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To get new picture tubes from old ones. Tv glass recycling in Europe - description of the situation and the possibilities. Presentation by: Dr. Eckart Döring Manager Batch Supply Site Services Mainz Schott Glas, Mainz, Germany eckart.doering@schott.com. The CRT consists of many components.
Tv glass recycling in Europe - description of the situation and the possibilities. Presentation by: Dr. Eckart Döring Manager Batch Supply Site Services Mainz Schott Glas, Mainz, Germany eckart.doering@schott.com
The CRT consists of many components Frit Rimband Cone glass Panel glass Metal parts - Deflection unit - Rimband - Mask - Magnetic shield - Anode, getter - 4 Pins in the panel glass Magnetic shield Front plate coating Anode Metal/Ceramic parts - Electron gun Deflection Unit Front plate coating Other substances - Front plate coating - Plastic foil - Ironoxid/graphite coating on cone glass Neck Electron beam Glass - Cone glass, frit and neck (contain high amounts of lead) - Panel glass Electron gun
Al2O3 Na2O K2O BaO SrO CaO MgO Sb2O3 %SiO2 (balance) PbO Changes of funnel glass compositions in Europe 12,00 70,00 60,00 10,00 50,00 8,00 40,00 wt % wt % PbO, SiO2 6,00 30,00 4,00 20,00 2,00 10,00 0,00 0,00 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Year of Production
Distribution of EoL-glass amounts throughout Europe in 2000 UK 22,8% Germany 22,3% France 18,3% Italy 12,4% Spain 8,9% The Netherlands 4,1% Sweden 2,1% Belgium 2,0% Portugal 2,0% Austria 1,9% Denmark 1,7% Finland 1,5% Total: 100,0% About 1 Mio tons/year in Europe
Present Situation of CRT- Recycling in the countries of the European community Scandinavia and BENELUX • High public awareness • Collection system organized • Financing system clear • Funnel glass is being recycled in the closed cycle (SCHOTT GLAS) • Panel glass will be upgraded for the reuse in the open and closed cycle in 2002 • Whole CRTs are recycled as mixed cullets (BENELUX)
Present Situation of CRT- Recycling in the countries of the European community Germany • Moderate public awareness • Collection system organized • Financing via waste tax • The amounts are not registrated • Only some amounts of funnel, panel and mixed glass are recycled in the closed loop (SCHOTT GLAS) • High amounts of crts are still being landfilled • Two upgrading plant are running since 1997 and 2000
Present Situation of CRT- Recycling in the countries of the European community United Kingdom • Very low public awareness • Now collection system for crts until now • Financing not clear • Nearly all of the crt glass is being landfilled without any treatment • There are some very promising local initiatives in contact with SCHOTT • Although there are high amounts of glass, no upgrading plant is established
Present Situation of CRT- Recycling in the countries of the European community France, Spain, Portugal, Italy • Increasing public awareness • Only local collection for crts • Financing not clear • The government is looking for solutions • Nearly all of the crt glass is being landfilled • There are some local initiatives in contact with SCHOTT • Small amounts of glass are recycled via SCHOTT(France) • Transportation is a big cost factor for these countries
Present Situation of CRT- Recycling in the countries of the European community Austria, Switzerland (not EU) • High public awareness • Collection organized • Financing system working • The closed loop recycling is favorized by the austrian environmental ministry • Crts are integrated into the network by cooperating companies • The mixing of lead containing crt glass into ceramic raw materials is still agreed in switzerland
How does the disposal of used CRT-glasscurrently look like ? ?
Disposal of the whole TV-Sets • Reuse in eastern Europe and beyond • Disposal of the glass with or without active layers • Road construction • Slag former in lead and non-iron production • Use of lead containing mixed glass in the ceramic industry • ... • ... • Closed loop recycling in TV-glass production The usual disposal of used CRT-glass today
Glass containing high amounts of lead pollutes the environment • The exhaust of container glass melts gets contaminated with lead and the filters cannot handle this • The container glass gets contaminated with lead • Price pressure for higher sophisticated recycling • Smaller amounts of glass for closed loop recycling • ........... What are the consequences of today'spractice ?
Large amounts of CRT-glass get disposed by electric waste recyclers and the glass is not available as raw material for Schott CRT-Glass- Manufacturer Consumer Place of collection municipal/private Electronic Waste Recycler CRT Dismantler Glass- Recycler Other Disposal e.g. landfill eastern Europe Stores Electronic goods dealerships TV/PC-Monitor Manufacturer (OEM) CRT- Manufacturer Quelle: Teamrecherche, -einschätzung
Schott reduces the bottle necks in the product life cycle by active acquisition to enable economical closed and open loop recycling. CRT Dismantler Glass Recycler Other Disposal Acquisition Schott CRT-Glass Manufacturer Consumer Place of collection municipal/private Electronic Waste Recycler Stores Electronic goods dealerships TV/ PC-Monitor Manufacturer (OEM) CRT- Manufacturer Quelle: Teameinschätzung
CRTs do not consist of glass only... ...and have in addition to be transported and stored in a save, environmental friendly and economical manner.
The first look at some End-of-Life CRT deliveries shows mainly metal. This happens due to compacting the CRT inside the container. This needs to be avoided. The recycler has than the problemof large amounts of fine refraction's of glass in the sludge. This cannot be separated and there- fore leads to higher disposal cost of the sludge.
Remove back side of case, ventilate CRT, removal of cables, speakers, circuit boards, dismantle deflection unit, remove electron gun Loosen CRT, remove CRT and removal of attached silicon and rubber Rimband, mask, anode, getter inside coatings First layer of the upgrading process Panel glass without funnel glass, frit, pins and inside coatings Clean separation of panel and funnel Complete TV-sets and monitors CRT with rimband, inside coatings and metal parts Funnel glass with ironoxide/graphite coating anode, parts of panel- glass and frit Plastics circuit boards, electronic components wood, plastic Metal Processing unit for CRT-mix glass and funnel glass Cable, wire, metal Electron gun Rubber, Silicon CRT-mix glass with metals
Process panel glass Smelting Process to generate raw material (cullet) from End-of-Life CRT (second layer) whole, ventilated CRT separation, remove metals Iron, steel CRT cullet uncleaned Iron, steel separation Iron, steel separation Cleaning e.g. with closed water cycle 2nd cleaning with closed water cycle Crushing Sorting Funnel glass uncleaned Grading Homo- genize Analysis Funnel or mix-glass cleaned Raw material, funnel or mix glass Sludge Foreign matter Grafik by UFT-4/Obl: Verfahrensfließbild_d.ppt; 2001/08/17 Landfill, reuse, stowing
Ways of ecological use of End-of-Life CRT glass q Closed loop recycling q Open loop recycling
Clear grades of glass (funnel-, panel-, mix-glass) • Homogenity • Grainsize • No foreign matter, metals, plastic, wood • Coatings removed Closed loop recycling Quality aspects for the use of End-of-Life CRT glass in the closed loop To hold the specifications complex processing is necessary
Usable glasses: • funnel glass • mix from funnel and panel glass • neck glass • panel glass Closed loop recycling • The use of End-of-Life funnel and mix glass in the funnel glass melt is standard procedure • The use of End-of-Life panel glass in the panel glass melt is turning from tests to continous operation
Closed loop recycling Closed-Loop-Recycling in the glass melt at SCHOTT GLAS, Mainz and STVG, Valasské Mezírící (CZ) How much can be utilized ? SCHOTT GLAS, Mainz Mix glass max. 12.000 tons/year Funnel glass max. 30.000 tons/year Panel glass min. 15000 tons/year STVG, Valasské Mezírící (CZ) Mix glass max. 6.000 tons/year Funnel glass max. 20.000 tons/year
Closed loop recycling Why is the amount of End-of-Life funnel glass limited to approx. 55 % of the total melting capacity of the funnel tank? q To compensate missing components in the secondary raw material a certain amount of "fresh" raw materials is necessary q Cullets and dust from production have to be put into the melt also. Primary raw materials Cullets from production Exhaust dust Secondary raw materials(EoL CRT glass)
Closed loop recycling Where is the limit for the reuse of panel glass in the closed cycle (panel glass production) and why? q To compensate missing components in the secondary raw material a certain amount of "fresh" raw materials is necessary q Cullets from production have to be put into the melt also. qThe optical parameters have to be kept in tolerance ! We know now that 10% of the melting capacity can be replaced by EoL panel glass And we know, that this is not the end ! ?
The amounts of reused EoL-CRT glass show a strong increase >10000 t 9245 t Reused EoL cullets (SCHOTT GLAS) 3240 t 3240 t 290 t 290 t 160 t 160 t 97/98 98/99 Year 99/00 00/01 01/02
Closed loop recycling Major impediments to the grows of closed loop recycling of End-of-Life CRT glass There are cheaper ways of downcycling, landfilling and so on, despite all factual concerns these are still legal and underlie no limits. The definition of the legal ways of disposal and downcycling still does not consider today's technical possibilities of closed loop recycling. Logistical system to register the offered amount and missing knowledge about the possibilities. Poor technologies to separate End-of-Life CRT. Some recyclers use the closed loop recycling only for a small portion (alibi) of the collected End-of-Life CRT and dispose the major part the cheap way.
Panel glass, which amounts to 2/3 of the glass in aCRT has to be utilized in a ecological and economicalway • Following uses are being tested and show potential: • Insulation fiber • Substitute for primary raw material in the ceramics industry • Enamel, glazes • Decorative wall tiles Open loop recycling Lead-free End-of-Life panel glass is an excellent choice to use for open loop recycling Only lead-free cullets can be used for open loop recycling !
Many thanks for your attention! For further questions you can contact : Dr. Eckart Döring Phone +49 6131/66-21 87, Fax +49 6131/66-20 73, Mobile +49 171/2 20 94 17 e-mail: eckart.doering@schott.com Thomas Oberle Phone +49 6131/66-38 34, Fax +49 6131/66-19 65, Mobile +49 171/8 64 39 80 e-mail: thomas.oberle@schott.com