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Neocerebellar Emulation in Language Processing Giorgos P. Argyropoulos Language Evolution and Computation Research Unit, University of Edinburgh giorgos@ling.ed.ac.uk. 4. The cerebellar pseudosyntax. 1. Introduction. Language comprehension in the cerebellum.
Neocerebellar Emulation in Language ProcessingGiorgos P. ArgyropoulosLanguage Evolution and Computation Research Unit, University of Edinburghgiorgos@ling.ed.ac.uk 4. The cerebellar pseudosyntax 1. Introduction • Language comprehension in the cerebellum • 1) Townsend & Bever (2001): Sentence comprehension employs both algorithmic (the actual “syntax”) and faster, preemptive heuristic computations (the “pseudosyntax”); the latter pertains to “semantic associations” and “syntactic habits”. • Ito (2000): A CNMC might connect to the cerebral loop as a reliable copy of the thought/language model in the temporoparietal areas, with the thought/language process being alternatively conducted by the frontal areas acting on the CNMC rather than on the temporoparietal areas, adaptively avoiding the conscious effort needed for the exploration of cortical loci. • 2) McRae et al. (2005): Predictive top-down processing in sentence comprehension relies on associative lexical relations, not captured by spreading activation in lexical networks, but by expectancy-generation mechanisms. • Expectancy-generation is ideally captured by the internal model computations (e.g., Wolpert et al., 1998) • Cerebellar patients seem to be particularly impaired in the noun-verb generation task (Fiez et al., 1992; Gebhart et al., 2002), a lexical association that McRae et al. (2005) particularly emphasize for expectation-based sentence comprehension. • 3) Kempson & Cann (2007): “… a natural subsequent step of routinization… would be to call up the actions associated with the verb together with those associated with the cliticwith a single lexical look-up mechanism” (Kempson & Cann, 2007) • Doya (1999):“… a cerebellar mapping can work as a short-cut circuit or a look-up table for a mapping that was originally developed by the time-consuming cortico-cortical processing” (Doya, 1999, 970). • The posterolateral cerebellum is involved in constrained search space in language tasks: • Increased cerebellar activation in FEW condition in stem completion task(Desmond et al., 1998) • Spared performance in subordinate category generation VS poor performance in superordinate category and antonym generation for posterolateral cerebellars(Gebhart et al., 2002; Fiez et al., 1992) Despite the ample evidence gathered during the last decades in support of the involvement of the cerebellum in language processing, there has been little attention paid to the identity of the computations underlying such involvement, especially given that the cerebellum seems to perform a unitary computation for a wide range of behavioral repertoires. Emphasizing language comprehension here, I attempt the grounding of a recently proposed psycholinguistic processor (Pickering & Garrod, 2007) in the cortico-cerebellar circuit. 3.1. What is a Kalman filter? The Kalman filter (Kalman, 1960) is a dynamical state estimator testing incoming data against expectations, compensating for delays and filtering out noise in the sensory feedback, if the signal can be modeled as the output of a known dynamical system. A Kalmanregulator uses the sensory error to correct the estimate resulting from the forward model. The Kalman gain determines the extent to which the sensory residual influences the a priori estimate (i.e., whether emulation tramps the actual sensory feedback or not). 2. The cerebellum 3.2. The reception of the Kalman filter in cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics 2.1. The unitary cerebellar computation • Cytoarchitectural (computational) homogeneity, functional heterogeneity (e.g., Kawato & Gomi, 1992; Wolpert et al., 1998). • “a unitary principle of architecture, but a localizationist principle of the connectivity” (Schmahmann, 2000; 206). 3.3. The neocerebellar KF linguistic processor The computations of a Cerebellar Cortico-Nuclear Micro-Complex (Ito, 1989). Figure taken from Ito (2002, p. 281). Long-term depression (LTD) occurs at parallel fiber-to-Purkinje cell synapses after conjunctive activation of these synapses together with climbing fiber-to-Purkinje cell synapses (Ito et al., 1982). PC: Purkinje Cell. GR: Granule Cell. CC: Cerebellar Cortex. IO: Climbing Fiber. MF: Mossy Fiber. CN: Cerebellar Nucleus CF: Climbing Fiber. LTD: Long Term Depression. Hollow circle: Excitatory synapse. Filled circle: Inhibitory synapse. • Conclusion • The posterolateral cerebellum might be involved in language perception processes by implementing Kalman Filter computations in a way that makes language perception noise- resistant, and automatic, triggering covert, imitative involvement of production mechanisms in language perception. Acknowledgments I am grateful to my supervisors, Prof. Jim Hurford, Dr. Patrick Sturt and Dr. Thomas Bak, as well as to the Pavlos and Elissavet Papagiannopoulou Foundation for the financial support in my PhD studies. References Argyropoulos, G. (2008). The subcortical foundations of grammaticalization. In Andrew D. M. Smith, Kenny Smith and Ramon Ferrer i Cancho (Eds.), The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (pp. 10-17). Singapore: World Scientific Press. Barton, R.A. (2002). How did brains evolve? Nature , 415, 134-135. Barton, R.A., & Harvey, P.H. (2000). 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Evidence for the model • Cerebellar activation in error-detection in processing ambiguous sentences that require reanalysis (Stowe et al., 2004) • Deficient error-detection in linguistic tasks for cerebellar patient (Fiez et al., 1992) • Lack of performance optimization in linguistic tasks for cerebellar patient (Fiez et al.,1992). • Fundamental role of the cerebellum in mental imagery (Decety et al., 1990; Ryding et al., 1993) = cases of setting the Kalman gain of the Grush emulator (2004) to zero, i.e., cases of maximized reliance on the cerebellar internal model) • Impaired mental imagery and anticipatory planning in a patient following unilateral cerebellar hemispheric infarction (Leiner et al., 1987). • Deficient supervised learning in language tasks- concurrent discrimination word learning (Fiez et al., 1992). • The internal generation requirement: intact verb selection VS impaired verb generation for posterolateral cerebellars- emulation-induced covert imitation? (Gebhart et al., 2002) • The neocerebellum-mirror neuron circuit in tool use: “mirror neurons in the venral premotor cortex…may have input-output relationships with internal models and may represent the desired state of action”(Imamizu et al., 2003: p.5466) A typical cerebellar forward internal model. 2.2. Involvement in language and cognitive processing • Neocerebellar expansion parallels prefontalization(Dow, 1942) • A striking increase in the lateral cerebellum in hominoids as opposed to monkeys (MacLeod et al., 2003; Whiting & Barton, 2003; Barton & Harvey, 2000; Barton, 2002) • Reciprocal projections between the ventrolateral dentate nucleus and Broca’s area (e.g., Leiner, Leiner, & Dow,1986; Middleton & Strick, 1994;1998; Schmahmann & Pandya, 1997)