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The Genealogy of CAAM. Jay Raol. History and CAAM?.
The Genealogy of CAAM Jay Raol
History and CAAM? History in the wider sense is all that has happened, not merely all the phenomena of human life, but those of the natural world as well. It includes everything that undergoes change; and as modern science has shown that there is nothing absolutely static, therefore the whole universe, and every part of it, has its history -1911 Encyclopædia Britannica
Sources • The Mathematics Genealogy Project • http://www.genealogy.ams.org/index.html • Biographical sketches • http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/
Louis Billera CUNY 1968 19/46 On Cores and Bargaining Sets for N-Person Cooperative Games Without Side Payments Robert Bixby Cornell 1972 7/12 Composition and Decompostion of Matroids and Related Topics Academic Genealogy • Tree of advisors and their students Name Institution Year # of students/decedents Thesis
Academic Genealogy • Things to consider … • Pedigree • How are specialized fields created? • What’s the relationship between an advisor’s thesis and his/her student’s thesis
Oscar Bruno NYU 1989 3/3 The Effective Conductivity of an Infinitely Interchangeable Mixture Edward Hyde Cal Tech 2003 Fast, High-Order Methods for Scattering by Inhomogeneous Media Robert Kohn Princeton 1979 18/25 New Estimates for Deformations in Terms of Their Strains; I) Estimates of Wirtinger Type for Nonlinear Strains; II) Functions Whose Linearized Strains are Measures
Herbert Federer U.C. Berkeley 9/107 Surface Area Frederick Almgren, Jr. Brown 1962 20/66 The Homotopy Groups of the Integral Cycle Groups Anthony Perry Morse Brown 1937 15/147 Convergence in Variation and Related Topics
George David Birkhoff U Chicago 1907 46/4120 Asymptotic Properties of Certain Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications to Boundary Value and Expansion Problems Clarence Adams Harvard 1922 8/222 The General Theory of the Linear Partial q-Difference Equation and of the Linear Partial Difference Equation of the Intermediate Type
E. H.Moore Yale 1885 31/9568 Extensions of Certain Theorems of Clifford and Cayley in the Geometry of n Dimensions
Michel Chasles École Polytechnique1814 2/12269 perçu historique sur l'origine et le développement des méthodes en géométrie
Joseph Louis Lagrange 3/55590 Siméon Denis Poisson École Polytechnique1800 2/32908 “Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics.”
Leonhard Euler Universität Basel1726 Johann and Jacob Bernoulli
Gottfried Leibniz Universität Altdorf 1666 Disputatio Inauguralis De Casibus Perplexis In Jure
Richard Tapia UCLA 1967 34/52 A Generalization of Newton's Method with an Application to the Euler-Lagrange Equation
Gilbert Bliss U Chicago 1900 54/558 The Geodesic Lines on the Anchor Ring Magnus Hestenes U Chicago 1932 35/154 Sufficient Conditions for the General Problem of Mayer with Variable End-Points
Oskar Bolza Universität Göttingen 1886 10/648 Über die Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elliptische, insbesondere über die Reduction durch eine Transformation vierten Grades C. Feilx Klein Universität Bonn 1868 55/21910 Über die Transformation der allgemeinen Gleichung des zweiten Grades zwischen Linien-Koordinaten auf eine kanonische Form
Julius Plücker Universität Marburg 1823 1/21911 Generalem analyeseos applicationem ad ea quae geometriae altioris et mechanicae basis et fundamenta sunt e serie Tayloria deducit Christian Gerling Universität Göttingen 1812 1/21912 Methodi proiectionis orthographicae usum ad calculos parallacticos facilitandos explicavit simulque eclipsin solarem die
Abraham Kaestner Universität Leipzig 1739 6/30607 Theoria radicum in aequationibus Johann Pfaff Universität Göttingen 1786 2/29681 Commentatio de ortibus et occasibus siderum apud auctores classicos commemoratis Carl Gauss Universität Göttingen 1799 7/29159 Demonstratio nova theorematis omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse
Christian Hausen Universität Halle-Wittenberg 1713 2/30594 De corpore scissuris figurisque non cruetando ductu Johann Wichmannshausen Universität Leipzig 1685 1/30595 Disputationem Moralem De Divortiis Secundum Jus Naturae Otto Mencke Universität Leipzig 1665 2/30597 Ex Theologia naturali -- De Absoluta Dei Simplicitate, Micropolitiam, id est Rempublicam In Microcosmo Conspicuam
C. Feilx Klein Universität Bonn 1868 55/21910 Über die Transformation der allgemeinen Gleichung des zweiten Grades zwischen Linien-Koordinaten auf eine kanonische Form Rudolf Lipschitz Universität Berlin 1853 55/21911 Determinatio status magnetici viribus inducentibus commoti in ellipsoide
Jean Fourier École Polytechnique 4/22682 Gustav Dirichlet Universität Bonn 1827 4/22680 Partial Results on Fermat's Last Theorem
Joaquin Basilio Diaz Brown 1945 29 On a Class of Partial Differential Equations of Even Order Steven Cox RPI 1988 Extremal Eigenvalue Problems for Composite Membranes Joyce McLaughlin U.C. Riverside 1968 12 Sturm Separation and Comparison Theorems for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Lipman Bers Charles University 1938 218 Potential/Harmonic Theory Charles Loewner Charles University 1917 21/332 Geometric Function Theory
Georg Alexander Pick Universität Wien 1880 4/336 Über eine Klasse abelscher Integrale
Ernst Kummer Halle-Wittenberg 1831 51/10910 De cosinuum et sinuum potestatibus secundum cosinus et sinus arcuum multiplicium evolv Leo Königsberger Universität Berlin 186035/436 De motu puncti versus duo fixa centra attracti Karl Weierstraß Universität Königsberg 1854 41/9348 Zur Theorie der Abelschen Functionen
Nicolai Bugaev (1527) Georg Cantor Georg Frobenius (3780) Lazarus Fuchs (3603) Hermann Schwarz (3383) Carl Runge Friedrich Shur Kummer and Weierstrass • Both men were originally teachers working as amateur mathematicians • Both men descended from Gauss • Who did they advise?
A thought for the faculty • Kummer's popularity as a professor was based mot only on the clarity of his lectures but on his charm and sense of humour as well. Moreover, he was concerned for the well-being of his students and willingly aided them when material difficulties arose... -Biermann
Beresford Parlett Stanford 1962 25/43 Bundles of Matrices and the Linear Indepence of Their Minors; II. Applications of Laguerre's Method to the Matrix Eigenvalue Problem George Forsythe Brown 1941 16/193 Riesz Summabilitly Methods of Order r, for R (r) < 0, Cesaro Summability of Independent Random Variables James Bunch U.C. Berkeley 1969 10/11 On Direct Methods for Solving Symmetric Systems of Linear Equations Danny Sorensen U.C. San Diego 1977 4/336 Updating the Symmetric Indefinite Factorization with Applications in a Modified Newton's Method
Pafnuty Chebyshev Univ. of St. Petersburg 1849 5/3581 On Integration by Means of Logarithms Andrei Markov Univ. of St. Petersburg 1884 4/2786 On Some Applications of Algebraic Continuous Fractions Jacob Tamarkin Univ. of St. Petersburg 1917 28/755
Richard Courant Universität Göttingen 1910 32/2160 Über die Anwendung des Dirichletschen Prinzipes auf die Probleme der konformen Abbildung Willi Feller Universität Göttingen 1926 16/571 Über algebraisch rektifizierbare transzendente Kurven
David Hilbert Universität Königsberg 1885 73/11512 Über invariante Eigenschaften specieller binärer Formen, insbesondere der Kugelfunctionen We must know, we shall know C.L. Lindemann Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1873 47/14063 Über unendlich kleine Bewegungen und über Kraftsysteme bei allgemeiner projektivischer Maßbestimmung
Jim Douglas Rice University 1952 41/186 I. Two Equivalent Methods for Sequences on Random Variables. II. The Expansion of Measures on Series of Orthogonal Measures Hugh Brunk Rice University 1944 7/240 Some Generalizations for Dirichlet Series of Hadamard's Theorem with Applications
Szolem Mandelbrojt Sorbonne 1923 7/498 Some Generalizations for Dirichlet Series of Hadamard's Theorem with Applications Jacques Hadamard École Normale Supérieure Paris 1892 5/916 Essai sur l'étude des fonctions données par leur développment de Taylor Jules Tannery École Normale Supérieure Paris 1874 1/917 Proprietes des integrales des equations differentielles lineaires a coefficients variables Charles Picard École Normale Supérieure Paris 1877 7/3368 Applications des complexes lineaires a l'etude des surfaces et des courbes gauches Charles Hermite