is at the heart of the matter? • What style will appeal to my audience & fit the topic?

  6. Decide the WHO Who is your group going to speak to and why? Decide the WHAT Choose something worth doing, something that is backed up by research. Decide the HOW Create a clear message using a narrative, style, production methods, music… all the aesthetic decisions.

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